Chapter 28: Fiona Grace

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Though I might not be the biggest fan of my father right now, that doesn't mean he would want to harm me. Anger bubbles in my chest, hot lava pouring through my veins. But, I don't release my anger. Instead, I give a slight nod of my head, leaving my lips clasped tightly so as to not erupt as a volcano would. 

And then, a realization slaps me straight in the face - as most of them do. Alpha did say that a man with his name starting with a C is searching for me. What if he is looking for me? What if that is my father? Maybe not to hurt me but just to find me. 

He never meant to hurt anyone throughout his life. He can barely hurt a fly and is a plant-based eater as to not eat (no longer) living animals.

The one person that hurt him was me, physically, but he also hurt me, emotionally. I remember when he was first looking for me. The moment I left, I heard word that he was searching the area for his daughter. 

I used James since he wants to keep his whole operation of whatever secret, to hide away from him. I wasn't interested in dealing with having to face him. I didn't know what I was going to say or what I was going to do, so I hid.

I guess hiding is no longer an option. And knowing Cassius, it would take mere minutes to fix this. I just have to talk to him and tell him what I want him to hear. The last time I saw him, I only punched him in the face, which wasn't the best decision. 

I guess, our past comes back to haunt us, and I should face it head on to be able to have a future and live in the present with Madoc and being his Old Lady or whatever. Since I'll be the first one of this new generation, hopefully not a ton of the responsibility will fall on me all at once because that would stress me out more than I can imagine. 

If it's not my father, I'll have to take that risk, but I'm about ninety percent sure that it's only him. I explain to the two men that it's only Cassius and briefly tell them what happened. When Alpha leaves I'll give more detail to Madoc, though he actually knows most of it. 

Being with him all the time and talking to him has made me reveal myself to him. I didn't know I would be able to let my walls fall as I have, but it feels nice for him to know so much about me. I don't understand one thing however. 

Why would my father - if I should be calling him that - looking for me after such a long time? I mean, I think I would have known if he was asking around when I was living with James the asshole.

"Are you going to let him come?"

"Here? Yeah, probably. Or I could just call him."

"Do you want to call him?"

"Not particularly, since I'm the one in the wrong."

"I'm sure whatever you did that it can be fixed."

"It can be and that makes me feel worse. He's a forgiving person, and I completely ruined our relationship, just because of a lie."

"What lie again?"

"I'm not biologically his daughter."

"That's a big lie. I can understand why you would feel the need to get space."

"But I suspected it. We don't look alike, we have no similar mannerisms, I never felt like he was my dad. He was an amazing father, better than anything I could hope for, but something was missing. When I found out, I punched him in the face."

Madoc's eyes widen before the smirk becomes present on his face.

"You punched him? You never told me that."

"I don't know what happened. I just reacted. He waited twenty years to tell me that. Why didn't he tell me earlier? I get that it can be nerve-racking, but..."

"Did he know your biological father?"

"No, at least, I don't think so."

"So, what if he was protecting you from someone that could hurt you? Physically, emotionally, mentally."

I never thought of it like that. Tears pierce my eyes. What is wrong with me? The tears roll down my cheeks, making him curse and tug me into his lap. He brushes away the wetness from my cheeks, soothing me with his words.

"I didn't mean to make you cry."

"That's the problem. You're right. I'm so selfish."

"Hold on. You aren't selfish, okay? You didn't think about both sides. That's common with emotional stuff like this. You made a mistake, he made a mistake."

"I just-I don't even know. What should I do?"

"I think you should call him. Meet up somewhere and talk about it. As I am facing my issues, I know that you are strong enough to face yours."

His gaze into my eyes breaks, the gray orbs flicking down to my lips. I straddle him more comfortably, letting my arms dangle loosely around his shoulders to the back of his neck, my chest pressing against his. 

He brushes my hair off one side of my neck, pushing the messy tendrils of hair away from my eyes. I ask permission to touch his cut to take it off, which I am granted, and I pull it off his sculpted arms. His tattoos come into sight, my heart racing in hot anticipation. He did say I could do whatever I wish. 

I lay a lingering kiss on his lips before climbing off his back and curling my finger for him to follow me to the bedroom. He groans out, his deep and husky voice sending shockwaves of desire through me. I feel his stare on my ass as I walk carefully up the stairs to not trip and fall on my face. 

I would rather not embarrass myself right before he decides whether or not he wants to fuck me. I hear his pounding steps on the stairwell as I open his bedroom door. I stand there waiting, wanting him to take control of me. At least, only in bed.


The dominance in his voice doesn't leave room for argument. Not that I would want to. My clothes come off quicker than I expected, my hands wanting to put themselves on his body.

"You don't mind if I use a few toys, right?"


"I'll show you what they can do."

"Will they hurt?"

"Some of them, but in a good way. You can tell me to stop at any point."

"Do I need a safe word?"

"If that would make you feel more comfortable."

"Red seems easiest."

"Red it is. Go on the bed."

"Any position?"

"Whatever you feel."

I gulp nervously, but as he strokes my soft skin while guiding me closer to the bed, I start to feel less worried. I know this man. He's not going to do anything that would actually hurt me. He might cause a little pain but it's for pleasure, not to abuse me. There's a major difference. 

The sheets brush against my naked skin and feeling most comfortable kneeling, I do just that. As of right now, I don't want him to have the opportunity to stare straight at my intimate part. My breasts I'm fine with, since he's seen them multiple times already, but I'm still a bit insecure about the way my vagina looks. 

As I kneel on the bed, waiting for him, I clench my thighs together which only allows a stream of wetness to weep out of my pussy. I bite my bottom lip - probably very unsexily - to hold back the moan that wants to burst from between my lips. 

When he comes back from inside the closet, he holds a few things in his hand. The handcuffs, vibrator, rope, and dildo are easy to spot because I've seen them before. However, a couple of leather items have me tilting my head in confusion.

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