Chapter 13

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Zoeys POV:
"Will you go on a date with me"

I was surprised after everything she just told me do I really want to take this risk do I really want to be by her side being the one who helps keep her secret or do I want to avoid all of the drama and everything else by just saying No
I thought to myself but then I looked in her eyes and knew the answer was yes! I wanted this as crazy as it might be I wanted her I don't care if she's  an half vampire or even that she is intersex I've never wanted anyone before and it's strange that she makes me feel the way she does all I want is to be near her every second of every day.

"Yes!! I'd love to" I said Jordan smiled before kissing me again she then pulled back "I'll pick you up Friday at 8" she said "ok I replied" she then gave me a quick pack on the lips before getting up "I have to go see you Friday!" "Bye" I said before she left out.

I really hope everything goes well she makes me happy and I want to be with her.

That Friday after school
"Come on you guy's are supposed to be here to help me" I said standing in-font of my 3 best friends Amber looked up from her phone "I'm sorry Jalen is just so cute look what he sent me" she said showing me her phone with an pictures of Jalen with an bubble beard "Ok that is cute" I said to her "I know right" she replied "but come on help me out guys you all have boyfriends and girlfriends Ambers dating Jalen Amy's with Ambers brother Antonio and Alyssa is dating that basketball player Liv and I'm literally the only single one" I said flopping down in a chair "She's right" Alyssa said "yeah let's help our bestie get booed up" Amy added "we got you girl" Amber said before walking to my closet and pulling out at least 7 outfits.

Alyssa went to get the makeup and Amy got the hair supplies "Now let's make you a bad bitch" Amber said I just rolled my eyes as they helped me get ready for my date.

20 minutes later
I was finally ready I looked at myself in the mirror I look amazing
The dress was simple but cute

" damn girl you look good" Amber said "Agreed" Amy added "if I wasn't straight I'd differently jump your bones" Alyssa said causing us all to laugh. That's when we heard a knock at the door "Amy will get it I need to add the finishes touches on your outfit" Amber said "I'll go with her Alyssa volunteered" they both then went to go get the door. Just then someone walked in I turned around to see my big sister Mason "woah there why you all dressed up and looking like a million bucks" she said eating on a banana I rolled my eyes. "If you must know I have a date"  I said she stopped chewing and looked at me "with who" she asked "with none of your business"Amber said walking out of the bathroom with a necklace and a bracelet.

Mason then looked at Amber "OH goody thing ones here" she said Sarcastically Amber rolled her eyes and put the necklaces and bracelet on me then turned me to face her before stepping back as if to admire her work.

"There that's better" Amber said Alyssa then came back in "she's here you ready" she asked I nodded my head yeah Mason looked at Alyssa And Amber "Oh great if thing one and thing two is here then thing three is definitely close by" she said referring to Amy as thing Three. Alyssa and Amber both flicked her off and Mason walked out rolling her eyes.

"Your sister's annoying"Alyssa said "tell me about it" Amber said I laughed before making my way downstairs I walked down and seen Jordan she had on a white button Up with a. Leather jacket and black jeans and sunglasses on her head "you look stunning" she said while taking my hand and helping me down the last step she kissed me on the cheek while my friends looked at us in awe. Mason then came downstairs "hold your horses blondie" she said I just rolled my eyes here we go again.

"Let's lay down some ground rules shall we first off have her home by 12 second No sex" she said causing us both to blush
"and last but not least you break her heart and I break your spine"
she said getting in Jordan's face after a minute of them intense staring at each other I decided that it was time to go.

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