Chapter 9: Fiona Grace

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I sigh heavily, shaking my head from side to side.

"You should go then."

The tightness in my chest increases as Poison practically runs away from me and out of the position that we've found ourselves in. He sends me one last wave and darts out of the apartment, closing the door quickly behind him. I bite my bottom lip as I glance around the warm and comfortable home, listening for steps to approach me. 

It doesn't take long for the sounds to occur, the soft pads of feet seeming to echo through the room. I turn to find Reaper towering menacingly over me, his chest heaving in controlled anger. I wave shyly at him and continue my quiet gaze towards the bright stars.

"You didn't have to scare him away, you know?"

"You've had a long day. It was time for him to go."

"You aren't very talkative."

"I haven't had anyone want to talk to me in a long time."

I allow his words to sink in, replaying them in my head a couple of times.

"Does Alpha like you?"

"We're brothers. Which means that we sometimes butt heads."

"I had always wanted a sibling. It's kind of like that with Beatrice, but she's more of a best friend than a sister."

"How did you get here anyway?"

"It's a long story I'm not ready to tell."

"Well, you can always talk to me, if you ever need to. It seems like we are going to be spending a lot of time together."

We stay silent, as the sun begins to go down, the warm light filtering beautifully through the trees. His hand casually rests on the small of my back, making a blush flush my cheeks pink, and he guides me up off his apartment floor. I shiver as the air turns cold, and he wraps his arm tightly around my waist, pulling me into his body heat. 

Is Alpha sure that this man hurts people for fun? I mean...seriously? He's protecting me from hypothermia (major exaggeration). I'm about to plop down on the couch, but he keeps me standing upright. A yawn exits my mouth, my knees giving out slightly as my eyes begin to flutter closed. 

Without a word, he lifts me into his arms and carries me into another section of the apartment. I lean my head on his shoulder, breathing in his addictive scent that I've just discovered. It's woody with a hint of cinnamon and grapefruit. It sounds like a weird combination, but it smells incredible. He lays me down gently on what looks like a bed, brushing his fingers down the side of my face.


"I'm not tired."

"Baby, please. Sleep. For me."

The 'baby' flowing sensually out of his lips makes the butterflies flutter harshly in my stomach, and I can't help but give in to his request. I have always been partly the submissive type, wanting to be comforted and dominated over in certain aspects of my life (not everything), and Reaper fills in that role. I have a feeling that with the time we spend together, I will most likely allow him to boss me around a bit. 

From what's happened already, I know I'll like it. 

Another thing is, I don't necessarily want to piss him off. Maybe he doesn't kill innocent people, but if I break the rules, I won't be innocent anymore. I would rather not be on his bad side. And so, officially listening to his request, I gradually close my eyes, letting a deep and peaceful slumber take over.

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now