Chapter 3

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Jordan's POV:
I was with Zoey the whole day I've actually gotten to know her a little I observed the little things she do. like when she's nervous how she plays with her fingernails or when she's Embarrassed she gets red in the face or the fact that when she's sad scared or either trying to stay to herself she would look down at the ground.

It's amazing what little things you learn about a person from just observing them.

The day was the most irritating day of my life almost Avery guy in the school Tried to shoot their shot with me and I rudely turned all of them down. I'm gay and plus if any of them knew about this thing between my legs or even that I'm a blood sucker as some may say which is stupid because I'm half vampire I only got the abilities and a irritating sensitivity to the sun not The bloodlust.

Anyways as I was saying I'm sure they would freak like it wasn't enough for me to be born a fucking vampire I just had to be in intersexual one.

Great a fucking intersexual Vampire Whoopty do how fucking lucky am I

"So beautiful you got a boyfriend" A guy said stopping me and Zoey in the hall  "Go fuck yourself" I said before I begin to walk away but he grabbed my wrist causing me to stop and look at him. "I'd much rather fuck you"  I looked at Zoey them back at the guys hand holding on to my wrist.

I then took my free hand and removed his hand from my wrist twisting his arm in the process causing him to drop down to the floor on his knees In front of me. Everyone's eyes were on us but I didn't care at the moment

"Ahh this is a more suitable position for a bitch" I said before pushing him down on his ass. He then begin sliding away  "how are you so strong" he said terrified before getting up and running away.

I looked at Zoey who was Shocked at what just happened. I went up to her and she quickly snapped out of it. On our way to class she didn't say anything about what happened as we arrived to our last class before lunch.

We were now and history class and I had absolutely no knowledge of where my pencil went.

I raised my hand and  waited for a response from the teacher. "Yes Miss Lee" she asked  "I'm sorry to bother you but by any chance do you have an extra pencil I can borrow" "No but maybe one of you classmates do" she said before clearing her throat "do anyone have an extra pencil Miss Lee can borrow" just then every student hand shot up wasting no time as the girls made goggly eyes at me while the boys had smiles and smirks on their faces.

I just rolled my eyes and looked over at Zoey who was trying to focus on her work next to me. I Taped her shoulder "hey bunny can I borrow a pencil" she looked up from her work god she was stunning those beautiful eyes of hers and those perfectly soft pink lips. She reached in her bag to grab a pencil but when she bent over her skirt came up a bit revealing her lacy pink panties.

I instantly felt my thing get hard god why is it so hard to control this damn thing. I shifted in my seat trying hide it but when I looked up Zoey was holding the pencil looking at me confused. "Are you ok?" She asked I crossed my legs and took a deep breath in then out "yeah I'm fine" I replied grabbing the pencil from her "uh thanks" "your welcome" she said with an worried expression on her face.

Hours went by and class still wasn't over yet my boner still hasn't went down and if I'm being honest it was starting to get uncomfortable. I kept shifting in my seat till my teacher looked back from the bored with one eyebrow Raised at me. " you ok Miss Lee" she asked. Everybody stopped and looked back at me great just what I needed attention. "Yeah I just need to go to the bathroom I think my contacts fell out". I said clearly lying but they don't know that "very well you may go" she said before turning back to the bored.

I quickly got up forgetting my bag I left out and went to the bathroom. I ran to one of the toilets and shut the door.

I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my pants pulling them down god this is so embarrassing I pulled down my boxers revealing my hard staff I grab my little bottle of hand lotion out of my pocket and got to work. I stroked my hard staff up and down slowly as images of Zoey bending over kept flashing in my head causing me to rub faster and faster throwing my head back my rubbing slowed down when I felt my thick warm liquids run down my hand.

After I cleaned myself up I headed down to lunch my schedule say that this is the last thing before PE our last class of the day.

I walked in the lunch room and everyone's attention was immediately on me just then I felt some bump my arm snapping me out of my daze "hey sis" I looked over to see Jalen standing next to me I rolled my eyes "I should kick your ass" I said as we both got our trays of food. He looked at me "Oh come on you wouldn't hit your loving brother" he said batting his eyelashes at me. "Your right I wouldn't but I will hit you" Jalen pouted "HEY!!" He said. Just then a group of girls waved us over. One of them being Zoey Jalen smiled and walked over as I just rolled my eyes but quickly followed behind him.

We sat down at the table I was next to Zoey and Jalen was on the other side of her as 3 other girls sat across from us. Just then one of the girls spoke "y'all are fine as hell" she said causing Jalen to blush a bit. One of the girls next to her pinched her arm "ow" she said Zoey then begin introducing us. "Guys these are my bestfriends The girls waved as she went down the line telling us their names. "There's Alyssa,Amy,and Amber." Jalen greeted all of them as I just sat there Glaring at them.

Jalen then looked over at me then back to them "and this sweetheart over here is my sister Jordan you can just tell she loves people"  he said sarcastically causing everyone at the table to laugh. I glared at him before rolling my eyes.
Lunch went by fast as everyone at the table joked around and laughed I even cracked a few smiles here and there seeing my brother so full of joy made me happy it was nice seeing everyone so happy maybe just maybe he was right this place is different from the others.


Sorry it took me so long to update it's just that I recently had to take a test that will determine if I move on to the next Grade and when I tell y'all  I'm scared I am Im freaking the fuck out right now :( 

Anyways I'll try to not take so long on the next one ;)

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