Chapter 27: Madoc Steele

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He might not want her to know all club secrets, but he does respect women and keeps his eyes off places they shouldn't be. Especially with an Old Lady. I would have every right to beat him to a pulp if he even tried to disrespect her. 

The club comes first about ninety-five percent of the time, but if he ever did anything to make Fiona uncomfortable, I would say fuck the club. Because I love her. I don't have to know her long to know that I love her. I'm committed enough to her to say that she's my Old Lady, so I loved her before admitting it now, but I wholeheartedly do. 

There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. And I know she won't take advantage of that, something that most women do the opposite of. I drag her underwear back up her legs, her hips lifting slightly so I can pull the lingerie all the way over her intimate parts. I get up off the ground, and sit in the chair beside her, spreading my legs to invite her to come sit on my lap. To which, much to my pleasure, she does.

"Can I tell you something, baby?"

"You can tell me anything."

"My ex-finacé Avery, who I was with for four years and completely in love with, left me at the altar three years ago. I was twenty-one where we first started dating, and we got engaged three years after that. We were going to get married, it was on our wedding day when she left me. Months later, I got in contact with her and asked why she left me. She was mostly using me for prestige, winning my love to have wealth and power. I was in love with her, at least I thought I was, but it wasn't true - not for either of us."

"I'm sorry that she did that to you. I can understand why you weren't trusting of me and why you didn't want me in your home."

"That's why I am so scared. Because I honestly, unconditionally, full-heartedly love you."

"You love me? As in love me, love me?"

"I'm in love with you, Fiona. And there's absolutely nothing I would rather want, besides you being in love with me back."

"I can't say it back yet. I'm just not ready."

"And that's okay, I'm not asking you to. But I'll have you know, that you will fall in love with me, in time. There's no avoiding it for you."

She giggles softly, the sound sending pride to my chest. I lean forward, taking her tasty lips with mine, her small hands latching onto my shoulders to keep herself steady. I hold her back and press her gently against me to feel every curve, every flowing line of her body. 

Her fingers trail down my chest, over my muscular abdomen, and to the edge of my sweatpants. Blood rushes down - more than it already has - hardening my erection almost painfully as our pelvis' continue to brush up on one another. 

She moans out as my cock pushes on her thigh, and I can feel her clit pulsating on my leg. I release a profanity-filled moan, praising her delicately into her ear, which only increases the sexual tension in both of us. I place her hand slightly below my sweatpants and boxer briefs, demonstrating that it's okay if she wants to touch me. 

Our lips break apart and our eyes immediately meet. Her hand travels farther down before it grazes over my cock, my tip throbbing harshly. I grasp onto her hand, guiding her to fiercely but carefully stroke me off.

She continues to grind on me with her pelvis and hand-matching paces. My head falls back, my eyes rolling, my mouth parted as unrestricted moans release from deep inside me. I clench the back of her hair, pulling on the golden-brown strands enough to make a whimper of pleasure radiate through the room. 

I flick my eyes open as she grinds harder, her smallish but perfect breasts bouncing with every buck of her hips. She's so fucking beautiful. She tightens her thighs, pushing them together, and I know she's trying to hold back an orgasm. 

I reach up into her panties and pinch at her clit to send waves of pain and satisfaction through her. That does the trick. She cums erratically, spurts of her wetness soaking into my sweatpants as I erupt onto her hand as she does mine. 

I curse aloud, my cock feeling more than satisfied. I press light kisses over parts of her bruised neck, applying more hickeys on the tops of her breasts that show when I pull the loose t-shirt she's wearing down.


"I know, baby."

"I want more."

"After we know that Alpha isn't coming back. Then, we can do whatever you wish."

"I want to do you."

"Cute but no. Not right now. Last night you weren't ready."

"That's changed in the last five minutes."


"Oh, shit. I'm in trouble."

"You want me to spank you?"

The tomato red blush on her cheeks almost makes laughter burst from within me, but I don't want to embarrass her more. I wait until she has scrambled off my thigh and dashed up the stairs to change and brush her teeth - once again. I smile briefly, staring down at the wet spot on my pants, before making my way up the stairs to get changed myself. 

No matter how much I like knowing that she has just been grinding on me, I would rather not have a cum stain on my pants for the rest of my life. I also don't want Alpha to know what we've been up to after he left. That would be an awkward exchange, with or without words. 

Quickly, wanting to get back to Fiona, I throw on black skinny jeans (no rips of course), classy black boots, a denim collared shirt with two buttons unclasped on the top, and my leather jacket cut on top of that. I wait downstairs patiently, snacking on the washed strawberries from the fridge as I wait for either Alpha or Fiona to come to me first.

And I'm more than grateful that my woman does. I can't help but slap her ass and flick my eyes up and down that perfect body of hers. Damn, I'm the luckiest man alive. I hum as my eyes practically glaze over with lust but the heavy knock on the door instantly repeals my ideas. 

The ones that say to rip down her jeans and (most likely) lace underwear right now and fuck her against the wall. I take soothing breaths, urging my raging hard-on to calm down. I lay my hand on the gun tucked in my jeans and peer out the door from the peephole. 

I don't miss her rolling her eyes at me, but you can never be sure. I want to make sure it isn't that man searching for her since we kind of have no clue where he is. To my relief, it's only Alpha with a determined yet hesitant look on his face. 

I open the door, allowing him inside our home, and he is quick to guide us back to the dinner table.

"I have decided to tell you what's going on. However, you must never tell anyone, and it will not be happening again. Am I understood?"

We both nod stiffly, agreeing to his terms. Although it's really about my girl knowing the information, I want him to know that I heard what he wants.

"As far as we know, a man whose full name we don't know, something starting with a C has been asking around for where you are, Fiona. It seems like he's been asking people, motorcycle clubs especially, where you might be."

"And that's how you know? By who he is asking?"

"Yes. He knows what you are drawn to. Does he know much about you?"

"I know two men that have names starting with C. Cassius, who is my father, and Charles, one of the boys from James's place."

"And your father? A good man?"

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