Chapter 7

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Zoeys POV:
We got to his house and ring the doorbell just then Zane answered all dressed up as if he was going out on a date.

"Hey Zoey you made it" Zane said before hugging me I swear I felt a pat on my ass so I quickly broke the hug and stepped back I looked over at Jordan who looked as if she wanted to rip his head off.

Zane's eyes followed the direction I was looking in and noticed Jordan standing there. "Oh and you brought a friend" he said sounding disappointed and irritated at the same time.
"Yeah I hope it's not a problem" I said "oh yeah no it's fine" he replied  before inviting us in.

When we got inside he lead us to the living room "right this way" he said as me and Jordan followed.

Once we were in the living room I looked at the table to see two glasses of wine and candles lit everywhere. I was confused what did he think this was A date?? I ignored the obviously romantic setting and sat down pulling out my textbooks two pencils and my notepad. Jordan sat on one side of me while Zane sat on the other.

We begin with lesson 1 pg 156  in reading. Hours went by and I was getting nowhere with Zane he kept staring at my boobs the whole time. I was trying to explain pg 156 to him when he put one hand on my thigh. Just then Jordan's hand reached over and forcefully removed his from my thigh. I smiled to myself at what she did.

Some time later Zane started drinking some of his wine. Every time he would drink some he would look to me to do the same but I ignored it I don't do alcohol.

"Aren't you going to drink you haven't touched your glass once" he said I looked at him and shook my head no. "No thank you I don't drink" I replied
"Oh well how about I get you something else darling" he said with a smirk. I nodded

Why not I mean I am kinda of thirsty. "Anything in particular" he asked "waters ok" I replied Zane then looked at Jordan "anything for you" he said with an clearly forced smile Jordan just rolled her eyes at him "okay I guess that's a No" he said before walking away.

Leaving me and Jordan alone we sat there for a minute until Jordan did something unexpected. She got closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders before looking at me and smiling. I didn't know what she was doing or even why all I knew is that I liked it. I just know I'm as red as a tomato right now.

Minutes later Zane came back with my water but by then I had decided to try a little wine. I picked up the glass and was about to put it to my mouth when Jordan snatched it.

"What the hell!!" I said but she ignored and Continued sniffing the drink I looked at her confused then looked over at Zane who looked scared for some reason. Just then Jordan took the glass and threw it at the wall. Zane was practically shaking but I still had no idea what was going on.

"What the hell Jordan what is your problem?!"
I asked she looked at Zane "he's the problem that fucking bastard spiked your drink" she then slammed Zane up against the wall with one hand gripped tightly around his neck she moved fast it was almost like I didn't see her get up.

I quickly got up to try and stop her from killing him but when I got close it was like her eyes were glowing red. I slowly backed away and Jordan must've noticed because she immediately released him and walked up to me.

"You ok bunny"  she asked  I looked up at her eyes to see them their normal light blue color "um yeah I'm fine I just thought I seen something" I replied she looked at me confused.

"We should get out of this creeps house before he try something else" she said. I nodded she then gather all my things before we both left the house leaving Zane on the floor.

As we were leaving I heard Zane yell something
"You fucking sluts!!!"

We got back to my house and went straight to my room after I showed I went back to her when I walked In she was laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling so I laid down next to her and did the same.

"So what was it you seen" she asked still looking at the ceiling. " your eyes" I replied
"What about them" she said before looking over at me

"I don't know I thought I seen them glowing red"
Just then when I said that it was like her face went cold. " I have to go" she said  "oh okay.." I replied just then she got up and left.


I don't really like this chapter I feel like I could've done better but hey it's whatever :)

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