Chapter 18

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Jordan's POV:

I was running on the track our coach was making us run 7 laps which would usually be nothing to me because of my vamp speed but I had decided to do things the normal human way which might I add is the worst.

Just then liv ran up beside me "getting tired slow poke" she said I rolled my eyes if only this girl knew that I could dust her with just a bit of my vampire speed she wouldn't be laughing.

"Oh goody your on this team" I said sarcastically "I told you I was on the team" she said "Ooh yeah righttt must've slipped my mind" I said trying to pick up speed but liv still caught up to me. "Welp later slowmo" she said speeding past me I stopped to catch my breath I looked out into the parking lot to see a man with long hair grabbing Zoey and dragging her to his car . I quickly turned on my vamp hearing to try and hear what they were saying but was only able to catch what the man said.

The man: "I'm going to have some fun with you sexy"

Hearing that made my blood boil I quickly made sure no one was looking before speeding off following behind the car.

20 minutes later

Once the car had came to a stop I hide behind a nearby bush as he opened the door to her house and shoved her inside locking it I quickly ran up to the door. I looked in the mail box, under the doormat but there was no sign of an extra key. I then stepped back before lifting my leg and kicking the door down I ran upstairs and checked every room before getting to hers.

I busted in the door to see him on top of her with an hand over her mouth he was in nothing but his underwear while she was naked. I saw a tear start to run down her face and that's where I just lost it.

My eyes went red

And my fangs shot through my gums

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And my fangs shot through my gums

I sped towards them grabbing him by the back of his neck then sinking my fangs in the side of his neck taking an huge chunk a skin with me as I let him drop to the floor. I had blood dripping down my mouth and it was all over me I looked over to the corner where Zoey was she had her knees up to her chin I quickly took my jacket off and put it over her getting down on my knees to make sure she was ok.

"You Ok did he hurt you?" I asked her she shook her head no and immediately started to cry I pulled her into my chest rubbing her back as she cried. "Shhhh your ok I'm here now"

After a few minutes she had passed out in my arms I quickly grabbed my phone out and dialed my dad but he didn't answer so I left a message. And called Jalen

Jalen: "hello?"
Me: "I need you here over to Zoeys now please hurry"

I heard the phone hang up then the door came open revealing My brother.

"What's wrong" he asked he then looked at the man bleeding out on the floor then to Me in the corner with Zoey in my arms.

He noticed the blood all over me I tried to say something but no words came out only tears

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