Chapter 2

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Zoey's POV:
The next day I was at my locker I grabbed what I needed and closed it Revealing someone who was waiting behind it. I jumped back putting a hand over my heart "Jesus Mason you scared me"  she just Shrugged, "What are you even doing here aren't you supposed to be at your college"  she rubbed the back of her neck, "Well about that I need the help of a nearby nerd",She replied laughing at the little joke she just made.

"Wow hilarious" I said sarcastically  before I begin walking away and her smile turned into a frown as she quickly followed behind me, "No wait I really do need your help" I stopped "ugh fine with what," "With my college test I forgot to study"  I looked at her in disbelief  "Mason you can't keep doing this sooner or later mom and dad is going to find out that I've been doing all your work and you've just been partying every night,"
I looked at Mason who looked like a little kid getting yelled at.

I sighed Mason may be tough but she hates when I'm mad at her whenever we would have an argument she was always the first one to apologize.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you"  she looked up "No your right if I don't get my shit together soon mom will find out and kill me if I get put out of college."  "I didn't even want to go to college but she made me I hated high school and I'm sure the only reason I graduated was because the principal has a crush on dad." 

I looked up at Mason feeling kind of bad. "fine I'll help you this last time but promise me you'll at least try to do better". She smiled "I promise" we then walked down the hallway as she had one arm around my shoulder and we leaned our hands together.

Jordan's POV:
As we approached the double doors of the school I could feel myself getting nervous as we got closer. then I suddenly stopped which made my brother look at me  "you ok" he asked looking worried.

"what if we moved here for nothing and people find out about us and we end up having to move again". I looked at Jalen "I'm tired I just want to get somewhere and stay put this time"
"I know sis and I'm tired too let's just give this place a shot who knows maybe their nothing like the other places we've lived at." I nodded and Jalen gave me a pat on the back before we begin walking again.

We got inside and people started to Stare at us the guy's were whispering to each other  while the girls blushed and pointed. I Tuned in on some of their conversations perks of being half vampire. "Omg they are so hot" one voice said  "who the hell are they" another voice said "that boy can do me any day" I heard another voice say just then I stopped listening I don't want to hear about what they'd do to my brother Ew.

As we were walking down the hall I spotted Zoey our neighbor coming Down the hall there was a girl around my height beside her with in arm around her shoulders. I whispered to Jalen "who the fuck is that and why is she touching Zoey"  Jalen just shrugged "your literally useless" I said to him. he just rolled his eyes "why do you want to know anyways" just then he stopped us and gasped dramatically "Ha you like our Neighbor" he teased.

I rolled my eyes at him "No I don't loser"
He looked at me "you can call me names all you want but that won't change the fact that you like her."

I felt my face start to heat up I punched Jalens arm and begin walking again.
"Ow that hurts" he wined "good" I said clenching my teeth together. Just then I heard a voice  "Hey guys over here" Zoey called as we approached each other I was able to see the girl by her side more clearly she had dark brown hair that was to her shoulders while her hazel brown eyes just looked at me there was no denying that she was stunning, Jalen then said something "hey Zoey nice seeing you again"

"Hey Jalen and Jordan nice seeing you guys as well" me and the girl both stood there glaring at each other we both had our arms folded and
Neither of us were letting up any time soon Jalen looked at me and shook his head.  "Hey by any chance are you two dating"  he asked causing me and the girl both to look at him.

"WHAT!!! EW No she's my sister" Zoey said in disgust "guys this is Mason my big sister" 

That made me feel better knowing that their not dating which was weird why did I even care if they weren't sister's I looked at them both yeah I can definitely see the resemblance now. But I didn't care I went back to glaring at the girl as if on cue she did the same Jalen slapped an hand on his forehead while Zoey just shook her head.

Just then the girl spoke "look here kid I don't care who you are but I feel like your hiding something and if your going to be around my sister then I'm going to find out what that is"

I rolled my eyes "what are you a cop?" I said laughing "look Barbie" she said referring to my blonde hair. that pissed me off "You may think this is a game now but just wait" she said before pushing past me making our shoulders hit "later Barbie" she yelled as she grabbed her imaginary hat and tilted it at me she soon disappeared down the hallway.

I huffed I really don't like that girl I turned to look at both Jalen and Zoey who were both looking at me. "I'm so sorry about her" Zoey said playing with her finger nails "she's not really a um people's person" Jalen looked at me as if he just got a bright idea.

"Hey Zoey you know if you really want to make it up to us you can help Jordan find her classes and maybe show her around a bit she doesn't have a anyone to help her and my Tour guide is waiting for me."

I gave him an angry look but he ignored it I knew what he was trying to do the principal told us over the phone that there was no available Students to show us around so there's no tour guide waiting for him. He didn't let either us respond before walking away "great thanks" he said leaving me and Zoey there alone.

"I guess it's just me and you bunny" I said causing her to blush of embarrassment at the nickname.

I smiled as we begin our journey together down the long hallways of Westbrook high.


I apologize in advance for the typos and just so y'all know when I update a chapter I already published I'm not changing the story just fixing my mistakes that's all ;)

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