Chapter 20

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No one POV

It was Jordans last game of highschool basketball tomorrow they will all be graduating. Shot clock was running out Jordan then looked in the stands blowing a big kiss at her girlfriend before shooting the last shot of the game. Anddddd she made it the crowd went wild as her teammates picked her up putting her on their shoulders everyone cheered and chatted her name and everybody that was on the bleachers ran on to the court.

Once her teammates sat her down they then cheered amongst themselves as Jordan walked over to Zoey who was smiling big.

Jordans POV:

"You were amazing" Zoey said before walking over to kiss me I kissed her back we then broke the kiss both breathless "your my good luck charm" I said to her she smiled and hugged me "you ready for graduation" she asked
"I can't wait to go to college with you so yeah I'm ready" I said smiling at her.

The next morning

I woke up all excited I could Barely sleep last night because I was so excited for today I quickly jumped out of bed washing up and brushing my teeth I then put on my suit I had an hard time tying the tie so I just gave up after a few minutes I the put my cap and gown on looking at myself and the mirror.

Just then Jalen came in he had his cap and gown on as well

"Come on we are going to be late dad's downstairs waiting for us" he said before rushing out I quickly grabbed my phone and went downstairs where dad was at the bottom waiting with his camera. I rolled my eyes

" oh come on just one picture" dad pleaded "fine" I said Jalen then stood beside me putting an hand over my shoulders and smiling big

Dad then snapped the picture and looked back up at us.

"Look at my two babies all grown up" he said tearing up "I wish your mother was hear to see this" he said crying and me and Jalen quickly went over to Comfort him with a hug.

10 minutes later

We then arrived at the graduation ceremony in just in time too t as soon as dad took his seat next to Zoeys mom and dad they had called me and Jalens name.

"Jordan Lee and Jalen Lee" the girls in the crowd went crazy as we walked up on the stage

Jalen posed for them before excepting his graduation certificate I just shook my head as I was up next to accept mine after we got them we then got off stage and took our seats.

When Zoey came up I cheered the loudest as she turned around smiling and waving at the crowd. Once everyone got there certificates we then all got on stage as they finished off the ceremony.

"And ladies and gentlemen that's it for our class of 2021.." the man said and like on cue everyone on stage took their caps off and threw them up in the air.

We all cheered and celebrated I pulled Zoey in for a kiss. Just then I heard a click I quickly looked Over to see my dad snapping pics

"Dadddddd" I said he just laughed

After my dad took a few group photos and some of just me and him then him and Zoey then him and Jalen and it went on. After we were finally done. We decided to go out for pizza at the pizza place. It was me Zoey,Jalen, Antonio,Liv , Amy, Alyssa,Amber, Mason and Zoey and mines parents.

We all sat at the table as my dad and Zoeys went to order foods and drinks for us all

Once the food was done we all sat and ate talking and laughing

After that we decided to go to the Arcade
I played a few games with liv and was overjoyed when I beat her and the basketball game
"Ha in your face loser" I said "whatever slowmo I bet you couldn't do that on a real court" she said folding her arms

"Your right" I said as she started to smile "I can do a whole lot worst" I finished. her smile slowly faded away and I walked away laughing.

I beat Jalen in every game which was fun I know he don't play video games like that but him losing to me was funny. The only person I couldn't beat in a game was Mason and that pissed me off she teased me about it the whole time we were there.

I sat down at the table next to Zoey hungry and as If she was reading my mind she slid a cup to me it was my personal jug filled with blood I quickly drink it. My dad has been giving me blood bags every since that incident I've needed blood.

After that fun time at the Arcade with my friends , family and the love of my life I walked out with a smile on my face and the most beautiful girl on my arm.
I just know the rest of our life together is going to be amazing.

And I can't wait to see what the future have in store for us.


Guys only one more chapter left 😭❤️

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