Chapter 10

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Jordan's POV:
It's been weeks Now and Jalen still hasn't talked to me anytime We'd run into each other around the house he'd make it his Business to get away from me I've tried to apologize but he won't even give me the time of day.

Me and dad were sitting at the table eating the breakfast he had prepared for us all but Jalen still hasn't come down yet. We sat at the table and ate in silence the day I said that awful thing to my brother I told my dad about it everything including my mess up with Zoey he knows of what I did but he has  no clue of why. I guess I just didn't want to tell him.

I wasn't really hungry so instead I played around my food just picking at it my dad must've noticed because he then said something.

"You should eat" he said I then looked up from my plate "what's the point" I said dropping my fork on the plate causing it to make a sound
My dad then took a deep breath and sat down his fork beside his plate. He reached out and took my hand in his. "Little worrier" he said
Little worrier was the nick name he gave me as a kid he said it fit me the way I was always protecting Jalen. But now the name just feels so wrong considering I was the one who hurt him.

Tears started to from in my eyes "Dad you shouldn't call me that anymore I hurt Jalen I'm no worrier just the worst sister ever" I said he looked at me as his facial expression softened. "Oh sweetheart no your not your just someone who made a mistake but that's ok we all make mistakes that's not what makes us bad people, what makes us bad people is if we choose not to fix them or admit that we were in the wrong"  he said as he wiped the tears that I didn't even feel falling.

"I'm confident that you won't make the same mistake again I've raised you and your brother both well and I've tried my hardest to give you two a normal life your mother would be proud of the people you two have become" he said as tears rolled down his face

"And I know She wouldn't want you two to be like this so whatever you do don't give up on him keep trying to make things better he'll come around I promise little worrier"  he said with an smile before pulling me into a hug. I usually don't like hugs but my dads hugs always had a way of making all my problems just wash away.

He then let got and kissed me on the forehead "Now eat you won't be able to fix things if you starve to death he said" I just smiled and begin eating.

Sometime later Jalen walked in the kitchen but with a gym duffel bag I was confused we didn't have school today it the weekend me and dad both exchanged looks before looking back at Jalen.

"Hey kiddo what's up why you all packed up" dad asked  "I'm going to go stay over my friend Antonio house for sometime you know to hang with his brothers and clear my mind if that's ok with you his mom already said it was fine"

"Um yeah buddy it's fine with me as long as you have your school work done your good to go" my dad replied

"Yeah it's complete" he said "well alright then you sure you don't want breakfast before you go"  dad asked
"Nah I'll eat later see you around dad" he said before giving dad a hug  and walking out of the door without even throwing a glance my way.

I looked at dad who gave me a reassuring look
"Give him time this will be good for him" he said on cue as if he already knew what I was thinking. "Ok I just hope he comes around soon" I said.

After eating and helping dad with the dishes I decided to take the car out and go for a drive around the city.

I ended up stopping at the the mall to pick up a few things as I was shopping I spotted a really nice coffee shop so I decided to stop by for a drink I don't really like coffee so it was a good thing that, that wasn't the only drink they served.

I walked in and went to the counter to place an order when I was greeted by a tall woman around the same hight as me with blonde hair much like mine but light green eyes she was stunning but not really my type. "Hey how can I help you today" she said with an smile "can I have one of your green teas hot" I said the girl then made a face "what is there something wrong with my order" I asked she then looked up at me and sighed "you look cool so I'm going to let you in on something" she said in a whispering tone "the green tea here is garbage" she said.

I looked at the girl confused "wait should you even be telling me this can't you get fired or something" I asked she just shrugged "nah my uncle owns the place they couldn't fire me if they tried I'm like a bad bug it's really hard to get rid of me" she said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too did this girl really just referrer to herself as a bad bug

"Anyways I'm Liv"  she said extending her hand " nice to meet your I'm Liv I'm Jordan"  I replied soon after she took my order I ended up getting a iced tea instead.

I was sitting at the coffee shop table as I scrolled through my phone when someone sat in front of me I looked up from my phone to see Amber Zoeys best friend and from the look on her face I could already tell that she wasn't here to give me a hug.

"You I have some words for you"  she said as I just rolled my eyes in annoyance "you hurt my besties heart with those awful things you said about her" 

I looked at her confused "what are you talking about all I did was kiss some girl"  I said
"Nope she heard you say to Jalen if she's so great then why don't you date her or something like that I'm not really sure if that was how you put it"

When she said that I felt my heart drop the last thing I want is for her to think I'm not into her I mean that kiss we had was amazing and every since then all I've wanted to do was be close to her that's why I loved our little Study sessions just hearing her voice was enough to give me butterflies.
But none of that really matters if we can't be together every Second I'm with her I'm risking everything not only for me but for my dad and brother the last time people found out that we were haft vampires things didn't really end well.

"HELLO!! Are you even listening to me" a voice called out snapping me out of my thoughts

"Im sorry Amber I don't think I can deal with this right now" I said grabbing my things and walking out the coffee shop as Amber followed closely behind.
"You can't deal with this are you kidding me goldy locks my bestie haven't showed her beautiful face in weeks now" She said but I just kept walking trying to ignore her. We got to the car and she still hasn't stopped talking she shot question after question word after word sentence after sentence I couldn't even think straight. "So if you think that for one minute that I pity you then your wrong"
"Why did you even do it ?"
"If you didn't like Zoey why not just tell her?"
Why try and pass her to your brother like she's just some toy" She said.

She kept talking and talking until finally I snapped. "CAN YOU SHUT UP!!!"
I said as I stood facing her I looked in her eyes and saw straight fear I thought it was because of Me obliviously being taller then her and the way my fist was balled up but when I looked into her her eyes I could see that this was a different type of fear.

"Yo- you- your eyes" she said shaking like a Leaf I quickly turned around catching a glimpse of my reflection in the window my eyes were indeed red and my fangs were showing shit how could I have let this happen I thought to myself. I quickly turned back around to see a still very scared Amber I pulled her into the car and I got in on the other side and started to drive I knew if had to explain this to her I wouldn't want it to be in a very public Area.

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