Chapter 20: Madoc Steele

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"I'm just scared."

"Scared of what? That I'm going to hurt you or walk out on you because I can't promise that everything between us is going to work out if we decide anything. Relationships are a risk, a risk I'm willing to take with you. But I would prefer it if you stopped stringing me along and tell me what you want."

"The only thing I know is that I want you. All of you."

"Then why aren't you committing to having all of me?"

"The past."

"The one you aren't willing to tell me?"


"Look, I can't do this to myself. I can't chase you in circles. I can't do that to myself. So, I'm gonna leave you alone. As I said before, Alpha can find me another place to stay I'm sure, and while you figure out what you need, I'm going to do what's best for me."

And she walks away from me. The last thing I wanted to happen. She doesn't turn back once, something I was expecting though am heartbroken from. 

The rest of the night is a complete blur. I don't know what happened after Fiona was gone - only God knowing where she went - or how I ended up waking in Poison's apartment with a pounding headache. 

Five beer bottles lay on the floor next to me, my eyes squinted as the blinding sunlight comes barreling through the open windows. I groan out a low 'fuck' while I sit up on the couch, clutching my head painfully. I lift my right arm, sniffing at my armpit to almost choke at the alcohol scent leaking from what smells like a heavy layer of sweat. 

Holy fuck. What happened to me last night? If I've only been asleep for - I glance at the clock to see the time of one in the afternoon - maybe eight hours. I feel the couch for my phone to find it stuck between the couch cushions and click it on to see that the date is May twenty-seventh. That means I have been out of it for about thirty-six hours.

"And the jackass has awoken."

"What happened?"

"Oh, nothing. You just got so blackout drunk, you tried to beat up both Slasher and Bear while simultaneously crying over a girl you lost because you were a fucking idiot. After that, you almost gave yourself alcohol poisoning, so we had to sedate you, and you've been unconscious for about two days. From the state Fiona is in, I'm not exactly sure I'm happy you woke up."

"Did I hurt her?"

"Not physically, or you would actually be dead. Emotionally, however, she's having a hard time."

"Let me talk to-"

"Yeah, no. That's the last thing you are going to be doing. Alpha is not happy. He puts up with a lot of your shit, but you crossed a line. Prepare for punishment."

Right on cue, Tank and Alpha slam open the apartment door, lug me to my feet and drag me out in the hallway. My stomach rolls in nausea, but I hold in the throw-up, instead only moaning at the excruciatingly harsh sensation of being pushed against the brick wall. 

No words are spoken between the three of us as I'm tugged to the clubhouse. My stomach sinks to the pits of my stomach when my eyes lay upon Fiona's face. She doesn't expect blood to be gushing from my messed-up knuckles, and I watch her flinch as if she's the one in pain. I reach out to her, desperate to hold her in my arms, but she's too far. 

Alpha slaps the back of my head, pushing me into one of the cells in the backroom of the clubhouse. The two of them lock me in the cell, then lock me in the room, so I'm taken aback when I hear the door open once again. 

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