Chapter 26: Madoc Steele

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"Tell me why you are here."

Alpha gives into the strict tone of my husky voice, which comes to a great surprise. My eyes flick over his half-naked form, and I make sure my hands are gentle before turning Fiona to face away from the man (unsure why) which greatly juxtaposes the harsh diction I have towards Alpha. I can't help but smile at the possessiveness I hold towards her. 

It only goes to show that I'm embracing the relationship we have, and I couldn't be more happy about it. She doesn't fight me as I turn her around or still cover her eyes though she's facing the opposite direction. 

After the Alpha is fully dressed, with my shirt that was tossed randomly on the couch because he doesn't have another one, I swivel back around and toss a heavy arm over her shoulders to tug her into the side of my body. I know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt Fiona, but I'm still incredibly protective of her. I just can't help it. 

I would never stop her from doing something she really wants to do, but I want to make sure she is safe. She squints her eyes in a pretend threatening gaze, which only makes her ten times cuter, so I only chuckle and position her closer to me. She lays a hand on my chest, and I subtly sniff at her captivating strawberry fragrance.

"You know why I'm here. She can't be around for this."

"It does include her though. Doesn't she deserve to know?"

My eyes move back and forth between the two authoritative people I know. Fiona, who could have me submissive in one look and follow her around like a lost puppy. Compared to Alpha who is my boss and President of the Devil's Rose MC west chapter who could ruin me if he wanted to. 

They could both ruin me. The toss-up is honestly pretty even. 

With what happened at Church yesterday, and finding out that someone out there is looking for my girl, scared me more than I thought I could be. She's my top priority now and someone wants to hurt her or take her away from me. Not going to happen. 

I won't let any harm come to her, but I've read enough romance books (with no outside pressure) to know that the girl always gets hurt anyway. For me, It's better that she knows so she's prepared for whatever could happen to her or me.

With my arm wrapped tightly around Fiona's waist, it keeps me from launching my entire body at Alpha and choking him against a wall. While we continued arguing, he was eventually invited into our home - not by me - and now we are trying to discuss whether or not Fiona needs to know what's going on. In reality, it's not that horrible. 

One of the MC chapters, that one I was supposed to go to, communicated with us that someone was asking questions about where she is. We don't know who this someone is yet, only knowing that his name starts with a C, and whoever this person has been searching for her for quite a while. 

We got in touch with a few other people, even asking Beatrice who it might be, and the best we've got is a person from the family she doesn't really talk to anymore. I continue to argue that we just tell Fiona, fuck the rules for this one occasion, and she might have some serious input on who it could be.

Alpha doesn't argue with that stance because he's too worried about breaking the MC rules that were put in place forty fucking years ago. I'm sure his father would understand that he had to do it for not only the safety of Fiona but the whole club. 

If whoever this is could hurt someone, it's best we know and have all the information we need. I know my girl could probably have or give us a clue, whether she knows it or not. Plus, she'll be more prepared if this person ever did find her and decide to hurt her. 

I would rather she not be caught off guard. Though I'm glad that he wants to have the tradition live on, the world evolves, and every one and while, you've got to evolve with it. As of right now, we have ways to protect ourselves against a person we don't even know, so how much protection do we really have?

"Please stop arguing. It seems that my life could be in danger, I would appreciate knowing that for sure than being stuck in the dark."

"Look, Fiona, as Reaper has been saying, it's a generational tradition of not allowing women and non-members of the club to know club business."

"And I understand that, but if my life is in danger, that's totally something different. I'm not asking you to give me all the information, just enough to know part of what's going on. I haven't asked any questions about what any of you do, who you hurt, how you make your money. I haven't done anything to disrespect you, and I don't intend to, but I also need to if I could get hurt. This is my life too."

"Alpha, she's my Old Lady."

"She's what?!"

"It happened like ten minutes ago, so there's a lot more responsibility she has now. I would appreciate giving her some basic information."

He doesn't give either one of us a straight answer, only stating that he needs to go get fresh air. As I guide him out the door, he tells me to give him an answer before we decide to tell her anything. 

Reluctantly, I agree to the proposal, knowing that my act of dominance earlier was enough to get me suspended and I don't want to push my luck. It's best to stop while you're ahead, at least sometimes. I turn myself back around, my eyes drifting to the beautiful woman with her eyes on me. 

My thoughts begin to think about what happened last night and this morning. My hands ache to touch her, my lips wanting to be pressed against hers, the tips of my fingers tingling at the thought of skimming them against her soft, smooth skin. 

My cock desperately needs to be inside of her, my body above hers as I pound deep into her body, hitting the exact spot she needs. To feel her tighten around me, her cum coating me as oh-so-sweet moans exit that pretty mouth of hers.

But I'm willing to wait until she is ready. The anticipation is going to make everything when we make love more heightened anyway. And then, I'll fuck her, hard. So hard she's going to forget her own name. I glide towards her, my eyes lingering on her legs more than they should, but I can see her desire building as she tries to almost undetectably clench her thighs together. 

My muscles tense, my fingers stretching, my blood roaring in my ears as I inch closer to her. Without a second thought, I kneel before her, tucking my head under her - really my - t-shirt. My hands trail up the sides of her legs, disappearing under the shirt, and I softly ask her if she wants me to stop to which she answers no. 

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I roll her sexy yet plain white lingerie down gorgeous legs, sneakily sniffing at the evidence of discharge plus her delicious wetness that has gathered on her pussy and leaked into her underwear.

I pull them off her feet, my lips trailing a line of brushing kisses on the inside of her soft calf, up her warm thighs, and right into one of the precious spots of her entire body. My lips latch around her throbbing bud, and I groan out at her invigorating taste. 

Her hand clutches at the back of my head, her fingers lacing seductively through my hair as her palm presses my face deeper into her. I nuzzle my nose into her wet warmth and use my tongue to continue giving her every pleasure she deserves. 

For accepting the worst parts of me, she deserves more than I can ever grant her for I am so thankful; I will do everything in my power to open myself to her and give her the life she desires and is more than worthy of. 

She moans out my name, only encouraging me to continue, but this time I add my fingers. Thrusting them in and out of her, the satisfaction I get from watching her orgasm is almost too much to handle.

Control, Madoc. Control.

Fucking hell. She's so fucking pretty.

Her hips jut up to meet more of my legs, her legs tightening around the sides of my face. She squirts harshly, her cum coating the entire bottom half of my face - much to my enjoyment. I smile up at her, still kneeling before her. 

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My fingers dance across her skin, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my neck. I use the bottom of the shirt, knowing that Alpha won't be looking in that direction when he comes back.

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