Chapter 5

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Zoey's POV:
We were both standing there in front of my mom as the room was silent. Then finally one of us spoke "So um honey who's your friend" my mom asked. "Um- oh this is Jordan our Neighbor her , her dad and brother lives right next door to us" I said trying to shake the awkward feeling away.

My mom then walked up to Jordan it was silent once again Jordan just stood there I could tell she was a bit nervous. My mom then reached out and grabbed a corner of her shirt "you have a little something here she said before backing up" I looked over at Jordan who was examining her shirt where there was lipstick at. I must've gotten some on her "well I should probably go home um it was nice meeting you Mrs. William" Jordan said "likewise" my mom replied Jordan then grabbed her things and left.

I looked down as my mom glared at me while standing there with her arms folded she then raised one eyebrow.  "Zoey Elizabeth Williams" I squeezed my eyes shut oh no the full name I thought to myself.

"Is this what you do when your father isn't home you sneak a girl in to have a make out session" she said pointing at me.

I rolled my eyes "Mom she didn't come over for that it was actually just to study besides I thought you and dad would be fine with it"

My mom just looked at me

"Well ok then I believe you"

I looked at my mom in shock it usually takes a lot more to get her to believe me but hey I guess I'll take it. My mom then gave me a kiss on the forehead and left welp that was weird.

After that weird/awkward encounter with my mom I decided to got to the park to meet up with my friends. As I was entering the park gates I spotted Amy,Amber, and Alyssa sitting under a tree on a nearby picnic table. I then walked up to greet them "Hey girly's"  I said as I approached the table  "Zoey!!" Amy said "Hey girl" Amber added while Alyssa just waved. I looked down to see Jalen sitting on the bench part of the table in between Amber's legs while Amber sat on the table and played in his hair.

"Oh hey Jalen I didn't know you where here" I said "Oh yeah Um I'm sorry I hope it's not a problem if it is I can just go" he replied 

"Oh no no it's no problem"  I said "I actually enjoy your company your sister on the other hand no" Amber added everyone laughed  "I swear she acts just like Mason" Amber said rolling her eyes causing everybody to laugh even more. I then sat down next to Jalen "you two seem to like each other" I said looking at Amber and Jalen.

"Um yeah" Jalen said nervously while Amber blushed "yeah they like each other alright" Amy said "yeah they've been eye fucking each other for the longest" Alyssa added while fixing her make up "We were not!!" Amber protested  "whatever you say" Alyssa replied. Just then Amber leaned over and punched Alyssa's arm  causing her to mess up her lipstick "HEY!!"
Alyssa said. We all looked at Alyssa who had a line of lipstick on her cheek.

We laughed as Alyssa struck a pose.

After a fun day at the park Jalen decided to walk with me since we live next door to each other.

There was a comfortable silence as we walked down the street then Jalen spoke. "You know My sister likes you right" he said out of the blue     Causing me to remember the kiss she and I sheared earlier that day  I could  feel my cheeks heat up. Jalen seen it and started laughing "I was going to ask if you liked her but clearly I have my answer now" he said  I just stayed silent. 

"You should definitely ask her out" he said causing me to choke on air Jalen then stoped and patted my back "are you alright" he asked  "yeah I'm fine it's just-."  "It's just what"  he asked "it's just that Jordan's so hot and confident and I'm just-". "Also hot and confident" he said cutting me off   "Trust me Zoey she'll say yes". I sighed "fine but if I ask her out then you have to ask Amber out" I said looking at him. He then let out a breath "Fine it's a deal" he said before extending his hand for me to shake I then shook "deal" I replied.

We got to my house and Jalen made sure I got in the house before leaving I went upstairs and took a quick shower before going back downstairs for dinner I walked in the kitchen to see everyone already at the table I went over and kissed my mom and dad on the forehead before slapping Mason's forehead and sitting down next to her. "Ow" Mason said rubbing the spot I slapped her at we all laughed. We were all eating in silence till my mom finally said something. "nana and Papa will be visiting this weekend" me and Mason both looked up  "really?" I asked my mom just nodded her head yeah.

Mason was Practically jumping out of her seat she quickly finished her food and rushed upstairs. "Woah what was that about my dad asked" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe she's just happy to hear that her grandparents are coming" my mom said.

Hmm that was weird.


Sorry for the wait guys but I'm running out of ideas for this story 😭💔

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