Chapter 30: Fiona Grace

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It's not hard to miss the frustration on Madoc's face as Poison goes digging through the refrigerator two minutes after he walked into our home. Bullet is quick to follow him, apologizing about Poison's sudden appearance, but I only brush it off. 

It's nice to have other people around besides just brooding Madoc standing behind me. It doesn't take long for him not to be able to handle the two other guys eating popcorn sloppily on his couch, getting crumbs everywhere, after tugging me back to the couch to sit next to them so we can watch The Flash together. 

So, with one last light kiss to my lips, he dashes out of the apartment with his feet on fire. It doesn't take long for the roar of his engine to go speeding down the street and out of earshot. The boys press pause on the tv remote, Cisco freezing in a funny position, instantly turning to me.

"Now, we can gossip."

What have I gotten myself into?

"You're his Old Lady, huh?"

"How do y'all know this?"

"It's not like any of us are very good at keeping our mouths shut."

"I would disagree. You don't talk about anything that goes inside church, barely anyone knows the club actually exists, and you probably haven't told anyone your real name."

"When it comes to really important stuff, we can't keep our mouths shut. Besides, Alpha told us, so we could tease your man."

"So, what do you want from me?"

"Is he kinky?"

I blush, harshly, and by the time I get around to try rectifying the situation, the two of them are already wiggling their eyebrows.

"How kinky?"


"Are you sure? Cause those rub marks on your wrist are saying something entirely different."

"Stop, he's gonna kill me if I say anything."

"Kill you? I think he's going to do something a little more...bruising."

"Bullet, stop him."

The man only shrugs, waving my plea off.

"Once Poison starts, there's no way he's going to be able to shut up."

"How far did you guys go?"

"I'm not super comfortable sharing our sex life with you."

"Oh, come on. Are you going to tell me anything?"

"Anything but our sex life. When you get a significant other, are you going to be sharing your intimate life with everyone?"

"First, I'm never getting a significant other. Second, yes I would, so everyone would know that I have one. What will you tell me?"

"That he's wonderful and totally misjudged for being a killer."

They scrunch their noses at the second part of my statement. And with what I can tell, it's like they are remembering multiple instances that refute what I just said.

"He might be wonderful, but he's a killer. Stone-cold."

"We don't call him Reaper for nothing, Fifi."

"Well, he's good to me. He wouldn't ever hurt me."

"We're not saying he will, but don't ever think he won't hurt someone else. For you especially."

"Thank you for the warning-"

"We just want to be honest with you. He can be terrifying. He's done some things I don't think I can forget, and I wasn't even there."

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now