Chapter 34: Madoc Steele

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"She has me now. I think it's time you have a relationship with her rather than push her away. However, I am no father. But I know that if it were my dad, I would want to embrace the time I had with him while he was still here."

I don't have to say anything else for him to go over to Fiona and wrap her in his arms. He whispers something in her ear before sending a wave goodbye to me, and a couple of minutes later, we hear his car engine purring as he drives away.

"Whatever you said to him...thank you."

"Anything for you, baby.

I run my fingers through her gorgeous hair, and together, we go and sit on the barstools to listen to the random chatter existing around us.

One Year Later

I feel my back pocket, the ring making a slight dent in my jeans. Fiona giggles as I spin her around the kitchen, John Legend's voice radiating throughout the room. My chest fills with happiness with her eyes dancing with joy and a bright smile spreads across her face.

I let her stand on my toes when she spins back into me, her small figure reaching up to my chest, and I cannot stop myself from pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Her hands glide up my biceps, and I know what she wants. To lower my height, I bend down and wrap my hands around her curvy waist, so she can have a loose hold on my neck.

She presses her soft lips on mine, and I groan in disbelief at the mango taste from her breakfast. God, that mango mixed with her natural taste is incredible. My body thrums in need, my fingers gripping her hips much tighter.

Just as the song begins to fade, I slide down to my knee and start to pull the ring out of my back pocket, flicking my eyes over her body dressed in my clothes and completely gorgeous.

"What are you doing?"

"Proposing to you."


"Cause I love you, and I want to marry you. Are you going to let me tell you my little speech?"

"Yes, continue."

"I was lost when I met you. I had no idea who I was going to be, who I wanted to be, how I was supposed to act. I pushed people away, let my anger run my life. And then, you found me. My whole world changed. You saved me, and I love you. I love you for everything you are, anything you could be, and for anything you ever were. I'm in love with you, more than I ever thought possible. I want to spread the rest of my life being astonished by you. So, Fiona Noemi Grace, will you give me the great honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

"Yes! I will marry you!"

    I slide the ring onto her finger, gathering her into my arms to hug her tight. Her lips land on mine once again, and this time, they don't stop. Not as I back her into the counter, lifting her onto it. Not as our clothes are ripped off and thrown across the floor. Not as I first start to thrust roughly into her, the sound of our skin slapping together.

Wetness drips down her legs, coating my hard cock, my hand gripping at the front of her throat. Her head tries to roll back, but I force her to face me, her dazed blue eyes meeting my gray ones. Her hand grips at my shoulder, and I smile as I see our engagement ring glinting in the morning light.

I have been waiting for quite a while to do that. She doesn't argue as I carry her up the steps, throwing her down on the bed before going another few rounds. She squirms on the sheets, toys strewn through the room, her body aching for her sixth release.

There's nothing like having a resilient woman who is completely under my control. Well, not really because she can tell me to stop at any time, but to pretend like she doesn't have any power is more than sufficient.

    After a few more hours, the morning is gone and the day has transitioned into the evening. Her stomach grumbles, but she is so deep into her headspace that it's hard for her to communicate. That's when I knew I had to stop. I don't know all of her limits, even after one year, and they can be constantly in flux. My limit is not being able to understand what she is saying.

I never want to hurt her, so I need to be able to communicate with her to know how she is feeling. I let her incoherently mumble while I go get her some water and a snack as she comes out of subspace. This is going to be a pretty large sub drop, but I'm prepared and we get to cuddle while watching a Disney movie so no complaining from me.

I play with the ring of her finger as I help feed her, her eyes rarely leaving mine. I lay light kisses on her lips, cheeks, and neck, hoping to bring her comfort.

She latches her naked body around mine, and all I think about is that I now have a pet koala. I shouldn't be calling my fiancé a koala, but she's more than adorable enough to be one.

"How are you feeling, baby?"

"Good but hungry and tired."

"I'm gonna get you something to eat, and then we can watch movies. That sounds good?"

    She doesn't say anything more, but I can feel the nod of her head as it rests on my shoulder. So fucking cute. How the hell am I still alive? I should have died by too much cuteness months ago. I cut up an apple into easily edible slits, pieces of Colby jack cheese, and some of her favorite Black Razzberry La Croix.

I slide underneath the same blanket as her on the couch, lifting her into my lap so she is laying across my chest, and play with her hair as she picks what movie she wants to watch. I thought she would go for a Disney movie - she usually does - but this time she chooses Mr. Right.

I don't comment on the choice, though it wouldn't be my go-to before sub drop, and I just lay back and make sure she is okay throughout. In the end, the witty yet violent scenes actually trigger her sub-drop.

I can't help but smile as she cuddles deeper into me, whispering in my ear about how much she wants a puppy. I rub her back softly, letting the movie continue to play since it isn't harming her in any way. It's not my favorite movie, but I don't mind watching it.

    I glance down at Fiona for about the hundredth time since the movie has started. She's my motherfucking everything. I trace the small tattoo on her shoulder, the tattoo that symbolizes that she's mine, and I am so glad that she is. I could never love anyone else the way I love her.

I found myself in her.

She has become more than I could ever imagine, and it can be hard to control myself around her. I miss her when she isn't around. I miss her when she's working in the city about twenty minutes away, and she's not waiting for me at home 'cause she's out partying with Scarlett, Beatrice, Teagan, and Reece.

I would do anything for her. We have our fights, we have our rough days, but it doesn't mean I love her any less. Those hard times and making it through just strengthened everything I feel for her. I'm not sure if I could put all of my love into words. It's indescribable how much I love her.

I continue running my hands through her hair, whispering a quiet 'I love you' into her ear. She smiles up at me, fiddling with the ring, and pressing a loving yet light kiss against my lips. Fuck yeah.

She is my one, my only, my everything. For the rest of our lives.

The End

Thank you all for reading, commenting, and voting. It means so much to me! Please check out my other books on my profile, if you wish.

See you next book,

Edit August 6, 2021: The second book in the series (Whiskey's) is published and completed! Please go check it out!

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