Chapter 32: Fiona Grace

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The reward is quick to come, a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream sitting in his hand with a spoon in the other. As I retreat out of subspace, I dig in greedily to the already melting ice cream. Knowing that I'm happy, he cleans me up and carries me onto the chair in his room, so he can change the sheets. When he's finished, he lifts me into his arms and gets me to go pee and brush my teeth.

"Can we talk about something?"


"I didn't really like how when I said no, that you said I must use the safeword. My no means no, and I won't use it unless I mean it. Maybe instead of just one safe word, you could just generally listen for me to say no. But, if I say stop I don't actually mean stop. And watch my body for clues that I'm done. You know me well enough to read my body language. It would make me feel safer."

"To clarify, you want me to listen to you say either red or no throughout the scene so I know you are done? Plus, watching your body language?"

"Yes, I hope that's okay."

"Of course. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's not that, but sometimes subspace makes me forget or if I'm deep into it, speaking can be difficult."

"I hear you, and I will most definitely follow through with your request."

"Thank you."

"I don't ever want to make you feel forced to do anything. I want to also make sure that you can use the safeword or anything else to get me to stop at any time. It will not disappoint me in any way if you need to stop. Sometimes, I might get in too deep and need to stop as well."

"And if we still wanted to have sex, there's no need for us to go into our headspaces every time. I know it comes naturally most of the time, but we don't have to."

"I'm glad we are on the same page."

"Me too. It's nice to be able to communicate to one another about our needs and not feel judged."

"You're my girl. You can talk to me about anything."

"I love you."

"I love you."


Morning. Sometimes the mornings are the absolute worst. The sun is either blinding my eyes or it hasn't even risen yet. Too hot under the covers, too cold when you decide to throw them off. Just being awake in general is terrible. 

But I must say that waking up with the man you love eating out your pussy like it's his last meal - when really it's only breakfast - can make any morning a thousand times better. It doesn't help that I've already cum in my sleep without realizing it. 

I can tell by the way the bottom of his mouth glitters in the orange glow of the sunrise when he lifts his head to give me a sexy yet absurd grin. His smokey-gray eyes glint with mischief. Without a word, he dives back into between my legs. I grip the back of his head, my back arching off the covers, an unrestrained moan exiting from the back of my throat. 

He hums as I tug of his hair, and the vibrations rumble huskily into the hot morning air. I hold back a scream, desperately not wanting to bring attention to how good it feels so early in the morning. His hand reaches up, cupping my left breast, rubbing my erect nipple.


He grunts as I cum once again. Arousal pours out of me, streaming into his mouth and onto his face. His lips peel away from my lower lips, to trail a light path up my body, and landing his lips upon mine. I taste the evidence of myself, and it's so freaking hot to know how he got that on his lips. I shiver under his hold, soaking in the warmness of his body.

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