Chapter 18: Fiona Grace

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"Is there something you would like to do?"

"What do you usually do?"

"I do have something, but I don't know if you would be interested."

"I'll follow you."

His hand held out in front of him for me to take. I take it carefully, knowing that I'm one of the most clumsy people I know, and I'm cradled back into his side. I've noticed that he likes to have us touching, and if we aren't, he makes sure to get us in a relaxed position where we are. It's not like I'm complaining about it. 

As we walk, I explain most of what happened with James Anderson, feeling comfortable about having him know about it. Soon enough, he opens the apartment door, a small smile placed on his lips. I'm super confused when he guides me past the living room and into his bedroom. 

I take a brief glance around the room, finding it to have a minimalist design compared to what I thought it would be, and he asks me to stand in front of his window. 

He places his hands over my eyes for a second before releasing them again. I gasp in disbelief at the pure beauty that hit my eyes. The brightly lit room is now blue-tinted with what looks like shimmering diamonds. What in the heck is making it look like that?

"Did you drug me?"

"No, but I placed an unnoticeable blue tint over that specific window so when the light hits it just right..."

"It makes diamonds. Well, not actual diamonds, but-whatever, you know what I'm saying."

His chest rumbles as he chuckles, rubbing his hands down my sides. His arms wrap around my waist, his fingers settling under the waistband of my shorts. I clear my throat at the aching sensation boiling between my legs. 

My body shakes slightly as he continues to cradle me in his arms, pressing a kiss over my neck. A small smile presents itself, and my heart bubbles with joy. He swoops me in his arms as if he were lifting me over the threshold like the wedding tradition. 

Weirdly, he has to initiate the touch to feel comfortable with our bodies together. 

He carries me into the bathroom, stating that I should shower since we were in the lake and I've been walking around with a partially wet bikini on for half the day. After showering and brushing my teeth, along with everything else like getting clothes on, I start heading downstairs.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Going to bed. We've done a lot today."

"If you want, you can stay with me."

"Are you sure? I wouldn't want to impede-"

"It's our space now. I would like you to stay."

I nod my head, slowing and shyly heading towards his bed. He grasps my hand and tugs me in next to him which leaves no more room for discussion. We continue talking for another few moments, mostly about Poison's infatuation with Scarlett which I find adorable. 

Feeling worn out, our legs intertwined, my hands in his hair, his head on my chest. I run my hands through the silky, black hair. Our cuddling slowly lulls me to a much-needed sleep after all the new experiences that I've had today. Maybe we could just have a relaxing day tomorrow.

The sunlight hits me fully on the face the next morning, but I honestly don't hate it. I stir awake to find that Reaper is no longer sleeping beside me. But I see something in his hands, an Emily Brontë novel - the cliché Wuthering Heights to be exact - and I lean my body onto him. 

As he goes along, he reads the adorable pages out to me. He explains that his mother used to read it to him as a kid, and it's his favorite. I'm about to crawl out from under the covers to find a place to pee, but a blast of cold wind hits me. 

A short laugh exits his mouth as I shiver and jump right back into the bed, forcing his body to cuddle against me. I hold my pee in silence for as long as I can, but that doesn't last long. I sprint into the bathroom, heaving a sigh of relief when I finally let myself go. 

I can still hear him laughing in the bedroom. When I get out of the bathroom, the sly smirk on his face cannot be missed. His eyebrows quirk up, the smug look not going away anytime soon. 

"Should I comment on how hard you just peed?"

"Shut up."

"I'm not kidding. Did that hurt?"

With the teasing smile on his face, it makes it difficult to stop my own lips from smiling.

"I will kill you."

"Are you threatening to kill a man with a name meaning death? How dare you!"

He clutches his heart, falling over onto the pillow with his hand palm up in a dramatic motion. This is new. I like it. I climb back into the bed, sliding my legs back under the warm covers. Reaper's hand rests gently on the small of my back, pushing my body on his, forcing me to practically lay half on top of him. I rest my hand on his sculpted chest, moving closer to his body heat.



"Can you tell me about your childhood?"

"Um, sure. It was awesome until it completely blew up in my face. I had a mom and a dad who loved each other, at least, that's what I thought. I had a normal, white picket fence type of family. At age fifteen, my mom cheated on my dad. He found out a couple of months later, and they got a divorce. Jayden, my mom, left me with my dad, Cassius. About a year ago, I found out that he actually isn't my biological father."

"Well, damn."

"You could say that."

"Have you thought about trying to find-"

"No. I really don't want to. Not right now. He left me, my mom. I don't think I could face him."


"I don't think I'm strong enough."

"I highly disagree. With what I learned from asshole James, it seems you've been through a lot."

"I've been lucky though."

"Yeah, but you still went through tough shit. I can understand why you wouldn't want to meet your biological father, but you are more than strong enough to face him."

I peer up at him to see him already staring down at me.


"You're so fucking beautiful."

"You're beautiful too."

He smiles, his tongue flicking out to drag across his bottom lip. His hand cups my face, and his touch drags me closer up to him. His hot breath lands on my lips, my heart about to lurch straight out of my chest. I lean up to him so our mouths are mere centimeters apart. The butterflies in my stomach flutter with a mind of their own.

"I'm gonna kiss you now."

My face goes red, but it only encourages him to land his lips softly upon mine. At first, it is tentative. Like he doesn't want to push me into doing anything I'm uncomfortable doing, which I couldn't be more grateful for. Initiating a heavier kiss, I press my lips deeper against his, a moan of appreciation erupting from my lips. 

His hands glide down to my hips, gripping me harder. The overwhelmingness of him, everything about him, floods my senses. His tongue invades my mouth, my body curving into him to get more of his desperate touch. His smooth lips match the gentleness of his warm hands as we begin to pull apart.

My chest heaves while needed air pours into my lungs. Our noses brush one another's, our lips landing together again, time stopping completely. My toes curl, my lips parting as I feel his warmth wash over me in a wave of pure passion. 

My whole body tingled, the feel of his frame on mine felt nearly forbidden. He pulled me in, claiming my mouth again and again, hungry and intense, until my brain was a complete mess of jumbled, incoherent thoughts. By the time I became aware of my own fingers, they had already slipped under his shirt, his skin smooth and radiating heat.

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now