Chapter 6

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Zoey's POV:
The next morning I woke up still tired I wanted to sleep in today but I remembered that I had a Tutoring job to get to. Today I'm supposed to be tutoring Zane the schools fuck boy the boy that every girl in the school has had yes even my 3 best friends has had him. I'm the only one he hasn't been with And it just so happens that he's been trying to get in my pants since freshman year he haven't stopped since.

I showered, brushed my teeth,and got dressed once I was done I then left my room but on my way pass Mason's room door I heard her on the phone with someone I walked up to the door that was slightly cracked.

I looked Through the opening and seen Mason still in her pajamas on the phone with someone

Mason: I know but my grand parents are coming for the weekend I guess my mom and dad canceled their plans for that day

Unknown: but I miss you

Mason: i Miss you too but there's literally no way you could even come over

Unknown: what if I came over while they are there....?

Mason: what do you mean

Unknown: I mean it's been a year now Mason don't you think it's time?!

Mason: I know but I'm just not ready

Just then I stepped back causing the floor to squeak.

Mason: Hold on I think I heard something I'll call you back

Unknown: ok


I quickly moved away from the door and stood by the stairs acting as if I was just scrolling through my phone. Just then Mason walked out and seen me by the stairs.

"Hey dork" she said as she walked up to me I then slipped my phone in my pocket "Heyyyyy you" I said sounding a bit nervous she looked at me and raised one eyebrow. "You good" she asked I cleared my throat "never better" I replied trying not to give myself away.

If she finds out that I was snooping around outside her door she'd probably kill me. I know your probably thinking she's your sister she wouldn't harm you. Well I'm here to tell you your wrong she've done it before we might love each other but that doesn't mean she won't kill me she's the type of person that will kill you then try to kill your ghost I know crazy right.

Mason then reached out and wiped a drop of sweat off of my forehead. "You sure your ok nard your looking a little pale in the face" she asked

Suddenly I started to feel hot lying isn't really something I'm good at some may even say I'm the worst when it comes to it. I began walking backwards but I completely forgot that the stairs were behind me. "Wait no Zoey!!" Mason yelled as I went tumbling down the stairs I thought I was going to hit the ground when two strong hands wrapped around me.

I looked up to see Jordan's holding me bridal style in her arms.

"Woah there bunny that fall would have been very painful" she said looking at me
"Are you ok" Mason said rushing down the stairs

"Yea- yeah" I said still looking into Jordan's eyes she did the same. we were like that for at least an half an hour until I realized she was still holding me her arms must've be hurting I thought to myself as I Signaled for her to put me down she caught on and did just that.

"Im sorry your arms must be hurting" I said she just looked at me confused "you know from holding me that long" I explained

"Ooh um yeah ow" she said holding her arm I looked at her weird. That's odd I thought to myself.
"Anyways what brings you here" I asked
"Oh our dads are in your backyard in the garage playing pool as we speak so I thought I would come over and hang with you" She replied with a smile Mason just rolled her eyes.

"Actually she has a tutoring job she should really be getting to so better luck next time" Mason said with an smug look on her face.

I glared at her "actually why don't you come with"

I would skip if I could but I can't my only other option is to have someone come with me I really don't want to be alone with Zane she'd be doing me a favor.

"Sure Why not" she said "great let's go" I replied as I walked out the door I caught a glimpse of Mason rolling her eyes.

God overprotective sisters are the worst.


Thanks for reading ❤️ but before you go answer this. Do you have an overly protective sibling if so how do you deal with it???? I need to know mine are so irritating!!! 😭

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