Chapter 5: Fiona Grace

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"Fifi? Did you, a man named Poison, just call me Fifi?"

"If it makes you uncomfortable, I won't."

"No, I quite like it. Not expected though. Can someone tell me what's happening?"

Reaper sighs heavily, moving closer to me. For the first time, I study him closely, taking in his temperament but also his sexy ass body. Why he doesn't have a shirt on, I have no idea, but I'm certainly not complaining. Especially with the thin layer of sweat. 

He is the most beautiful Adonis man I have ever seen in my entire life. He looks so clean. My eyes flick over his short but messy black hair, his gray slate eyes, his pink lips, his sharp features, his tan skin (due to the sun). My heart flutters as his bare, tattooed chest comes into view. 

I push the question of how he got the tattoos aside as I stare unashamedly at the made-out-of-stone six-pack. His broad shoulders, his sturdy chest, his toned, lean, and muscular biceps. He definitely got the handsome gene. My eyes move down his body, and I try not to linger at any parts I shouldn't be.

So, he's the Reaper that even Alpha is afraid of. But that doesn't make sense. His name seems like he's supposed to be this terrible, violent, cruel human who doesn't know how to control his animalistic and deadly urges. 

If he was that terrible, the rock in my foot would not have mattered to him. The fact that I was cold and hungry wouldn't have mattered to him. Being nice to me, complimenting me, taking care of me wouldn't have mattered to him. He's kind of adorable. 

Honestly, he's been super awkward and uncomfortable around me. Not that he's in the wrong for that, I did show up randomly at his house, but for a guy with the name Reaper, he isn't that much of a good representation. Not of what I have seen. 

Maybe I should be more afraid. Maybe I should be a nervous wreck around, thinking he's going to hurt me or something like that, but I bring myself to. He did look pretty scary when I first saw him, but fuck, the way he looks now is not scary at all.

"You're drooling."

My hand quickly wipes the wet spot on the side of my mouth. I watch as he sits down next to me, his lovely body making me feel hot all over.

"Alpha wants to send me on a little trip to pay a visit to another chapter of Devil's Rose MC."

"And you wouldn't go because of me in your home?"

"Yeah that, plus, I don't like any of the guys in that chapter."

"If you need me to go, I will go. I'm not here to be a burden to anyone."

"It's not about being a burden. No one has been staying in this home besides me for quite a while."

"Do you want me to leave?"


My chest clenches painfully as I hear the words come out of his mouth, tears stinging helplessly in my eyes. Waves of loneliness, an overwhelming amount, crash down on me. I gasp, trying to fight back the oncoming tears. I have always been such a crybaby. 

My parents used to tell me that I needed to toughen up a bit, fight back for things I wanted and needed, but I could never bring myself to do it. I've always wanted to follow someone else's orders, but ones I knew were good for me. 

I want to listen to someone who has good intentions for my health. But that's not going to happen and the dream must be tossed aside. I sniffle but stand up from the couch, the obvious statement is taken to heart.

"Thank you for allowing me to stay the night."

His eyes flick over my body as he watches me drop the blanket back on the couch and turn away from him. I limp subtly, and because I don't need to bring anything with me, I walk past Poison and back to the street. I can hear the loud voices of the two men fighting upstairs but I pay no mind. 

Yesterday, with me, he didn't sound that angry. But right now, with Poison, he sounds pissed off enough to kill someone. And I know for sure that it wouldn't be the first time. If Alpha - being the bulky man he is - is afraid of him, then he has most definitely been more than just a regular human being. 

Something else has got to be going on. 

I bite my bottom lip, listening to the somewhat conversation Poison is trying to have with Reaper. Another yelp comes from who I'm guessing is Poison, and he goes yelling his Alpha's name through the street. I can't help but slightly smile at the predicament, both of them having a funny relationship with one another.

I enter the building where Alpha is to tell him that I am going to be out of his way. But when I knock on the door, no answer comes from the other side. I knock again, hoping that he will hear me this time, but that doesn't happen either.

"He's not here."

I squeal, spinning my body around to face the man that came in to drop off the papers to him yesterday.

"Didn't mean to scare you, Darlin'. I'm Vegas."


"Oh, I know. Nice to officially meet the girl that Reaper can't stop talking about."

"Reaper's talking about me?"

He snorts, wiping his bottom lip to try and stop his smile.

"Come on. They're all at the bar."

"The bar?"

"You've got a lot of questions that repeat what I say. Yes, at the bar."

"I would rather not go into the bar."

"I'm sure I can find a way for you to talk to Alpha. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do, Darlin'."

"Thank you, Vegas."

"Anything for a sweet young thing like you. Don't tell Reaper I said that to you."


"He'll have my head. We don't call him Reaper for nothing."

He holds out his arm for me to slip mine through, and I feel a slight tug as he starts walking to the bustling bar. Not only does it serve alcohol but lunch as well, that's why it's busy at noon. 

Not everyone is day drinking, though from hearing what's going on inside while waiting by the front door, I'm positive that some are. It only takes about two minutes before both Vegas and Alpha come out of the bar, each having a glass of lemonade in their hands.

"Do you want to come inside?"

"No, I'm good. Thank you. I was letting you know that I'm heading out of town. Thank you for the night of hospitality."

"Fiona, you only got here. Your foot is still injured."

"It'll heal. Thank you again."

"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate. Here is the phone number to the bar and my office."

Alpha hands me a white business card, his personal and office number along with the bar number written on the front of it with no other information. It seems that he's particular about who has his card. I nod, tucking it into my bra and walking away from the two men. 

I scrunch my eyebrows, trying to figure out where I'm going to go. I mosey through the town, finding a bus stop, and with the twenty dollars in my pocket, I purchase a ticket to Dallas, Texas. It was the cheapest ticket without having to stop anywhere. 

And I know that Beatrice lives there with her family. Hopefully, they can help me find a place where I can be safe while I try to get back on my feet. The bus, number 67 to be exact, pulls up to the parking spot and I let others go on ahead of me before climbing into a front window seat. 

The rumbling of motorcycles is the last thing I hear as the bus pulls away from the station. I turn towards the noise to find Reaper sitting there with his hands on the back of his head, his mouth dropped into a frown.

Reaper: Devil's Rose MC #1Where stories live. Discover now