Chapter 25: Fiona Grace

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The intenseness of the sexual gratification between us lasts a shorter amount of time than I would ever enjoy. I want to go all day, not that I could or should. Now that I've had a taste, it'll be hard to quit. An addiction. His touch is an addiction. The most intoxicating addiction around. 

Madoc strokes the side of my face, brushing over my swollen lips, his tongue darting to swipe against his bottom lip. I lean forward, caressing my lips softly with his own, tasting his morning breath but decide - for the sake of romance - to ignore the somewhat nastiness of what we are doing. 

He doesn't seem to mind too much, his hands gripping my hips with more pressure than a minute ago. No complaints leave my mouth as he pulls tenderly away from me, his gray eyes not breaking from my blue ones. I - or my stomach more specifically - ruins the peaceful moment, its loud rumbles announcing that I'm hungry.

"I'll get you something to eat. You go pee, alright?"

"What's with the whole peeing thing?"

"No one ever told you?"

"No. Is something bad going to happen to me if I don't pee?"

"It can help prevent a urinary tract infection. When something goes up your uterus, peeing helps flush out all the bacteria that comes with putting something up there."

"What if it's clean?

"Even then. It's better to be safe than sorry."

"That makes total sense. Thank you for telling me."

"You have nothing to thank me for. As your boyfriend, it's my job to take care of you."


A light pink blush instantly coats his cheeks, making me force myself to hold back a giggle. He's so freaking adorable.

"We'll take over breakfast. Go pee."

"You're changing the subject."

"Baby, now."

His quick change of authority does nothing but intensify the need I have for him. He lands another kiss on my lips before rolling out of the warm bed and tossing the covers away from my legs. I whine in fake frustration, Madoc rolling his eyes at my childlikeness, and throws on a pair of sweatpants. 

I wait another minute in the bed, just to spite him without getting in trouble. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. I wonder if he's keeping anything from me so he can protect me and I won't get hurt. I shrug my thoughts away, pushing my own worry down, getting out of bed to go pee as he said I should, and brushing my teeth. 

Since my underwear has been destroyed by my own wet, turned-on evidence, I throw on one of his t-shirts before dashing into the guest bedroom where I was going to stay before my relationship with Madoc changed to put on a new pair of underwear. 

Now, it seems that I'll most likely be sleeping in the same bed with him - and I don't mind at all.

I carefully trudge down the steps, my legs a little shaky and my body quite sore from what happened last night and partly because of this morning. Very strenuous activities. The aroma of french toast hits my nose, the soft voice of Sabrina Claudio floating into my ears, as I get closer to the kitchen. 

I watch his muscles tense and shift while he moves around the area of our home, his sweatpants hanging low enough on his hips that his v-line is most definitely noticeable. I flick my eyes over his entire body, my eyes lingering on his perfect ass for a few more seconds than necessary. 

I approach him with soft but detectable steps to not scare him. I heard that he choked Beatrice because he didn't see her coming. I'm sure he would be extra careful around me, but I don't want him to do something that he'll feel guilty about later if I can prevent him from having to. I reach into the refrigerator and pull out blueberries to wash. 

As I diligently move around the kitchen, not wanting to get into the way of Madoc, a strong arm is wrapped around my waist. I giggle as I'm tugged into his body. A light kiss instantly lands upon my lips. My face heats up, and I know the blush on my face is going to boost his ego.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm good. Hungry and thirsty but really good. Are you doing okay?"

"I could never be better."

"Hanging out with your girlfriend is pretty great."

"Yeah, about that. I don't ever want to push you into that if you don't want to. I shouldn't ask before just announcing it to you."

"You don't have to worry about that, okay? I would love to be your girlfriend."

"You would?"

"I would, yes."

"It would technically be you being my Old Lady though."

"What's that?"

"It's more of a lifelong commitment to me. Like being married. No one else would be able to touch you or flirt with you without dealing with me. You would get a cut saying 'Property of Reaper', and you are mine. As much as I am yours."

"I don't understand. You would own me?"

"It's not like that. If anyone were to do anything to you that made you uncomfortable, I would kill them, and I would have every right. I am your protection, your safety, and I take care of you. The internet makes it seem worse and more sexist than our chapter of the club makes it. Yeah, I would rather you not try to piss me off, but I'm not going to be angry at you for touching my cut or leaning on my bike and things like that."

Still confused, I have him explain everything to me. From the somewhat sexist traditional roles that some MCs have, it seems that generally - with a few exceptions - his chapter is pretty progressive compared to other chapters he knows about. Knowing all the information, I agree to become his Old Lady/girlfriend. 

The smile that spreads across his face makes my heart skip a beat. His large hands hold me against him while he flips the french toast, one more kiss placed onto my head, and then he lets me wash the fruit. Together - me tucked into his lap - we sit at the edge of the window on the ground, where I was looking at the stars only a few nights ago. 

Every so often, he takes my fork, wanting to feed me the delicious food he made. We eat in silence happily, and with my stomach full, we thought about going to take a walk through the forest. A loud yell outside our home stops our idea, knowing that whatever is going on, we aren't going to get a chance.

"You stay here."

"Do you seriously think that I'm going to listen to that?"

"It was worth a try."

With a light kiss upon my forehead, I get up off his lap, allowing him to walk in front of me. I might want to go outside, but I do know that I still need to be safe. Although I am a strong woman mentally, emotionally (though I can be sensitive), and a little less physically, it only makes sense to hide behind him. 

I'm not going to say that he isn't much stronger than me because that would be a total and complete lie. Physically, he can handle a lot more than I can, and in all honesty, I'm a bit weak-limbed. I hold my breath as he steps out first, tension thick in the air, but I'm confused when it's only Alpha. 

It's pretty obvious that he's angry at something or someone - my conclusion being Madoc - with his piercing glare. I lay a hand in the middle of Madoc's back, hoping to calm him, but the effort wasn't worth it. The growling rumble that leaves his mouth is almost enough to wet my pants, and I'm not even the one it's directed to.

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