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This is just to tell you guy's where the rest of the group ended up and how they are Now.

Alyssa & Antonio

As you guys may already know Antonio is Ambers brother and he was dating Alyssa one of Ambers friends in high school. They dated in college but was struggling to keep their relationship together soon while they were still in college Alyssa found out that she was pregnant she had a beautiful baby boy after they graduated. They then decided to get a house together so that they can raise their Little boy but sadly their relationship ended they broke up and went their separate ways Alyssa got married to another guy and is now expecting a baby girl soon. And As for Antonio he had ReDiscovered himself and found out that he was Bi he also got married to a great guy and is now living happily with his son he had with Alyssa who they had named Parker and his husband.

Amy & liv

After high school Amy and liv did break up but only because they didn't want to do a long distance relationship they felt that , that would have been too much on them both so they did go their separate ways as well. After they graduated college they then ended up finding their way back to each other with in that time they got married and adopted a set of twin boys and a dog. They named the baby's Chi & Carter and is living an happy normal life.

Mr & Mrs William

Mr & Mrs William are Zoeys parents who had sadly passed away.


Mason is single and haven't gotten married yet. since that incident with Paxton her boyfriend of 3 years she found it hard to trust and now lives alone in her childhood house with her dog Bailey

Mr Lee/ David Lee

David Lee Jalen and Jordan's dad is still alive and healthy you guys remember that friend he had with a jet yeah he ended up retiring from the lab and marrying her and is now living truly happily ever after.


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