Chapter 2: Fiona Grace

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"What'd the slut do this time?"

"Eating cookies, sir."

"Awe, the fatty can't get enough, huh? Little bitch."

I whine out in pain as Dillion throws me back down on the floor.

"James, I was thinking. No one here likes her right?"

"Don't be an idiot, Dillion."

"No, sir. I'm sorry, sir."

"Of course no one likes her."

"Why do you keep her then, sir?"

"That's a good question."

Freaking idiot.

"I'm sure she'll do just fine on the streets."

"No, please. Please, please, please."

"Shut the fuck up, you whiny whore."

My mouth snaps shut, but I can't help the tears gathering in my eyes. I don't try to be, but I can be sensitive sometimes. Especially when someone calls me whore or slut because I remember when my grandparents were calling my mom that. I didn't think she was either of those things, she just made a horrible decision and ruined her marriage. 

No one should be labeled a whore or slut just because of what they wear, who they have sex with, or how often they have sex. It's all about choice and whatever feels natural and comfortable for an individual. 

My mom made the bad choice of having sex with someone she wasn't married to. I don't know all of her reasons, I'm not sure I would listen to them, but calling her names doesn't change the fact of the freedom of her decision. 

Plus, I don't want my mom to be bullied like that, even if we don't have the best relationship. I don't want to hear strangers - no matter the gender - be told names like that or anything else discriminatory, sexist, or judgmental.

I'm not trapped in my thoughts, that I don't even fully comprehend what the two men have done to me. That's until I hear the lock of the door. Tears run down my cheek in uncontrollable waves as the two men lock me in the dark pantry. 

I don't know how much time ticks by. I don't know how long I wait until the door is opened once again. When I'm hoping it's someone coming to rescue me - this would never happen, so I don't know why I even think about it - I come face to face with the men who put me here. 

A hand is latched over my mouth, just as I'm about to scream. Dillon lifts me up into his arms as I squirm and fight back, but it's no use. His hands clench over my skin, his fingers breaking the skin of my weak arms. 

Quiet and quick tears stream out of my eyes, blurry everything around me, but I know what's going to happen to me. He throws me out the door, onto the frosted ground that is so cold I can feel it burning my toes.

A shiver ripples my back, goosebumps lining my arms as the sky becomes dark. Not knowing where to turn, and not feeling good about roaming the streets at night, I cautiously step towards the wooded area behind Mr. Anderson's building. 

I know the next town isn't that far of a walk through the shortcut of the forest, and if I run it would take me that long. My feet pick up the pace as ideas about what could happen to me fill my head. The lights of the houses disappear as I continue to nimbly stride further away from the neighborhood. 

A dark and deep owl hoot echoes through the thick forest. A heavy haze of fog rolls in, mists of water droplets falling onto my eyelids. For a moment, I am unable to move as I take in what has just happened. I lean on the tree while I stand, seeing if maybe I can find someplace safer than this to sleep for the night. 

Tomorrow, there will hopefully be light, and I can think through everything while the sun keeps me company.

Knowing that it's more dangerous if I stop, my bare feet continue to step over sharp rocks and pointed fallen tree limbs. Except when I finally land my foot on one of the pointies rocks in all of history, a concerning hiss of pain explodes from my mouth. 

I grip the bottom of my dress, holding myself in my arms, tears streaming down my face. To calm myself as I still lean against the tree, I move my body back and forth, back and forth. I reach down the rock on my foot, but my hands shake too much for me to even get a good grip. Taking a deep breath, I lift my head high and continue through the woods. 

The rumbling of motorcycles fills my ears before I even get the chance to see the distant lights. The sound is somehow comforting, maybe it's because it reminds me of my father and/or I know people are ahead - I'm not entirely sure either way. 

However, I don't quite make it to the building bursting with music and laughter.

My legs give out from under me, my knees collapsing into the dirt. I mumble profanities under my breath, trying to rise up on my feet again, but after the beating I received earlier, my head will not stop pulsing. My vision blurs, and I don't even remember collapsing fully onto the forest floor.


"Did you see what Reaper did to that man last night?"

"His name isn't Reaper for no reason."

"He's the scariest man on this planet, Bullet."

"Honestly, you could take him, Poison. A big man like that couldn't do anything if you put cyanide in his mac and cheese."

"I don't think he eats mac and cheese."

"Then he can't possibly be living on the same planet as me."

"I don't think he is."

The loud voices of two men wake me up from my not-so-relaxed slumber. My heart pounds as I think about what they could possibly do to me. From the looks of them and their names, they are much stronger than an average human male. 

I'm not saying I'm the weakest thing on this planet, but I can be a meek little human sometimes. 

To hide myself from their gaze, I back up against the tree, almost as if I'm trying to camouflage myself, but when their eyes flick over to me, it's obvious that there is no hiding from them. They peer around the tree to see me cowering under their intense gaze. 

My palms shake as the man above me holds out his hand, but I flinch away from his touch. I've only just met him, what could I possibly have done wrong? He doesn't need to hit me. That's only for punishment and James's and Dillon's fun. They are the only ones allowed to touch me. He heaves a sigh, closing his eyes for a minute before he softens.

"Look, we aren't going to hurt you. I don't know what you've been told, but we aren't going to cause you any harm."

"You weren't going to slap me?"

"I have no reason to slap you..."


"Poison. Now that we got that settled, can I take you to the President?"


"Yeah, he'll take care of you alright? As I said before, we're not going to hurt you."

Afraid that Poison's mind might change about hurting me, I take his hand while nodding my head. I hold my arms around myself, hugging myself as we make our way through the dense trees. It takes us less than a minute, even with my limp, for us to enter one of the most beautiful towns I have ever seen. 

Shops, houses, and so many other buildings made out of trees and painted with adorable colors line the street. Families of all kinds walk together down the street and my eyes flick over what was the overcrowded building from last night. 

Poison and the other man, Bullet, explain to me that it's one of the main hangout places for the MC. I shrug my shoulders, not fully understanding what that means, and turn my attention back to the town. Kids play in the dirt, giggling as they play with worms.

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