Happy Pride Month

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-Sry I had to quote it-

Hello humans!!! I am still on a break, but I wanted to take a sec to say Happy Pride Month to all of those who celebrate and support it.

If you are a part of the LGBT+ community I have a few words for you guys cuz this is one of my first years celebrating pride month when I'm actually out to some people close to me.

Whether you are only out to a few people, out to everyone, still closeted, or even confused, you are valid and I am so proud of you. It takes a lot to come to terms with these kind of thing with not only yourself, but with the others around you too.

It took me awhile to come to terms with my sexuality too (bisexual), but now that I have, certain parts of life are so much less stressful.

Again I am so proud of you all! :)

If you're not a part of the LGBT+ community, but you support it, I wanna say thank you for being allies and supporters to the community. You are truly loved and appreciated.

Now, Quick A/N kinda, but it's still relevant to LGBT.

I know I haven't posted much that represents the LGBT community, and I want to apologize for that. That is due to a few reasons, but the most clear ones in my mind are these:

- Again, trying to come to terms with my own sexuality. I tried to use my stories to put my own personality in characters when it's my own ideas. Hence why a lot of the ships I first wrote about where gay ships. I never wrote lesbian, ace, demi, poly, trans, etc things more for the fact of that I struggled trying to figure out my own sexuality. Idk if that made much sense, but to me it did.

- Reason 2 being that my parents are aware of the fact that I write on wattpad and have even gone through my stories before. My sister also follows me on wattpad, or at least sees my posts. My mom and sister are supporting of all sexualities and genders, but they aren't aware of my sexuality. I don't really plan on telling them anytime soon so I didn't do much stuff with that here. If they see this then hi, hello, now you know cuz I kinda stopped caring if you found out. 

My dad on the other hand is homophobic. He's one of those people that just can't accept "anything less than straight" and says shit like "If god wanted you to like girls then you'd be a boy".  He doesn't look at my stuff as often cuz he kinda gave up on me cuz I'm the disappointment child, but my mom and sister have a habit to accidentally let things slip to him. Again, mom and sis, if you see this, DO NOT TELL MY DAD I DONT WANNA DEAL WITH HIM RN.

- Reason 3 being I didn't want to accidentally offend anyone. Most of the prompts I use are based off of those Person A and Person B things I find on tumblr. I have never been in a relationship with a girl, and I tend to mess things up if I don't know how a certain relationship dynamic works, so I avoided that. I'm not saying every girl x girl relationship is the same, I'm saying that I don't wanna accidentally offend anyone by saying something that I find okay to be said, but it's unknowingly not. If it is a boy x boy relationship that I write, then it's more than likely my friend helped me come up with the idea or, again, tumblr helped a little. 

I haven't written much trans, non binary, genderfluid, ace, aro, poly, demi, etc things becasue, truthfully, I don't know as much as I should about them. I am still trying to educate myself, and I'm learning things that I probably need to know before writing characters based off of those sexualities/genders.

I hope that cleared some things up for why I don't/haven't as much LGBT+ representation. Again I apologize for that.


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