Chapter 9 

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Jordan's POV:
I was at my locker when and tall red haired girl approached me.

"Hey sexy" she said as she leaned against my locker I glared at her before rolling my eyes  " look you whoever you are I'm like really stressed out right now so with that being said  run along little fire ant"  I said before trying to walk away but she grabbed my wrist turning me back to face her. "You know what can help release stress" she asked as she began to lean her face dangerously close to mine I could easily throw her across this hallway without even Breaking a sweat you know with me being half vamp in all but for some reason I chose to let her get closer and closer until our lips were connected and once I started there's was no stopping great now I'm making out with an complete stranger.

The kiss was just starting to feel good if I'm being honest this girl could use some chapstick. As we continued to kiss i heard a familiar voice I thought it was just in my head so I continued to make out with this unknown girl minutes later it  sounded like it was right in front of me. "Jordan??" The voice said wait a minute I know that voice I then quickly parted from the girl and turned to see my twin brother and Zoey standing in front of me. If I was going to say something I was too slow because before I knew it Zoey turned and ran down the opposite direction.

I Looked at my brother who looks pissed "What?" I said "why just why" he asked looking even more pissed my plan was to Avoid Zoey today I didn't want to be around her after the other when she said she seen my eyes glowing red "look man it's not a big deal" I said grabbing my books.

"Not a big deal really Jordan do you not see how much of an amazing person Zoey is because she sees that in you" he said causing me to stop and look at him.

I was well aware of how amazing Zoey is she's smart,beautiful, loving, and always smiling
I feel terrible that I was the one to make that beautiful smile of hers fade away but I just don't want to have to move again the closer I get to Zoey the closer she gets to my secrets and that's not a risk I'm welling to take not again not ever my dad and brother deserves a break I don't want to have to keep moving from place to place.

"Hello!!! are you even listening to me" he said snapping me out of my thoughts. It's time to do something I'll probably regret.

"Yes I heard you if you think she's all that then why don't you go date her!!"

I said before rolling my eyes at him and walking away but I'm not going to lie I forgot that he was half vamp too just then he appeared in front of me.

"Jordan what the hell is wrong with you, you just broke her heart and you don't even care"

I just shrugged "all I did was kiss some girl what's it to her it's not like we're dating or anything" I said.
"I guess it's true what they say you will never change ,you will always be that bitter,mean,selfish, stupid, disrespectful, rude idiot you've always been. He said

But now I was the one pissed.

Mention of suicidal attempts is coming up next this May be upsetting to some readers you can continue reading this chapter or you can stop it's up to you but be wear your have been warned :) ⚠️‼️

Just then I said something I Shouldn't have
"You know what your one to talk"

"Your fucking weak you've always have been I knew it  the day you tried OFFING  YOURSELF!!!! Why don't you go try it again I really wouldn't care"

I yelled just as everyone started walking out of the class rooms I looked around me then back at my brother I could see that he was truly hurt I went way to far this time and I knew it.

Jalen I- I said but he cut me off  "No I don't even want to hear it you know you've always been an asshole towards me but I've always overlooked it because I knew you loved me well.... At least I thought you did" he said before leaving.

I watched as he disappeared in the crowd of people

But he was wrong I do love him he's my brother we've share a womb together how could I not he's my everything I don't know what I'd do without him.


I know this probably wasn't as sad to you guys as it was to me because literally the other day my brother and I got into in little disagreement and he said to me that I should go kill my self and it really hurt he says it so much that I'm starting to believe that he really wants me dead I don't think siblings really understand how much they're words actually hurt. 😔

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