chapter 3

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Recap (Derick )

I know I'm selfish. But Please listen to me. we'll meet her next week but not today. Because of the mess me and Jason created she tighten the security around her mansion. I've tried entering but in vain. But somehow I managed to know her schedule for next week so once she is out from the mansion we can meet her I'll promise you. We will meet and beg for her mercy".

With blank expression he went to his room. Now how I'm going to tell this disasterous news to mom and dad. The disaster we made..



" Sir I still can't believe it".

"Neither am I zander but I know one think her sufferings are all because of me. I'm the main reason for everything happened in her life".

"Yes you are sir, but still I hope it's not too late to beg for forgiveness maybe... "

I glared at him, like literally he is not straight forward. He is not even trying to console me by saying tinee tiny lie that it's okay but what ever he said was damn true I'm the reason and hope it's not too late.. hopefully

"Get me the complete details of what happen to her in this past couple of years I Need to know everything as soon as possible."

"Actually I got some couple of info's about her whereabouts in past but I need to make sure of it. Once I clear it out I'll definitely let you know sir ".

"Okay, when is our next meeting with her".

"She didn't decide the dates yet maybe around next week sir."

"Zander one more thing I also need you to find about what happened between Derick and her. Something's really fishy . Me feeling guilty of breaking her heart is at a side but why Derick is feeling guilty as if he also broke her heart. Why? What happen? I definitely need to know that as a first thing."

"Yes sir I also noted that. The way she not reacted while seeing him is really weird plus his bursting emotions while seeing her is even more weird. I'll definitely fine that out. First you stop stressing out and relax I'll fetch you the details."

"Hmm. Let me go for a walk."

I thought they both were best friends, he was her support system and stuff after my incident with her but what would have happened. The way his emotions overflown while seeing her doesn't match with the bestfriend aura. Am I missing something or he is in love?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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