Chapter 21

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14 years later

Zoeys POV:
I was sitting on the couch reading my book when I heard yelling.

"Mom!!! Dad!!" I quickly got up as my two oldest girls Zoe and Julia came vamp speeding up to me "what what's wrong" I said scared
"Mom tell Julia to give me back my shirt she keeps stealing my clothes" Zoe said

"But mom she doesn't even wear it it just sits in her stupid room" Julia said Zoe then turned to look at her "key words My room which you need to stay out of by the way!" She said as they both started auguring

My two boys then came vamp speeding in the room fighting over the game controller.
"Give it to me" "no it's my turn!!" The boys said

The girls were 15 and 17 and my boys who are my two youngest Jaden and Zayden were 6 and 10. I Pinched the bridge of my nose
Just as Jordan walked in from work "hey hey stop all that yelling" she said as the kids immediately stopped yelling "now someone tell me what's going on" the kids then told her what was happening. "Ok so here's whats going to happen Jaden and Zayden give me the controller" the boys then handed her the controller "no games for a week you have two options go play outside or go to your rooms" she said With an serious look on her face.

The boys then huffed and went outside she then turned to look at the girls "and as for you two Julia give your sister back her shirt respect her privacy and stay out of her room he said" Julia nodded and gave Zoe back her shirt and Zoe walked away and went upstairs.

"Now come on I'll take you clothes shopping" Jordan said Julia's sad expression then went away as she jumped up and down excitedly "yay" she said running outside to the car.

Jordan then turned to look at me
"My hero what would I do without you" I said before kissing her. She smiled "well for starters you'd still be here listening to them all argue" she said laughing. She then kissed my forehead "don't forget to take the boys to their uncle Jalen and Auntie Amber house today they have training they need to learn how to live with these abilities and to not  hurt anyone with them" She said before leaving out.

Later on

Once Jordan got back from taking Julia shopping we then went to go get the boys from their uncle Jalen and Auntie Ambers house as soon as we pulled in the driveway we were greeted by a little one. "Aunt J and Auntie Z!!"   The little one said running into Jordan's arms Jordan then picked him up "Aiden!!! What's up big man" she said holding him in her arms just then the other two kids came out running over to hug us.

Jalen and Amber had 3 kids Aiden 4 years old the youngest Hayden 10 years old the Middle child and Maya who's 17 and they're oldest.

Soon after all the kids came outside Jalen and Amber walked out "hey sis" Jalen said hugging Jordan. He then got to me "And Zoey your looking as beautiful as always" he said hugging me I smiled as Amber then hugged me too "bestie!!" She said. She then looked over at Jordan and flicked her off. Jordan rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Where's the girls" Amber asked "Oh they're at home we just came to pick up the boys" I replied.

She nodded "alright then you best be on your way if I know them girls correctly then I know they'll be fighting as always" she said laughing

"Ugh don't remind me" I said as we all started laughing.

Night time

We sat on the couch watching Disney + movies the boys were wrapped up in the cover on the floor while Julia was on one end of the couch that  me and Jordan was on and Zoe sat on one of the couch chairs.

A funny scene came up and we all laughed Jordan wrapped her arms around me and cuddled me before kissing me on the forehead.

I love Jordan and I love our little perfect family  I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world...... Expect maybe a little peace and quiet!.
The End

Hey guys thanks for reading My girlfriends a vampire as always I hope you enjoyed the story maybe go and check out some my others ❤️😋

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