Chapter 33: Madoc Steele

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Fiona gives me a death glare before exiting the main part of the bar to go to my office in the back. Though I'm not President or Vice President, my ability to make money for the club by being a hitman has gotten me an office. Now that's somewhere I want to fuck Fiona. That could be fun. Goodness, now that I've had a taste of her, I don't ever want to stop. 

The way she felt under me, her skin against mine, our heat fusing together. Her tightness wrapped sexily around me, the clenches of her thighs. The redness of the snaps from the belt on her ass. And how willing she was. Didn't fucking argue once. 

During the day, the fierceness that exists inside her is one of the sexiest and beautiful things on this planet, but knowing she trusts me enough to submit to me and allow me to take control during our sexual activities turns me on more than I thought anyone could. 

I am so fucking lucky. The most goddamn lucky man in the entire universe. She's so fucking perfect as she is, her flawless beauty taking my breath away every time I look at her. With all my issues, I'm surprised I landed such a gorgeous woman.

I sit down at the bar, asking one of the prospects - I think his real name is Major - for a glass of water.

"How are you feeling, man?"


"Who else would I be talking to? Major right?"

"Yeah, I'm good. How are you?"

"You don't sound good."

"Just family stuff."

"Anything the club can help you with?"

"My mom is kind of a jerk. I don't think anyone can do anything about that."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"No to be disrespectful, but why would you want to help?"

"Because one day, hopefully, you'll be a part of Devil's Rose. Sure you're a prospect, but we still take care of each other."

"My mom was never a lovey-dovey mom with us, but she didn't verbally hurt us either. I have a younger sister, and ever since I moved out, it seems as though my mom has been escalating in her ways. I've been trying to get my sister out of the house and get her to live with me here, but custody has been an issue."

"I can do something about that if you would want me to."

It's hard to miss the relief yet shock in his eyes.

"You would do that?"

"I'm a sucker for kids. Don't tell anyone I said that."

"Scout's honor."

"You a Scout?"


I crack a smile, a low chuckle bubbling out of me. Major grins at me, and I remind myself to put in a good word about him to Alpha. I'm sure with my approval, his status may rise quicker than he realizes. I feel a presence behind me, Fiona's strawberry scent hitting my nose. I swivel the chair around and spread my legs to make room for her to sit.

"Everything good, baby?"

"We made up, but I don't think..."

Tears gather in her beautiful blue eyes. My heart clenches at the sight. I rub soothing and soft circles on her back, handing her my glass of water to let her take a much-needed sip. I flick my wrist to Major, and he instantly leaves, reading the message clear as day. 

She cuddles into my side, soaking up the stability I must bring for her. She has no idea what she does for me. I need her to stay sane. I was falling off the deep end, off a cliff, before I met her. 

I was way more violent than I ever want her to know, felt alone in every sense of the word - even with my brothers surrounding me. I love the men that have been my supporting systems for so long and will continue to be, but there is nothing like having a woman to come home to. 

When I leave her or she goes to do something on her own, I miss her like crazy. There's no one else for me. She's it. After Avery, I never thought I would find someone else. But, Fiona is the one I was supposed to be with from the beginning. I have never felt grateful in my entire life.

It doesn't take long for her breathing to even out from the heaviness it was about ten minutes ago. I guess things didn't go the way she thought they would. And not that it's okay, but I'm gonna be right here, supporting her one hundred percent. 

I feel her fingers tangling into the back of my hair, her gentle touch calming me more than I should be at the bar. She's making me so fucking soft, and I sort of love it. I haven't been this open with the people around me in what feels like a long time. I can finally breathe. 

Major sets down a second glass of water, and I thank him with a subtle nod. Behind me, I hear the office door squeaking, which reminds me that her father - Cassius I think is his name. Honestly, I would never want to name my kid something like that. 

It reminds me of Gaius Cassius Longinus, the Roman senator who was the main leader and assassin in Julius Caesar's murder.

"Hey, baby, I've got to go do something. I'll be right back."

I set her on the stool next to mine, flicking my wrist at Major to come back over to us.

"Watch her."

"I don't need a babysitter."

"She can go pee by herself, but don't let her get into any trouble."

She rolls her eyes at me, and the more possessive, alpha male side of me wants to take her over my knees right now, yank down her underwear, and spank her about twenty times. However, I remain in control like the grown-ass man I am and remind myself that I can do all that in private. 

I scan the bar for her father, finding him leaning against the wall in the corner, a cold beer in hand. Jeeezus. Drinking at ten in the morning. I had no idea that we served alcohol this early. I casually walk through the bar, nodding briefly at a few of the other guys I know. 

I mostly hang out with Alpha, Poison, and all of them, but there are more than just the ten of us. However, they don't really hang out that much with me, so I don't know them as well as I know my normal crew of brothers. 

I stand next to Cassius, glancing over at Fiona and Major who are in an animated conversation though I have no idea what they are talking about.

"I'm not a big fan of the whole biker thing, but I'm glad she's found you."

"I'm not asking for your opinion on or permission for our relationship. It has nothing to do with you."

"Then...why are you over here?"

"Because she cares about you. And when she is in pain about something, I'm in pain. I hate seeing her hurt, and you are hurting her. May I ask a question?"

"You're going to ask it anyway."

"Why do you insist on hurting her? First, lying to her. Second, letting her go. Third, getting the chance to have part of her back in your life and you reject it. It just doesn't make sense."

"It's not like she hasn't hurt me. First, she punched me in the face. Second, she left."

"You're placing blame on her for everything that has happened. When in reality, it's not her fault. So why do you want to hurt her?"

"I don't want to hurt her. That's what I'm trying to avoid. She comes back into my life, is going to have to deal with her psycho mother, and it's best for her to move on."

"Is that best for her or for you?"

"Everything I do is for her."

"But she's a grown woman. A strong, independent woman. Why don't you let her make that decision?"

"As a father, I'm supposed to protect my kid. I'm protecting her from bullshit and pain."

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