Chapter 8

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Hey guys I know it's been a lot of Zoeys point of view lately but bare with me you'll get to get some of Jordan's point of view as well ;)

Zoey's POV:
The Next day I was so excited and nervous in maybe a bit scared. Today was the day I was going to ask out Jordan if one thing the other day showed me is that she clearly likes me to right?? God I really hope Im not wrong about this.

I rushed downstairs dressed and ready to go "good morning sweetheart" my mom said from the kitchen. "Good morning mom"  "where's Mason and dad" I asked.

"Oh they're already gone what's wrong". "

"Nothing I just need a ride to school I would ask Amber but she got her car took"

"Oh no by the police?!"

"Nope by her parents she's grounded so she has to take the bus to school"  I replied causing her to laugh I did the same.

Shut up don't ask me how that was funny I just wanted someone to laugh in this chapter 😭

"Oh well I'm not going into the office today so how about I take you instead I've been meaning to spend more time with you anyways" mom said

"That would be great thank you mom" I replied
"It's no problem dear let's go" she said
"Okay" I replied.

The car ride there was quiet until my mom finally said something.

"Ok honey what's wrong" she said "what do you mean" I replied

"Oh come on I know you better then you know yourself you've been playing with your fingernails for about an half an hour that usually mean your nervous about something so spill"

"What I don't play with my fingernails when I'm nervous"

Mom then looked over and gave me the side eye before turning back to the road. "sweetie I hate to break it to you but you've been doing that since you were little" she said.
I just looked at her confused

"Ok so look  remember when you first met Amber"
"Yes you and dad invited her over for a sleepover you wanted me to have more friends other then Mason"
"You were so nervous about her coming over you told me that you were scared that she wouldn't like you because you weren't one of the cool kids"  mom said
"Yes mom I remember all of this what exactly is your point"
"Oh there's no point I just wanted to tell you that the whole time you were telling me how nervous you was you were also playing with your fingernails"

"Really Mom" I said causing her to laugh.  i  just rolled my eyes playfully at her  causing her to laugh even more "No but for real what's on your mind?'  she asked. i let out a deep sigh "well there's this girl i like" I said "oh you mean the one I caught you making out with" mom then said raising one eyebrow at me.

"Um yeah that's the one" I replied turning cherry red "sorry about that by the way mom"
I said looking down.

My mom just giggled "it's ok honey it's actually kind of nice seeing you actually interested in someone I was starting to get worried."

"Why would you be- you know what never mind"  i said 

"I don't mean anything by it I'm just saying Mason has always been the bad girl the only one of you that Gets in trouble for sneaking a boy in the house or making out with a girl on our kitchen table" mom explained.

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