Chapter 12

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Jordan's POV:
I had finally arrived at Zoeys house as I walked up to her door I could feel my nerves rising with every step I took I could feel my heart beat get faster. I got to the door and immediately knocked on it. Not even minutes later someone answered the door and with great disappointment It was Mason.

I waited for her to make a comment or even call me Barbie but today she didn't instead she just let me in without so much as an snarky comment.

"She's upstairs" Mason said pointing upwards I just nodded and made my way upstairs

I got to her room and knocked on the door that's when I heard her yell "GO Away Mason!!!" I didn't realize till now how much I missed her voice I walk in and a pillow immediately came flying at me but I caught it just as fast as she threw it vamp speeds the best I thought to myself "I told you to go awa-" she said lifting up off the bed but she stopped when she seen it was me "Oh hi......." She said as she sat up she had on a with T shirt that was clearly yo big for her and some bunny pajama pants her hair was up in a messy bun still looking as beautiful as ever. "Hey..." I said then I begin walking towards I sat down on the bed next to her.

"What are you doing here" she asked "I'm here to apologize". She then looked down at her fingers "for what you did nothing wrong the heart wants what the heart wants I understand that ,that isn't me"

I turned to face her "your right the heart does wants what the heart wants"
I glanced down and could see that she was nervous she kept playing with her fingernails and fidgeting with her fingers. Actions speak louder than words I thought to myself just then I leaned in and connected our lips she was surprised at first but she quickly recovered and kissed me back. I pulled back after a minute and looked her in the eyes "And mine wants you" i said. I could see her eyes light up so full of joy just then a big coo-laid smile started to spread across her face.

And I started smiling like an idiot but it soon faded away when I realized that I still need to tell her about me being a haft vampire and intersex

Her smile soon faded away when she seen that mine did "what's wrong" she asked looking worried "I'm sorry about what I said about you I shouldn't have talked about like you were just and object that could be passed around" I said

"It's ok" she said giving me a small smile "No it's not ok I was scared and trying to protect myself and my family but ended up hurting you in the process" she looked at me and frowned "are you and some type of danger" she asked. "I could be if the wrong people ever found out about me and my brother" she looked at me confused "your scaring me what's going on" she said. I then took her hands in mine and took a deep breath. "Zoey I'm not fully human" I said to her before letting my fangs out and turning my eyes color from blue to red she gasped and slowly removed her hands from mine. I seen that she wanted to move away but she couldn't she was stuck in a state of shock so I got up and moved as far away from her as I could using my vamp speed I stood in the corner of her room waiting for her to say or do something. But she didn't I looked down here we go again other Emma all over again let's just hope she makes it quick and painless rather then slowly destroy everything.

3 hours later
I sat in corner of the room practically falling to sleep it's been hours and she still hasn't even blinked as my eyes started to close she finally said something "your a vampire" she said looking at me I quickly got up "half vampire don't forget the half I'm still also human" she nodded "so your parents are- "I cut her off "my dads fully human my mom however is full vampire will was...." I said Correcting myself .

"What about Jalen" she asked "also an haft vampire he is my twin after all"

She scratched her head her eyes then went wide "this explains a lot" she said I raised one eyebrow at her "that guy that was ten times bigger then you but you still ended up putting him on his Ass and when you caught me before I fell down the stairs or how you was holding me for so long and the day I seen your eyes change I thought I was going crazy"

2 minutes later
She seems to have gotten all her questions out now I'm just waiting on that million dollar question. "Do you drink blood" ding there it is  I was about to walk towards her but I stopped myself and backed up back into the corner I don't want to get near her unless she's comfortable.
"is it alright if I sat next to you" I asked she slowly nodded her head yeah and I walked over and took a seat that's when my vamp hearing kicked in and I could  hear how fast her heart was beating so I moved over a bit "No I don't drink blood unlike other vampires an half vampire don't have that crazy need for blood I've never ever tasted it my dad has this theory that if we were to ever drink it it would fully turn us" I said

"But what if it's your own blood" she asked  "nothing will happen it has to be normal human blood" I replied

I then sighed "he said he seen what it did to my mom you know the need for blood and he didn't want that to be me and Jalens life"

"Oh" she said "my mom was took by some bad people my dad used to work they killed her when they  found out what  she was first they ran test but after there was no need for her they got rid of her" I said trying not to tear up 

I was shocked when I suddenly felt her arms wrapped around me she was hugging me so I hugged her back.
We let go after a few minutes "oh and one last thing I kinda of sorta have a dick" I said to her  she looked at me confused "what do you mean you have a dick wait your a guy" she asked looking mad "No No No I'm not a guy I'm a girl who was born with guy and girl parts" I said to her  "I'm intersex"  I said looking at her "Oh my so the day we were making out and I felt something poking me that was your" "Mhm" I said turning bright red she did the same.

"So um now that all the secrets are out here's the question that will decide everything"  I looked at her.

"Will you go on a date with me"


Hey guys I decided to not have them do the do in this chapter because I thought that maybe it would be better if she at least asked her out first but maybe next time hopefully you still enjoyed it ;)

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