chapter 1 (part 2)

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Recap of last chapter from part one

Belongs to Derick". She ended the Statement. "What the hell he is doing here? Inside the company your ex boyfriend jason outside the company your ex best friend Derick. What a great day to begin with isn't?". She patted my back and looked at me with a creepy smile.

As she said what Derick is doing here. I already regret coming back here and helping Jason and now I regret even more because of some people who I never want to see in my life again.

"It's going to be a long..... Day Gwen".



"What the hell he is doing here". I asked Gwen in an irritated tone. As a reply she gave a 'duh' look.

"How do I know boss. But I know one thing for sure thattt he is waiting for you". She said in a tone as if I don't know that. Like really ..

"Listen carefully Gwen don't talk to him whatever he says or ask , even if he begs you or me DON'T TALK TO HIM. Unless I say so, okay?". She blinked rapidly as if she can't understand English.

"Unless you say so ? But you said you will act as dumb. How can you tell me when to speak when you yourself can't speak boss".

"I will give some signals like blinking my eyes rapidly or rolling like that with my eyes you can understand when to speak and when to not".

"Ok then"

As we entered the building Derick was standing in the reception. As if he was eager to meet someone 'maybe me!?. I don't know let me not come to a conclusion because no one knows about my arrival except Jason's assistant. He looks kind of umm nervous?. Why he is nervous is he waiting for someone special'

"Whatever" Gwen kicked my foot slightly. Oh god did I said that loud I thought it was my mind voice 'shit'

"BOSS you can't speak please don't forget that". she gave me a disgusting look. Oi wait a minute how dare she giving me that look I'll deal with her after this meeting.

"Darkness" a voice which I decided not hear throughout my life time. I'm hearing it no no don't you dare call me like that Derick .

He was calling me from my back we decided not to listen to his voice and moved towards the lift.

"Mam it's really good to have you back mam" zander (Jason's assistant) rushed towards us and gave me a bouquet.

I was about to reply him but Gwen interrupted and reminded me once again that I can't speak.

"It's ok mister zander you can call her Caren she don't like people calling her mam". I nodded as Gwen completed the statement.

"Oh okay mam no sorry Caren" he smiled with a dimple popping out from his cheek. ' cute he is still the cutie'.

In between the thing I was not noticing is that my dear Gwen was checking out zander from head to toe. Hmm interesting. After her break up with Mike which was 5 months back she  never checked out anyone in this way.

Gwen is a strong out going women not that shy whinny type. She is brave and bold. Whereas zander is a complete introvert especially with girls . Apart from work stuffs I never seen him hanging out with his colleagues. Maybe he might have a different life outside but inside this company is a shy one.

'they'll make cute babies one baby will be shy like zander and another one will be badass like gwen wow..' oh stop she is just checking him out. You stupid mind stop creating stories and imagining things.

"Boss let's go" she pointed her fingers at the open lift I nodded and tried to enter inside the lift ( keyword tried) before entering a wrist pulled me out from my behind. And just by that touch I know who was that.

"Caren please, I'm sorry I know you are angry but please listen to what I'm trying to say. There is a reason why I left you that day please give me a chance to explain it please Caren". Derick begged me. 'Reason why you left?.. well I don't want to hear that mister.

"Caren please say something please talk to me". He literally cried.

' um mister I can't speak you know I'm acting as mute right now so please go awayyy.'

"Caren PLEASE SAY SOMETHING". 'Why are you shouting man. Who gave you the right to shout'

"Mister Derick stop creating a scene out here. Boss won't speak with you just leave already". Gwen snapped at him. 'woww you go Gwen'.

"No I won't leave unless she say something. I-It has been months ..I haven't heard her voice for so many months. Please say something Caren please."

"SAY SOMETHING" he grabbed my shoulder and shook me back and forth.

"Derick please leave" zander said in polite tone


"DERICK" o oh another voice which broke my heart entered the chat..

"LEAVE". Jason ripped me from Derick's hold to his side.

'wait until I open my mouth boys but I can't ... I feel like this mute act is slightly backfiring me'.

"I won't leave until she speak with me. Let her tell me to leave".

' I can't dude I can't'.

"She can't" Gwen replied.

"Why- why she can't". Jason said in a horrified tone. Derick was also shocked by her reply as well.

"Because her vocal chord was damaged by an accident. She can't speak....... forever "


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Advance happy new year cutiess

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