Chapter 24: Fiona Grace

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sexual content

"You're so fucking wet for me."

His voice is laced with lust, and my heart is about to jump right out of my chest. Butterflies fill my stomach as he swipes three of his fingers through what my body has already produced. He lifts it to his nose, smelling it, before tasting it against his tongue. 

A grin makes its way to his face, and unexpected pride spreads through my chest. He uses his large hands to spread my legs, exposing more of me to him, and lifts my legs over his shoulders. Instantly, he latches onto my clit, sucking, biting, fondling. 

My hips buck up, matching his movements, his tongue thrusting into me. Something brews in my lower stomach, and the butterflies simmer down. I clench, a moan erupting from Madoc. 

With my fingers in his hair, I press him deeper into me, showing him all the spots I like the most -- though I have never done this before. I think he certainly has. With one more touch, I erupt. Wetness streams out of me, my juices likely coating his face, and I feel him smile on me.

"You're a squirter."

I blush, remembering what that means from some of the boys talking about it when I was living with James. But, hearing it come out of Madoc's mouth...oh goodness, it's overwhelming. He wipes his face with a t-shirt on the floor, and I'm sure it's already dirty. He bends down, placing kisses on my stomach. 

It's a place on my body that I've always felt insecure about, my old ex-boyfriends' thoughts making sure that it continued that way as I revisited their terrible statements over and over again. But seeing him touch me there and love me there, he helps make me feel beautiful. 

For the first time in a long time, I am absolutely beautiful. 

His lips run back up my body, his rough, calloused hands grazing over my skin. With a lingering kiss, he rolls the both of us over, my legs straddling the lower part of his chest. His hard cock sits partly against my ass, and I try to scoot down but he somehow switches me around.

"Sit on my face."



I gulp nervously but do as he says. He wraps one hand into my hair, pressing face down towards his pulsating cock. With that act of permission, my tongue licks at the pre-cummed tip, my lips wrapping around his erection. 

The vibrating moan that exits his mouth shoots straight to my pussy, sending shivers up my spine. I suck on him, harder, deeper, faster. My throat aches, my breathing not being controlled by me, tears piercing at my eyes. 

He continues to eat me out like I'm his last meal, my clit pounding at the revolutionary sensation. It doesn't take long for either of us to cum, streams of his white, salty semen disappearing into my mouth as I try to gulp it all down. 

It drips out of my mouth, down my chin, landing on my chest. I can barely concentrate, however, with my own orgasm making my vision blurry with lust. We soon break away from each other, Madoc forcing me to flip back around so we can see each other's faces.

"Do you want to keep going?"

"I thought I was ready to go all the way, but I'm not yet."

"That's totally fine. What we've already done is incredible."

"I think so too."

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

He gathers me in his arms, carrying me into the bathroom. He places me down on the bathroom counter, grabbing two items - one warm washcloth and my toothbrush - and delicately cleans me up while I brush my teeth to get the saltiness out of my mouth. 

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