Chapter 16

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Zoey's POV:
The next morning
I went downstairs to get breakfast still in my pajamas when I walked in the kitchen to a half naked Paxton he was in nothing but some boxers. I quickly Turned around covering my eyes. "Excuse me sir" I said Paxton then turned around from the stove with an pan in his hand "Oh hey Zoey you want breakfast" he asked walking over to me. "Nope not anymore" I said walking upstairs. Completely ignoring Mason as she was coming down the stairs.

That afternoon
I was sitting on the couch reading my favorite book when Paxton came and sat down next to me and if I'm being honest he was way to close.
"What you reading" he asked "A book" I replied not looking up from my book I knew that was rude but I seriously didn't care this guy was bad news. I got up and began walking away I felt like he was watching me or more like checking me I don't know maybe it was all in my head I thought to myself as I went upstairs to my room. I came back down an hour later to get myself something to eat I went into the kitchen where I seen Mason sitting at the table on her phone.

I walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out some things so I could make myself a sandwich. once I made my sandwich i then went and grabbed me a cup so I could pour me some apple juice I sat at the table across from her. "Hey dork" she said not looking up from her phone "Hey what you doing" I asked.

"Nothing I've been calling Paxton all day have you seen him today?" She asked
"Nope" I said taking a bite out of my sandwich I actually did see him this afternoon but I wasn't going to tell her that if I'm lucky he won't come back "hey Mason how long is he going to be here for?" I asked "Oh he's staying till mom and dad get back from their trip" she replied I rolled my eyes A whole 3 weeks with this guy kill me now.

Later that night
Sadly Paxton came back and him and Mason decided that we should do movie night so that I'd get to know him better. But I didn't want to know him at all. It was dark outside as We sat on the couch watching some movie I don't know I wasn't really watching it. instead I was texting Jordan back in forth sending each other funny memes as I quietly giggled at every one after reading it. Just then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders I noticed that it was Paxton's I looked down on at the other end of the couch to see Mason sound asleep. I tried to move away but he pulled me closer.

What is he doing I thought to myself "Um could you please move your arm" I asked trying not to be rude this time
"Shhh" he said as he looked at the tv this dude was seriously weird. He then looked over at me and bit his lip not even moments later he was leaning into me going in for a kiss. I quickly jumped up "what the hell" I said as I ran out of the living room  I was about to run upstairs when I was stopped in the hallway by Paxton putting an arm on the wall behind me leaning me up against it. "Why you being like that beautiful" he said putting an hand on my waist. "What is wrong with you I'm your girlfriend's little sister" I said trying to move but he had his hand locking me in place.

"Even better" he said  "see when you first answered that door I knew I was going to make you mine" . I looked at him wide eyed he then leaned down and placed his lips on mine kissing me. I was in complete shock I couldn't move he forcefully pushed his Tongue down my throat
Pining my hands over my head with one of his hands and groping my breast with his other. I felt a single tear rolling down my cheek. Just then I heard Mason call Paxton's name. Causing him to quickly stop.

"Coming bae" he said before looking down at me "you better not say a word about this or I swear I'll-" he said but before he could finish the rest he pulled me into a hug as he noticed that Mason was coming. "Hey what's wrong with her" she asked as he let me go she seen that I was crying "Oh she's just a little Teary-eyed because of the movie a really sad scene came up when you were asleep" He said trying to cover his tracks. "Aw that's sweet of you to Comfort her like that" Mason said "Of course babe she's important to me now" he said in a way that made my stomach turn.

"Well I'm tried I'm going to go head up to bed you coming bae" she asked he then nodded his head yeah as she walked upstairs and he followed behind her but just before he reached the top of the stairs he turned his head to look at me flashing me a quick sick smirk. Before going upstairs.

I quickly went upstairs and grabbed my slippers then I ran back down leaving out the door. I ran next door to Jordan's house and knocked on the door moments later Jordan answered in what looks like her night clothes. She rubbed her eyes a few times before looking at me "Zoey? what are you doing here at this time of night."

Jordans POV:
I was woken up by the sound of banging on the front door who could be here this late at night I then walked downstairs and answered the door I rubbed my eyes a few times before seeing who it was I looked down to see Zoey. "Zoey? what are you doing here at this time of night" I asked but she didn't say anything instead she just rushed in and jumped on me burying her face in my chest. I was surprised but I quickly began to comfort her. I shut the door and locked it. Then walked over to the couch sitting with her holding on to me tight. I tried asking her what was wrong but she was a babbling mess so instead I just held her until she fell asleep.

Once she was asleep I took her upstairs to my room then put he down in my bed covering her up with my blanket before slipping in on the other side of her. I got behind her and wrapped my arms around her holding her close. I hated seeing her like this. I took my hand and ran it through her hair a few times before giving her a kiss on the forehead I then laid down as Zoey flipped over so that she was laying on my chest she then snuggled closer into me. I kissed her forehead once more before drifting off to sleep.


Another kind of short chapter but Hey at least it's something right ;)

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