Chapter 3: Fiona Grace

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Muse of Reaper's apartment above

I bite my bottom lip, glancing around as I try to see everything I possibly can. I hear Poison chuckle next to me, but he doesn't say a word as we make our way down the path. Some people look at us, but most are too busy doing the individual thing that they don't realize there is someone new in town. 

After another five minutes of walking, we stop in front of the largest building in the town. I'm sure it's like the town hall. We walk inside, and I hear the squeaking of shoes on the clean surface of the floor. Bullet digs his heels further into the crowd to create more noise just for the fun of it. Poison rolls his eyes next to me, continuing forward. 

We enter an office space, desk, and everything. The two men give a slight nod in greeting before standing stiffly at the edge of the room. I just stand there and glance at the large man in the cushy seat before us. I'm guessing this is 'President'.

"Welcome to Devil's Rose MC-"

Someone of a lot of creativity.

"-My name is Alpha. I hope your journey here wasn't too bad. I see you have a large cut on your foot. Are you alright?"

"It should heal in a few days once I pull it out. Can someone explain what all this is?"

"MC stands for motorcycle club."

"Oh. That makes so much more sense. For some reason, it wasn't registering. Am I trespassing or something?"

"Are you a part of another MC?"

"Clearly not. I don't mean to intrude on anything. Really. I'm passing by."

"With your clothes messed, dirt all over your face and knees, blood on your head, and a rock sticking out of your foot?"


"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Not entirely, but what other choice do I have?"

"Where did you come from?"


"I get that. Do you have somewhere safe to stay...?"

"Fiona. And, honestly, yes. If only for a couple of days."

"The only place I have for you is with another one of my bikers, okay?"

"Alpha! Not with him!"

My head is quick to turn to Poison who has a shocked and panicked expression on his face. His eyes are wide, his mouth dropped open, his fist clenching at his sides. Well, damn, let's hope that Alpha isn't throwing me into the deep end here. 

If he is worried about me with his own bruting physique then I should probably be scared out of my wits. I flick my eyes back to the President of the MC who isn't wearing his heart on his sleeve like Poison but I can tell he also doesn't like the arrangement.

"I don't have to stay here if it's going to be a problem. I'm sure I can figure something else out."

"There's no need for that. It's just Reaper doesn't like anyone coming into his home."

Reaper. Bullet and Poison were talking about him earlier today when I woke up. I wonder what he did to that man last night. Maybe I could ask him since I might be staying with him. I play anxiously with my fingers as the two men discuss where I am supposed to stay. 

I keep glancing down at my foot and seeing the rock sticking out of the bottom, I can't help but shiver at the grossness of it. I had no idea that a rock could be sharp enough to get caught in your foot like that. I don't think it's too deep, but I'm sure that stitches are going to be needed. 

The more I look at it the worse it gets, so I lift my head to focus better on the conversation. Alpha explains to me why they are worried about my staying with Reaper but I couldn't care less. I just need a place to sleep, shower, brush my teeth, and eat for a couple of days while I decide where I'm going to head to next. 

I'm sure that even with his name giving me images of that skeleton guy with the black cloak, he'll be fine with me staying for four nights at most.

The three men, Bullet now having input in the conversation, decide that he can put up with a woman in his home for a short period. I say thank you to Alpha who waves nicely at me before he continues the paper placed on his desk by some unknown man that walked in briefly about ten minutes ago. 

He seems a bit scary too, most of the men I pass down in the lounge area are too, but I don't think they are going to hurt me. The most likely could be Reaper, and I'm staying with him, so it all looks pretty safe. 

However, I said that for James's house/orphanage thing too and that didn't turn out so well. Poison explains that the doctor of the MC, whose name is Bear, is caught up with two others from a run from last night so he is unable to see the rock but he reassures me quite terribly that Reaper will help me out. I don't count the minutes that seem to drag on as we make our way to his home. Each second feels like a day in its own right.

When Poison finally stops at a building, I thought it would look worse. Instead, the murals of feminist art on the front and what looks like a newly refurbished door almost take my breath away. He explains to me that the murals aren't Repear's but he keeps it because of the past ladies that were living here about five years ago that put them there. 

I don't see why anyone would want to cover this artwork anyway, it's way too anger-provoking to get rid of it. I hobble my way up the stairs, following behind Bullet who keeps glancing back down at me. I think he wants to see me fall on my butt. And I secretly want him to trip over his feet. 

He raps on the door, but the door doesn't open and nothing is heard from inside. The two men roll their eyes, and Bullet uses a tool from his back pocket to pick open the lock. Well, I'm certainly not going to be on Reaper's good side when he finds out what they have done.

I glance around the apartment, finding myself smiling at the inside. It's a very industrial-type theme but still quite homey. Much different than the stereotypical bachelor pad that you think of. As if they caught themselves on fire, the two men that got me here burst out of the apartment, leaving me alone in the cold environment. 

I turn around to get a full look at the place to see a man standing there, openly staring at me. I stare at his form and am surprised to find what I do. Blood everywhere. Splashed on his black coat, splayed on his clenched jawline, his knuckles, his shoes. My eyes widen as he struts towards me, his gaze not moving from my body. 

I turn my head away, forcing my eyes shut, as he raises his hand into the air. I wait and wait for him to slap me across the face, my whole body bracing for the snapping impact, but it never comes. I peer from my position to see that he instantly stilled. Slowly and cautiously, he lowers his hand to lightly brush something away from my cheek.

"I won't hit you. There are defrosted chicken breasts in the fridge if you would like to start cooking them. Feel free to get anything you need."

He leaves me be, sauntering away and to where I'm guessing his bathroom and bedroom are. With all that blood on him, whether it's his or not, he needs a shower. My stomach grumbles, answering the question if I want to use all his stuff to cook myself a meal. I slowly meander to the kitchen, allowing him time to change his mind, but he doesn't leave or yell at me from the back of the apartment. 

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now