Chapter 19

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Jordan's POV:

I woke up the sound of Mr and Mrs William talking to the doctors.

"Is she ok" I said rubbing my eyes I then stood up and Mr William walked over to me and pulled me into a big hug I stood there froze  he then let me go "Thank you we owe you our life" just then Mason woke up "Mom? Dad?" She said jumping up and hugging them both she then started crying in their arms and I went out to sit back down with Jalen and dad to give them a little bit of privacy.

2 hours later

The doctor came out she was about to speak until he seen me Jalen and dad. "Are they family?" The doctor asked Mr and Mrs William

"Yes they're family" Mr William said the doctor nodded and proceeded to update us on Zoey

"So I think you'll be glad to hear that She's Ok her passing out was just because she was shocked and scared he did no damage the only problem is that bruise on her arm where it looks like he was holding her" the doctor said

Mr and Mrs William hugged and I let out a breath of relief.

"So can we go see her" I asked "yes you can but let's maybe just do 1 at a time she's exhausted and currently resting. The doctor replied

I nodded and he walked away.

I looked at Mason and Mr and Mrs William. Mrs William gave me a nod as if to say you go first. I nodded and ran down the hall.

I got to her room and walked she looks so pretty even when she in nothing but an ugly hospital gown. I walked over to her bed side giving her a kiss on the forehead. She was still asleep so I just decided to sit in the chair next to her and watch her.

Zoeys POV:
20 minutes later
I woke up to a bright light I opened and closed my eyes a few times trying to adjust to the bright lights. Once I was able to I then did a quick scan around the room and realized I was in the hospital I looked over to my side where I seen Jordan nodding off but quickly woke up when she seen that I was awake.

"Hey bunny" she said sweetly "hey" I said weakly she then came over to me tucking my hair behind my ear. "How you feeling" she asked. "Better I don't know what I would have done if you weren't there" I said to her. She grabbed my hand and kissed it "I will always be there I'm just sorry I didn't find out sooner" she said.

"I looked at her what about you try out" I asked

"Oh don't worry I'm on the team my dad talked to the coach and she said I made it so now I get to see you in an cheerleading outfit with my name on it" she said smiling I laughed before pulling her down for kiss. Just then I heard a knock on the door. I broke the kiss and looked up to see Mason standing there. She then immediately ran over to me pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry I should've known" she said sobbing into my chest.

"It's ok M what matters now is that I'm ok and your ok and he's in jail" I said starting to tear up we then broke the hug and Mason stepped back wiping at her eyes. "I love you sis" she said "I love you to M" I replied.

A few minutes later everyone else came in Jalen gave me an hug and kiss on the cheek and I swear I saw Jordan give him a dirty look her dad gave me a hug and my mom and dad gave me a hug and kisses before sating at least like 6 gift bags on the table next to me "these are from your friends they said they'll be waiting for you when you get home" my dad explained I nodded. As we all sat in my hospital room laughing and joking.

1 year later Senior year

Zoeys POV:

Senior year was just about over I was sitting at my desk looking at the college's Amber sent me When I feel two familiar hands grab my waist and another move my hair exposing my neck she then kissed my neck. "Well hello to you to love" I said turning around she then smiled and packed me on the lips "hey you ready for school" she asked I nodded and got up turning my laptop off before grabbing my book bag off of the floor.

She smiled and held my hand as we walked downstairs. Once we got downstairs we then said bye to my mom and dad before getting in the car and leaving.

We got to the school building and went in I went straight to my locker and Jordan went to class where she said she would meet me at.

The dad went by fast after school was over I went to the gym room where the basketball team practice is. I had made a promise to Jordan that I'd be at her every practice and her every game and so far I had kept the promise.

I sat on the bleachers looking out on the court when Jordan noticed me she smiled big and jogged over to me. She came up and kissed me "hey babe" she said "hi there" I replied just then someone sat down next to me on both sides it was Amber and Amy. "Ugh why are you here" Jordan said looking at Amber "girl because my bestie is here so don't start with me sweat monster" she said rolling her eyes me and Amy just laughed. Just then Jordan took her towel form around her neck and threw it at Amber before jogging back on to the court laughing.

"Ew Ew Ew get it off !!" She said jumping up and down "ok ok stay still" I said to her before grabbing the towel and throwing it to the floor "great now I got her nasty ass Sweat all on my shirt" she said as me and Amy both laughed again she turned to glare at us "I'm so happy that this is amusing to you two" she said sarcastically causing us to laugh even more.


Hey guys that's the end of this lovely chapter I do hope you enjoyed it once again I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes I don't really feel like going over it to fix them so just try your best to read it❤️

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