Chapter 15: Fiona Grace

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"You do know how creepy this is right?"

"Don't say the cliché line, please. I beg of you."

And just to spite him, I do.

"Are you going to kill me?"

The heavy intake of his breath reassures me that I've gotten to him, and I can't help the cocky smile that makes its way onto my face. About five minutes ago, he walked me past the bar and back into the woods. We didn't go in the direction of James's house - if he is even still alive - instead, we turned to the right. 

We have been casually strolling through the woods, which has actually been helping me cope with some of the anxiety I feel towards being in them again. The conversation comes to a halt, soaking us in blissful silence while making our way through the woods once again. I follow in his footsteps, him helping me over rocks and ridges when needed. 

The more time we spend together, the more I see how tender and conscientious he is around me. He is constantly helping me, making sure that I'm safe and comfortable, not allowing me to get in dangerous situations. His touch is different than anything I've ever felt before. 

And with Reaper, I feel that wholeness and care without judgment. I feel his desire to comfort and protect me. I just want to soak in it. Before I can continue thinking about him, I slip on a rock, a growl spewing from the depths of his chest. 

I blush at his disappointed stare as he tells me to be more careful for about the hundredth time since we've started walking. He holds his hand out for me to take which I instantly take, and he carefully guides me over the top of the grassy hill. 

I gasp at the valley below us, the small lake and waterfall filling up most of it. Children play happily in the water, women and men lounging around while they watch the kids, and people walking around in bathing suits as they dry themselves from the water. He explains that during the summers, most of the small community ends up having unofficial get-togethers here to get bonding time and cool off in the water. 

It isn't big enough or deep enough to go kayaking or cliff diving, but most people don't do that anyway to be careful of those swimming or lounging around. I nod my head in understanding, but as I'm about to walk towards the lake, he pulls me away.

"Where are we going?"

"I've found another spot just a few more minutes up. Much better than dealing with all the people."

"No one else goes up there?"

"It's rockier and harder to swim so not a lot of people like it because of the kids hurting themselves and not being able to get their energy out."

"Ah, that makes sense."

"Come on, baby. I'll show you."

I always thought I would hate a man calling me 'baby'. I thought it was offensive, diminishing, disgusting but with the way Reaper says it, it's nothing like that. It has nothing to do with being weak or powerless. It has nothing to do with being helpless or submissive. 

To me, with him, it's about caring for me and protecting me when I need it. It's about loving me unconditionally (I'm not saying he loves me, but that's the way it feels). He genuinely wants to help me, take care of me in the ways he can without treating me like I can't do anything. I like it when he says it.

We duck behind a group of trees, heading past the loudness of the people. After about another five minutes, we end up in a more private spot. The lake is even smaller than the one before, a small waterfall only there because of the water flowing off a group of rocks. 

I try not to stare too hard as he lifts his shirt above his head, his perfect physique on display for me and me only. He steps diligently through the shallow parts of the lake above the waterfall, and he arrives at the other side of the lake to hold up towels and a spare change of clothes. 

Feeling self-conscious, I don't start taking off my new dress. I fiddle with the buttons on the front, but I can't bring myself to undo them.

"It's only me, baby."

His rough hand softly brushes my cheek, lifting my chin to stare into his gray eyes.

"You're so beautiful. You don't need to feel insecure around me, okay?"

Reaper's eyes ask permission to help me take off my dress, and I comply, feeling his safety surround me. I'm glad that I don't have to do this around all those people. Although he spends more of his time by himself, I'm happy about the outcome. I appreciate that about him. 

He doesn't need anyone else but himself for company, but he's also okay with spending quiet time with me. It makes me feel extremely special, and I wouldn't want to change that about him. His breath hitches as my skin comes into view, my plain black bikini forcing his eyes to darken.

His hand lays heavily on my stomach, his thumb rubbing my soft skin. A low rumble exits his mouth as his eyes run from my head to my toes, and all I know is that he has absolutely no shame. He doesn't even try to hide the fact that he's checking me out. 

It's not like I am that uncomfortable anymore. Not when he's looking at me as if wants to eat me. Eat me out...maybe.

I bite my bottom lip as the dress officially drops onto the forest floor. His hands grip my hips while he escorts me to the waterfall. Without wasting any time, he pushes me under the water, soaking me from head to toe.

"You crazy man."

"My beautiful woman."


He doesn't answer my question, avoiding it by forcing me back under the heavy stream of water. His eyes darken as he watches me brush my wet hair away from my face, exposing more of my skin to him. He licks his bottom lip before disappearing into the lake, his body swimming away from mine. 

Wanting to be back with Reaper as soon as I can, I follow him quickly, diving into the water after him. Thank god for my father pressuring me to take swimming lessons. We play-fight with each other with water for a few minutes before he gets too tired to continue moving around. 

Instead of getting out and walking around the waterfall, I carefully swim through the warm water to reach the towels on the other side. I dry myself off before laying down on the rock to soak in more of the hot sun. 

Not even a minute later, he appears next to me with only a towel around his waist. Around him is the aroma of his soap from showering earlier, water dripping down his chest. I'm about to have a heart attack at his handsomeness. 

How can one person be so good-looking? It should be illegal to look that good. To stop myself from drooling over the man in front of me, I shield myself away from his beautiful eyes.

"Don't do that."


"Look away from me. I never want you to be afraid."

"I'm not scared of you. Not one bit. Quite the opposite actually."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. How could I not? And don't lie and say you aren't."

"I did call you mine earlier. If I'm going to be honest though, I'm not ready for a relationship. I had woman issues in my past, and I can't treat you the way you deserve until I heal from the past wounds."

"I'm not going to pressure you to do anything, but if you were to want to do something, I am consenting to whatever you would have in store for me."

"I'll ask again, if I decide to do something, in case that changes."

"Do you want to tell me about your past?"

"No. It's too painful to share."

"I can understand that."

"Sometimes I feel like you are the only one who can."

"I'm sure that's not true. The other members of the club love you, though they have a weird way of showing it. That's easy to figure out."

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now