Chapter 4 

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Zoeys POV:
It's been weeks and now it's the weekend Jalen and Jordan have become part of my friend group. Jordan have been having an hard time with her school work so the teacher assigned me to tutor her She'll be coming over today so we can get started.

I was sitting on my bed reading a book when I heard the doorbell rang I quickly rushed downstairs completely forgetting to take my reading glasses off. As I walked down the stairs I spotted Mason who had already opened the door they were both giving each other mean looks as they crossed their arms. I see why they don't like each other if I'm being honest they act just alike. I quickly walked over to them and cleared my throat causing them both to look at me. I put a hand on Mason shoulder "thanks for opening the door you can go now" I said "But-" she  said  as I cut her off  "But nothing Mason go away aren't you suppose to be picking up mom from work" I replied. Mason huffed and rolled her eyes "fine" she said before walking out the door.

I quickly closed it and turned to look at Jordan who looked still kinda of mad. I sighed  "hey I don't know what she said to you but ignore her she's just overprotective" I said she gave me a small smile and I walked her upstairs to my room.

We got in my room and her eyes shot to my PC set up and where all my game CDs were "Oh my god is that the new rise of the dead game" she said. I looked over at Jordan who was in complete fan girl mode. Seeing her like this was the cutest thing ever she's always so angry at everything and everyone. Luckily for me my sister is just like her so I know how to deal with that type of thing. "You like video games?" I asked she looked over at me and straightened her self up before clearing her throat "yeah um their cool or whatever" she said trying to act cool I Chuckled at her.

"Well I hate video games" she looked at me confused "then why do you have those" she asked. It was a gift from my grandma and grandpa they don't know what I like so they get me and Mason the same things only difference is Mason loves video games I don't" I said as I flopped down on the bed. She then sat down next to me "why don't you just tell them videos games aren't your thing" she asked.

"Well because their old and I don't want to stress them out plus my other grandma on my dad side always end up getting me things I love like those books" I said  pointing at the bookshelf's in the corners. She nodded "enough about my room lets get this study session started I said excitedly. Jordan smiled and shook her head I hadn't noticed her dimples before because she never really smiled but now that I see them I can really see how pretty she is.

Our Study session was over but she decided to stay we played some of my videos games and she showed me the ropes. I sat on the end of the bed in between her legs as she wrapped her arms around me putting her hands over mine as I held the controller. she had her chin rested on one side of my neck focused on teaching me how to play. I got butterfly's at our position as the game ended she laughed at how much I was struggling.

"Hey!!! Your supposed to me teaching me not making fun of me" I said pouting  causing her to laugh even more she then turned me around to look at her. "I'm sorry bunny I'll try not to laugh" she said cupping my face with a hand I looked up at her.  "you promise?" I asked "I promise" she replied as we stared into each other's eyes and before I knew it our lips connected I was kissing her and she was kissing me back our Tongues fought for dominance as I pulled her more into the kiss. We were now making out and before I knew it I was straddling her lap I felt something poke me from up under but I ignored it. She pulled me down more with an kinda harsh pull that guy wasn't lying she is strong. 

Just then my door opened before we even had a chance to react my mom came in. " Oh my god" she said Covering her eyes me and Jordan both quickly got up I can't believe my mom just caught me making out with her god  this is so embarrassing.


Short chapter this time I hope you guys enjoyed it tho ;)

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