Chapter 12: Madoc Steele

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I lay my hand soothingly on Fiona's back as she hurries to pick all the bags off the floor.

"Hey,'s okay, my sweet. Don't worry about it till tomorrow."

"Are you sure? I'm so sorry. I know that you don't like-"

"It's completely fine. We are going to get changed into comfy clothes, eat ice cream, and watch a Will Ferrell movie. There's no reason to apologize."

"But Reaper-"

"Enough. Go get changed, and I'll get everything else ready. Do you like whipped cream?"

"Was that a real question? Who do you think I am? A psycho?"

"You seriously might be."

"Oh, shut up."

I chuckle as she kicks off her shoes and storms up the stairs in teasing anger. She's so fucking cute. It hurts seeing her so adorable and beautiful all at the same time. When I was on rounds for only about three hours, I missed her immensely. 

I missed being around her, hearing her laugh and talk, having her in reach to hold. I saw that necklace, and because I pretty much can only think of her, I knew I had to buy it. I knew I had to know that she had a little piece of me on her no matter where she goes. 

I'm a bit of a neat freak, but if it's her mess, I could get used to some of it being around. Though I would most definitely pick up after her a bit. I hear her little steps upstairs as she gets dressed - cue praying that it's in my clothes - and for the first time in a long time, I smile. 

The feeling inside me is so foreign, beyond anything of this world. Just knowing that she is my home, living (at the moment and hopefully for a while) in my space, and as she walks around, small traces of her strawberry scented perfume fills the air. Fuck, I don't think I ever want her to leave.

My brothers are going to tease the hell out of me for being the first one to want to settle down. Of the new era and members of our Devil's Rose MC chapter, if Fiona and I get together, we would be the first biker and Old Lady couple. Before Alpha even. 

If that becomes the case, no matter the amount of heckling I get, I'm going to be an enormously happy man. After quickly changing in the downstairs bathroom, I hear a light giggle come through the silence as she slides her socked feet on the hardwood floors. 

Fuck yes, thank you universe. 

My favorite t-shirt comes past her knees, her shoulder showing at it continues to fall off and expose her skin. I subtly glance to see if she has anything underneath, but I wouldn't be able to tell. Her eyes twinkle as she gazes down in anticipation at the selection of sugar I have set out for the both of us. 

Four different kinds of ice cream, whipped cream, fudge, sprinkles, and those Lofthouse pink sugar cookies that are way too addictive to have in your household but sometimes you just can't resist the temptation. 

When my sister Jasmine's kids come to visit, though that is rare nowadays, they always know I have a lot of sweets. I work out a lot and keep myself healthy, but there is nothing wrong with sugar self-care every once in a while.

I get two bowls from inside the cabinet, placing them on a table with a spoon. I have Fiona guide me in what she wants, and soon, we are on the couch cuddled under a blanket. I hand her the remote, and she instantly lands on Step Brothers. 

It takes about thirty minutes till the clinking of her spoon comes to a stop. I flick my eyes over to her to make sure she is okay, but she gives me that gorgeous smile, and relief and something I can't quite put my finger on spreads throughout me. My fingers lace with her, tugging her body closer to mine. 

A soft laugh exits from between her lips, my heart pounding fiercely in my chest. She crawls on top of me, and I try to stop myself freaking out inside. Her small 5'2 body fits perfectly on top of my muscular 6'2 frame. 

I wrap my hands around her waist, the shirt riding up as she gets comfortable. Her head lays on my chest - obviously turned towards the tv - but I can't focus on anything besides her skin. So soft, so smooth, so touchable.

My hands run down the sides of her thighs slowly, giving her enough time to stop me if she wishes. I stop focusing on the movie which she continues to laugh at and concentrate on the feeling of her. My fingertips brush on the edge of the light gray underwear she is wearing under the t-shirt. The only thing she is wearing underneath. 

She shivers on my chest, and I throw the blanket back on top of us fully, knowing that it's partly my touch, but I also don't want her to be cold. I dip a couple of my fingers under the fabric, grazing her lower ass. It takes every ounce of self-control I have left to not go down too far. 

The heat of her pussy presses against my thigh, and my hands ache to hold her hips as she grinds down on me. I scold myself, taking deep breaths, lifting one hand on her lower back and having the other run through her silky, caramel brown hair. I feel her chest move up and down at a slower pace, her breaths deeper. 

I glance down to see that she had fallen asleep, and I roll my eyes at the predicament.

Instead of feeling the need to get her on the couch and move to the bed to sleep alone, I stay with her. I rub her back peacefully and watch the movie come to a finish. With her warmth and scent surrounding, it's too hard not to start falling asleep with her still on top of me. 

I have never slept with anyone else in the same space before. At least, not this close. I don't hate it, but I'm going to have to get used to being so close to somebody. I carefully reach for the tv remote, freezing when she shifts, and then grabbing it swiftly to turn off the end credits. 

One last time, I make sure that the blanket is covering her, even if my clothed feet are sticking out slightly. I brush the hair away from her eyes and out of her face, flicking my eyes closed. Sleep comes easy - which is much different than usual, normally the nightmares keep me awake - and I find myself excited for tomorrow.

Waking up to hearing clattering in the kitchen is a sudden change. At first, I thought one of the guys had broken into my apartment. And then when I found my chest vacant, I knew that it was only Fiona. At this moment, she's forcing me to watch her cook us breakfast instead of allowing me to help her - much to my dissatisfaction. 

I hate seeing her doing all the work herself when I am more than willing to help, but I also don't want to piss her off. The aroma of the - most likely - spicy morning quesadillas pervades my senses. Turning around, she smiles brightly at me before setting a plate of delicious-looking food in front of me.

"Tell me how you like it."

I take a bite of the food, a moan exiting my mouth at the taste.

"Holy shit, baby."

"That good, huh?"

"That good."

She shrugs, saying she 'knew it' before coming to sit down on my lap. I'm about to thank her, but the door shakes with a heavy pounding. When I see, the panicked look on Bullet's face has anger pulsing through me, my thoughts instantly going to Fiona.

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