Chapter 29: Fiona Grace

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I'm not the most innocent woman in the world, I have experimented with a few things, but nothing like this. I haven't trusted anyone enough to dive into the world of even soft BDSM. This seems pretty soft, and I don't think I would want to go into hardcore, but I willing to try with Madoc. I trust him to do what's best for me and to not hurt me and to listen to me. 

That's why I'm so okay with him showing me these new things. I'm not afraid but I'm curious, and I know that the curiosity will be fulfilled without any danger of something terrible happening. In all honesty, seeing him hold all those toys in his hands, watching him handle the things that are about to be used on me, turns me on more than regular vanilla sex. 

He lays them down on the edge of the bed, letting my eyes roam over the various new sexual instruments meant for pain and pleasure. He takes off his shirt and shoes, leaving him in jeans.

He's so freaking edible.

Out of his back pocket, he pulls out a black, silk blindfold. His fingers linger over the most known items, although he explains them to me anyway. One after the other, he goes from vibrator to dildo to handcuffs to ropes. Describing the ways he wants to use them on me. He's drawing this out to make me way needier. 

I'm not an idiot - though I can't say I'm not enjoying it. My pussy with how much it's leaking onto my thighs right now can barely contain itself. Jesus Christ, I'm not religious but I think I've broken a few rules. He's supposed to be the savior right? I'm thinking about Jesus as I'm being explained sex toys. 

I need help. 

He grasps onto one of the leather toys, and though he doesn't know the actual intellectual term for the thing, he calls it his pussy whip. The name is self-explanatory, but he illustrates it anyway.

"Spread your legs."

"But Madoc-"

He gives me a glare, and I know that I have done two things wrong. Questioning him (kind of) and calling him by his name. 'Sir' would have been much more appropriate. I knew that.

"Sorry, sir."

"Good girl."

Praise. Holy shit. That's not helping the situation below, and he wants to see it.

"Now, spread your legs."

I remove my hands that cover myself, spreading my legs apart so he can see the stuff that's been leaking out of me for the past twenty minutes. It's like having mini orgasms. What is wrong with me? Where did that come from?

"Look at you, baby. Already so wet for me. My sensitive girl."

Goodness, I love his dom space. At those words, I feel the submissive in me taking over, ready to follow his every command, but ready to stop him with my safe word if I need to. He drags the whip up my legs, the cold leather making my pussy tighten and my clit throb. 

Sharp pain on the inside of my upper thigh sends a gasp from my mouth. His muscles tense, his eyes never breaking from my clit, and he presses the leather right on my pussy. His wrist snaps back before switching forward, a single stinging agony inflicted. 

My hips jut upwards and a low moan exits from my mouth. He chuckles as more of my wetness comes pouring out from inside of me. He drags his fingers through it, taking them into his mouth and sucking on them while his eyes roll to the back of his head. I twitch as I watch his seductive motions, and he reaches for what he calls a flogger. 

In multiple spots on my body - my breasts, my lower stomach, my back, and my butt - he uses it to create precise and abrupt tingles spread through my body. He shows me a few more, ones I don't remember the name of two seconds after since I am so stuck in my sub headspace. All I know is that they feel good.

There is one, however, I was not expecting.

A collar. A metal spiked collar with a short chained leash and leather holding from his hand. He was especially careful about asking permission for this one, but I allowed him to put it on me. At first, I felt nauseated. 

Not because I was uncomfortable or kink shaming in any way but because I enjoyed it. He would tug on it, making my back arch, his fingers playing with my clit, and I practically drooled. 

It's been a few minutes since he finished showing me all the toys that he had, even giving me permission to cum a couple of times, and I'm exhausted. My whole body is curled up with his, and I have tucked my face into his neck to breathe in his calming scent. 

He rubs softs circles on my bare back, soft kisses being placed on the top of my head. That's when my sub drop hits - much earlier than I thought it would. Tears streaming down my face, my stomach growling in hunger, my throat scratchy because of my sobbing, my head pounding with a headache.

"Oh, baby. I've got you, my sweet."

He continues his soft words, carrying me down the stairs to go get some water and chocolate. He curls us both up under the soft blankets on his couch and reaches for the tv remote. His fingers run through my hair, calming me, and puts on my favorite show as of right now - The Flash. 

I chew carefully on the Hershey's milk chocolate bar, Madoc holding the cup so he gets me to take small sips of the water, so I don't choke as I lay on his chest. His hands cradle me to him, his safety and warmth helping guide me through what can be a difficult transition from bedroom submissive to regular old daytime me. 

I trace his tattoos blindly, focusing more on the screen than what my fingers are doing, in order to help him with his own transition. Though I haven't experienced it myself, I'm sure going from bedroom dominant to a less authoritative male that doesn't boss me around with everyday things can also be difficult. 

His body seems to gradually relax into mine, my touch giving him the comfortability to be more vulnerable. As I shuffle my body to get in a better position, my swollen and sore clit brushes against his jeans, making me moan out in pain. Real pain this time. 

He mumbles about a thousand profanities as he lifts me from his lap, runs up the stairs, grabs me some of his clothes to change into (plus underwear for me), and comes back down. I thank him profusely, lifting my sore arms above my head to pull the large, white shirt on me. 

A loving kiss is placed upon my lips before we both turn our attention back to the Flash and Savitar. I freaking hate Savitar. I roll my eyes at Wally's stupid decision but don't get too angry since he thinks he's doing the right thing. 

Emotions make people do stupid things - something I am incredibly familiar with. Madoc continues to soothe me from my sub drop, even after it's finished, holding me close to his body. 

The warmth that he radiates is astonishing. He's my personal oven. I wonder if brownies would bake on his skin. I giggle quietly at my own thoughts, feeling like I'm getting back to myself, and I take another bite of the chocolate.

"Feeling better, baby?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Sub drop is part of the lifestyle. If I'm to be your dom in the bedroom, I am going to take care of you when that part is over. There is no need to thank me. If anything, I should thank you."

"Why? I haven't done anything."

"You being here helped me through my own transition. No woman has ever taken care of me afterwards."

"We have to take care of each other, babe. In and outside of the bedroom."


"You don't like it?"

"No, I love it."

Just as our lips are about to brush together, a cliché knock comes from the door before Poison comes bursting into the room.

"What up, peeps?!"

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