Chapter 21: Fiona Grace

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I don't know how many hours pass that I lay there just staring up at the blank ceiling with my mind whirling with only thoughts of Madoc. I love his name, it fits him well. I can't stop thinking about him and how difficult yet caring he can be. I know it's hard for him to open up to me, he was pretty clear about that, but I'm so glad that he tried...that he eventually did. 

Exhaustion fills me, the day taking its toll, but I can't seem to fall asleep. Not when he's not beside me. It was hard enough having to walk away from him. It was hard enough to spend hours worrying about him while staying with Beatrice and Whiskey who seemed to take an instant liking to one another. 

And now, I'm here, under his bedroom covers with his scent already fading from the sheets, and he's stuck in a cold, dark, dank cell. I understand why Alpha and Tank felt the need to punish him for beating up Slasher and Bear. It was wrong of him to do that to them just because he was frustrated about things not going right with us and drunk.

What they don't know is that they are torturing me too. I just want to be beside him, cuddled up with him. I know, I know. He hurt me emotionally, but I also know that he's lonely. Loneliness can come out as anger, personal experience taught me that. 

I'm positive that if I show him that he's not alone, that he can really and truly trust me, the anger is going to dissipate along with the loneliness and insecurity. I only need to be with him. 

Moments later, I throw the covers off of me, allowing the cold night air to rush onto my skin. Goosebumps line my legs, but it doesn't stop me from sliding on a pair of Madoc's sweatpants and walking into the night. My feet move fast on the pavement, my whole body pushing forward towards the clubhouse.

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Come inside, it's fun inside
It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

I can't help it. Everytime I hear the words 'clubhouse', I can just hear Mickey Mouse, the freaking theme song, and that stupid ass beat.

I shake my head, a quiet click filling the air as I open the front door. Two heads, Carbon and Vegas, pop up from around the first door on the right, guns drawn. Their eyes widen as they see that it's only me, the guns dropping to their sides with the safeties on.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I want to see him, Vegas."

"Alpha is supposed to be punishing him."

"How hurt were Slasher and Bear?"

"A little bruised and bloody but fine twenty minutes after."

"No one died. Does he have to be in the cell?"


"If he can't come out, I'll go in. Carbon, I don't know you well, but would you please consider allowing me to be with him?"

"It's true love, Vegas. I'm not gonna be the one to stop them. And Reaper would be pretty devastated if we tried to keep her from him."

After the longest thirty seconds of my life, Vegas agrees, handing me a single key. He warns me not to lose it, knowing that all three of us could get in trouble with Alpha if we were to lose the key. They must keep some pretty bad people here, and if they were to get one here wants that. 

I thank them profusely, which they wave off, saying they owed Reaper one anyway. 

I guess they're even. 

I can hear the patter of each of my steps against the wood flooring. When I open the door to the room where the cell is placed, he is sitting up and staring at the door. I smile as he flicks his eyes up and down my body while he stands and gets closer to the door, clearly enjoying the fact that I'm drowning in his clothes. 

I quickly unlock the cell door in an anxious frenzy, flinging my body into his arms. He catches me gracefully, backing towards the bed once again. I nuzzle my nose on his neck, breathing his enticing and comforting scent while latching my legs tighter around his waist. 

He whispers softly in my ear, pressing his lips on my temple, to hopefully calm me down. We don't exchange many words to one another, not having to but also being so tired from this whole day. Needless to say, it doesn't take long for us to fall asleep in the loving arms of one another.


"Do either of you have something to say?"

"Yes, sir. Those two dipshits on the first night shift let her see him. I can say that I would have done the same thing. Look how adorable. True love, Alpha, true love. One day, you will find it for yourself and you'll fuck all the time and everything."

"Poison, I'm not afraid to kill you."

"Do it."

"Fucking hell."

"You love me way too much to kill me."

"Please go annoy someone else."

"Vegas! He called me annoying!"

"Ah, shit."

"Would the both of you shut the fuck up? It's not like we're sleeping here or anything."

"She's not supposed to be in there, Reaper."

"I'm not going to argue, but come on, please don't make her leave me. Please, please, please, please."

"That's not arguing?"

"It's whining, there's a difference."

I try to hide my smile against Madoc's shoulder, but it doesn't work. He whispers a soft good morning into my ear before pleading with Alpha to let me be with him. I'm not super excited about spending another night in a cell - my body is not feeling excited about it either with all the aches and pains - but I'm not going to be able to sleep without him near me. 

No matter how stupid that may sound, it's quite nice to be reassured that I'm safe in his presence. That I will continue to feel safe. He rubs my back gently while he continues to conversate, if that's what you could call it, with Alpha. 

I don't pay much attention, knowing that either way, I would find a way for him and me to sleep together. Not sleep together but literally sleep together. There's a difference between the words in my head. I keep my body pressed against him even as he stands. The clanging of the cell door almost sends me into an excited tizzy, but the gentle hand on my back keeps me calm.

"Alpha. We have a situation."

"Not a fashion situation this time, right?"

"Definitely not."

"Church then. Send out the message. Reaper, she can't go in."

"I'll bring her to the bar. The other girls should be there."

Madoc stands, not letting go of me for even a moment. My legs latch tightly around his waist, my head tucked into his neck, my arms flung around his shoulders loosely as he carries me out of the cell. He continues to rub my back in a soft, circular motion, our bodies pressed together perfectly. 

I close my eyes as I allow myself to relax in his grasp. I know he wouldn't let me fall, I know that he's not going to drop me, it's just a bit nerve wracking being carried through a building full of tough looking motorcycle riders in a MC called the Devil's Rose. I've noticed that women, stable and committed women, don't come around often so I'm sure that none of them have any girlfriends at the moment. 

Besides Beatrice, Scarlett, Teagan, and Reece, I don't think I have seen any other woman more than two times. Maybe they all have their hookups but make sure no one is around to know about it. I really have no idea, and I don't really want to know. 

All I hope is that Madoc doesn't have any unsuspecting women hanging out to dry like an overused and sun stained linen cloth. I would feel terrible if the two of us pursuing a relationship hurt another woman's feelings.

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now