Chapter 7: Fiona Grace

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When I arrived in Dallas, I had a much different experience of what I thought I was going to have. Instead of knowing what I wanted and needed to do, I had a panic attack because of all the people in the city. 

Barely able to breathe, I used a payphone to call Beatrice and quickly get her exact address. Her parents weren't very welcoming to me the moment I rang the doorbell. They thought I was just some runaway, which I kind of am, but so was Beatrice. 

I didn't think that they had such a judgmental attitude towards runaways, especially since they adopted one, but I was wrong about that. Since she wasn't home at the time, they had me wait outside for her to come home from school. 

It took three hours of sitting out there in the boiling heat for them to finally say that I was allowed inside. I was so dizzy, exhausted, and dehydrated that I thought I got heatstroke. Fortunately, with a couple of hours of rest, food, and water I was fine.

Beatrice arrived home, pleasantly surprised to see me there but also a bit confused. I quickly explained to her what happened after she left but spent most of my time talking to her about the Devil's Rose MC. 

And once I started talking about them, Reaper, in particular, I couldn't stop. I didn't know I could miss one person so much having barely even known them. He was the one that wanted me to leave, but I felt pained in following through with what he wanted. 

Not only did I like him a lot, but Poison, Bullet, Vegas, and even Alpha. They were careful with me, gentle with their words (to the best of their ability) around me, happy to help with anything I needed. I hadn't had a group of people to take care of me like that before. It was safe, stable, comfortable - it didn't matter that I was only there for a few hours.

And then, it was my fault that I ruined that. I could have just left when I knew that Reaper was feeling uncomfortable and stayed with someone else. I'm sure that Alpha would have accommodated something else for me. But no. 

I had to overstay my welcome, use his utensils to cook myself food and sleep on his couch. I was an idiot for thinking that I could have belonged somewhere like that. Somewhere with him. Now, I can't stop crying. 

I've been sitting here for what feels like hours, debating on what I should do. Should I go back and take what I want? Which is him. Or should I do what he wants of me? Leave him alone. I don't want to force anyone into spending time with me if that's not what they want to do. I do, however, think it was a bit rude to be that mean to me. 

It wasn't like I did anything personally to him...right?

The sounding roar of motorcycles fills the air as I wait on the steps of Beatrice's parents' house. She said she would be right back, but I have no idea where she went. Since I'm not super comfortable being alone in her parents' house after they pretty much said they hate me and I'm not dying of heatstroke, I decided to wait outside. 

I'm starting to think it was a bad idea. Just as I'm about to walk back through the front door, I hear a few pairs of wheels upon the large gravel driveway. My heart races in bubbly excitement - which is quite annoying - as I turn around to see four men on motorcycles parked in front of the house. 

Reaper climbs off his vehicle, storming his way dominantly up to me. I cross my arms as his broad stature towers over me. His hands come up to cradle my face, his thumbs wiping away the tears from under my eyes. Without a word, he tosses me over his shoulder and saunters back to his motorcycle.

I pound weakly at his back, fighting him but not enough for him to feel it. He places me carefully down on the back of it. He places a helmet over my head, me protesting the whole time, and buckles the bottom of it. When he's done making sure that I'm safe, he swings his leg over the seat and starts the bike back up again. 

The three other men wave to me kindly as he gets them to follow behind him on their bikes. They are seriously just picking me up and getting me back home, without a word. He hasn't said anything to me. His straight face and emotionless eyes do nothing to tell me what he's feeling right about now. 

I let out a small scream as he unexpectedly turns the motorcycle around in a tight circle, my hands instantly wrapping tightly around his muscular torso. I try not to get too distracted by his abs while he drives us safely back to the MC's headquarters.

Finally, after one pit stop at a gas station and maybe an hour later, we get back home. I fight Reaper on going into the bar, but he convinces me by saying that he'll pay for all my food and drinks every time I eat there if I go in right now. 

Of course, knowing that food is life and the top priority of life and not his financial situation, I don't object. Instead, I walk right in, facing all my fears at once. It's only when multiple heads of Devil's Rose bikers turn their heads to me that I back away towards the door. 

However, he catches my hips and pushes me slightly forward. I'm astonished when I see Beatrice making out in the corner with some dude I don't even know, but seeing that the space behind the bar is now empty, I'm gonna guess the bartender. 

That's something I love about her. She's not afraid of taking what she wants, no matter what it is. Even if people disagree with her attitude.

"Hey, Whiskey!"

The man slowly breaks away from Beatrice, red lipstick staining his lips. I duck my head into Reaper's chest as I hide the giggles leaving my mouth. He rubs my back slowly, but I'm sharply tugged out of his grasp and into my best friend's arms.

"We have to talk, lady."

"What about? The fact that you were the most incredible best friend in this entire world?"

She pulls out of my arms, her eyes bright and shining with both tears and joy.

"Thank you."

"No, thank you. I didn't know how much I needed him. It's weird that I've known him for less than twenty-four hours and feel like I've known him my whole life."

"I was just making out with a man I met like four hours ago, so...I wouldn't worry about it too much."

I feel a heavy but gentle hand on my shoulder, and I glance up to see Reaper standing there. He doesn't say anything to me, but he guides me to one of the barstools. However, before I get to sit down, he sits first and lifts me up into his lap. 

Another man, who I don't know the name of, sets a cheeseburger, french fries, and milkshake down in front of me. I thank him to which I only get a nod and a small smile. I glance back at Reaper who hasn't taken his eyes off me, and he grabs a french fry and sticks it in my mouth before I can protest. 

A laugh erupts from my lips as I try not to choke on the salty food. I start coughing and pat my chest while having a hard time getting a breath. He almost panics, searching around his shoulders to try and find what I'm guessing is the doctor, but I get myself together so he doesn't have to revive me from the dead. I slap his bicep, scolding him for almost killing me.

"Next time, I'm going to be feeding myself. Do you understand me?"

He stares at me guiltily, nodding his head diligently. Soon, I finish my dinner, and just as we are about to go back to his apartment, he gets called for church - whatever that means.

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now