Chapter 23: Fiona Grace

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sexual content

And then, I remember what I need to apologize for. I quickly turn around, and I can see his eyes widen as I throw myself into his arms and hug him tightly. His arms instantly wrap around me, his nose digging into my neck. Tears gather in my eyes while he hugs me back with the same fierceness.

"Baby, what happened?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so so freaking sorry."

I peel back to gaze deep into his stormy gray eyes.

"I shouldn't have tried to change who you are. I've been attempting to make you someone new and less cruel and friendlier when that's not who you are. I have to come to terms with myself being a weak human in this world I don't fully understand and my own insecurities hurt you. 

"Which is wrong because you never want to hurt me, and I'm the one causing the most damage here. I never want to hurt you either, and I'm sorry that I've been controlling what you do. No one deserves that. And without hurting people, you deserve to live your life as who you are. Whether or not everyone agrees with it. I'm wrong in wanting you to change parts about yourself. I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

I brush away the tears falling down his lovely cheeks.

"Part of you is right as well. It's true that you need to help me with more control. You've been the only one, besides my mother, who is brave enough to say it to my face. But, you just released a lot of pressure off me. And I forgive you. You were hurting me, but I accept your apology."

"Thank you. We both have things we need to work on, and I'm hoping we can do that together."

"There's no else I would rather be with."

Madoc's lips land softly on mine, his hands lifting me up so my legs wrap around his waist.

"I'm so glad you are here."

I don't say anything back to him, feeling incredibly small and protected in his arms. His nose nuzzles deeper into my neck, a soft hum of satisfaction exiting my mouth. My body thrums in the weirdest way I have ever experienced, everything in me wanting me to be closer to Madoc. 

A blush coats my cheeks as he holds me closer to him. I can practically hear my heart pulsating. A hand brushes down my cheeks, tracing over the red that taints them. He has me straddling his one knee, the pressure right up against my clit. Jolts of electricity shock me as they roll up my body. 

My toes curl at the sensation, and my thighs squeeze together.

His eyes darken, his tongue licking his bottom lip. He rips a piece of the chicken that I offered to him off before holding it to my lips. I wrap my lips around his fingers, and a smirk graces his face. We don't speak another word for a few more minutes as we eat before he leans forward to press a kiss to my exposed collarbone. I shiver at the erotic feather-like touch on my skin. 

I scratch the back of his head, a grunt of pleasure coming deep from the back of his throat at my touch. His lips move up my neck and down my jawline. He pushes the chair up, barely making it to the bedroom wall before thrusting his hips up into my hot and throbbing pussy.

The deep rumble from his throat has my thighs clenching, my body aching to be touched. One warm and rough hand finds my waist, pressing me harder on the apartment wall, his fingers disappearing up the shirt slightly. 

My breath hitches as he pushes his body on mine, the indentations of his abs noticeable as I slip my own hands over his bare stomach. He leans towards my neck, his lips brushing my collarbone, and he takes a soothing breath of my natural scent. 

His lips linger on my skin for a minute longer. His eyes have fluttered closed, his arms wrapping me in a tight yet soft hug, his frame relaxed beyond belief.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away."

"I don't want you to stop."


"I want stuff with you."

"You mean like, all the way stuff with me?"

"If that's what you want."

"I want that. You want that?"


"Right now? 'Cause I don't know if I'm going to be able to control myself much longer."

"You don't have to."

His land dominatingly against mine, his body contouring into me. A low moan exits my mouth as his tongue caresses mine. He walks forward, a hand on the wall, to carefully carry me into his bedroom. 

He lays me down on his bed, the naturally made sheets comfortable against my back. His nose nudges with mine before he trails his lips over my jawline, down my neck, as close to my collarbone as he can get. I squeeze my thighs together, hoping to hide the surging heat between my legs.

"That's not going to do anything, baby."

His hands reach up my dress, grasping at the top of my underwear, and they are yanked down. I squeal in shock, moving away from him, and pulling them back up. He sits there dumbfounded for a minute before trying to do it again. I ask him to explain why he would do such a thing. 

He only replies by saying 'I want to see your body'. I correct him that he must ask me permission and once I allow him to see my body, he can. He can't go around pulling my pants down or exposing me in any way until we are more comfortable with one another in this new committed relationship. 

He isn't the only one that's had bad past experiences. No one sexually assaulted me or anything of that nature, but I did feel pressured once by an ex. I'm more cautious about sexual stuff now.

I do know that he would stop at any point I say though. I do trust him. 

When he crawls back up to me, trying to take off my underwear, his eyes flick up to mine. I say a quiet yes, curious about what he wants to see. Thank god we have been kissing, and it's not like he hasn't seen my body before, but this time it feels different. Something better, more genuine maybe.

Before moving back down to his original position, almost as if he were reading my mind, leans down to press a tentative kiss on my lips. We are both a bit shy at first - for a reason unknown since we've done it before - but quickly get the hang of it. 

My arms wrap around the back of his head, pulling him further down to me. His tongue runs along my lower lip. I part mine, his body curving into mine as our tongues meet, and he instantly takes control. His lips leave mine, allowing me to breathe for a minute. 

Along with his teeth biting and nipping at my skin, he trails down my neck, over my collarbone, and partly over my breast. I shiver in delight as I feel his rock-hard cock against my thigh. I close my eyes to find swirls of pink and purple, delightful and sensual colors swirling in my head. 

My body buzzes in excitement. His fingers fondle with the falling apart straps on my dress. His eyes meet mine, and I give him a nod of my head. He unbuttons the dress away from my body, carefully not to rip it with the mighty strength. 

I place a hand on his abs and watch how his muscles tense briefly. He stares shamelessly at my exposed breasts. He wraps his lips around one of my nipples, flicking his tongue over the sensitive and erected bit. Goosebumps line my skin and my arms reach around him to clutch onto his shoulders. 

My nails dig into the top of his back as I hold onto him. His hips jerk forward, the flimsiness of his underwear making the hardness of him extremely recognizable. A moan, my moan, fills the air as his lips brush down my stomach. My back arches off the bed, my mind reeling at every euphoric touch of Madoc. 

He latches his hands back around my dress, tugging it off my shoulders, and exposing me completely to him. A light, warm breeze passes through the apartment window. I suck in a breath at the feeling my pussy gets.

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