chapter 15

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After visiting my brother's memorial we three me, Derick and Brian went to my company to complete the merging process. Actually we decided to start this process after a week but because of my ruined mood and few people who I decided not to meet them in my entire life changed the decision which I took. That's why I forced them to complete everything within a couple of days or weeks maybe.

Though the merging process and other stuffs went accordingly as we planned, I felt something was off. Like something was weird.

Derick. His behaviour was different I felt like he was avoiding me even Brian was doing the same. Derick's behaviour was normal from the morning but I saw some changes in him and Brian after we came here from the memorial.

They really avoided me even they didn't look Directly at my eyes. I was hurt slightly by their behaviour. No, to be honest the hurting thing was not slight it was huge HUGEEE.

Their are my only family not just family, their are the only reason that I'm still living and surviving.

To break the silent atmosphere around us I even asked them directly. Like why you guys are avoiding me? still they didn't give me a proper reply. They just shook their heads left and rite that's it.

All sort of emotions was running through out by body. First of all I was pissed by their rude behaviour towards me. Second they avoiding thing hurted me a like hell. Third I'm not a person who cries that easily but they are forcing me to do that.

My past almost broke my heart and their behaviour it's like adding oil to the fire.

Though I convinced my heart that their are pulling out a prank by avoiding. But my mind was not convinced . I waited till the day ends. Because I though maybe it was a 24 hrs prank. I prayed that it has to be a prank. Suddenly I got a call from Mathews (derick's dad).

"Dad thank god you called me. Could you please tell your sons to stop pranking me. Pretty please.. I can't take that anymore even though it's a prank it's hurting me please tell them to stop". I completely my statement without waiting for a reply in between.

"Caren I didn't call you to hear your stupid blabbering and stop calling me dad I'm not you dad and you are not my daughter. Is that clear" he replied in a annoyed tone.

What's wrong with with him. Is he also a part of this prank. Wow he is really a good actor.

"Dad you too! Ok then I guess mom is also a part of this prank. Am I rite".


A sharp stabbing pain hit my heart. What's wrong with all of them. W-wh-why they are behaving like this. Did I made a mistake or did I hurt them unknowingly. W-what is happening.

"I'm sorry. If I made a mistake pl-plea-please forgive me . Please don't behave like this d-da Mathews". I controlled my as much as I could.

" Caren I'm so done with all your foolishness. Listen carefully me, my wife and my son's are not your personal care takers. And we never thought you as our family. Your just a deal a business deal to me and my family. Now the deal is over so don't come back here stay wherever you want but please don't come back to my house because I'm not letting you in.

Is that clear Caren.. and also the merging of our companys was an act to remove you from my house and my family. And by the time you are in this call with me my sons might have reached the airport so please don't call or follow them. Just leave my sons in peace. Don't annoy them with your voice. I'm hereby breaking all the bonds between you and us. From now on YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A STRANGER TO ME AND FAMILY. I hope you behave like a stranger too. Good bye". With that he ended the call.

Deal am I a deal to them. All these years I wa-was  I was just a deal to them?. Everything was an act? Even Derick was a part of this act? Linda? Brian? D-Did they really left me? From now on am I - am I a stranger to them? Am I nothing to them? The love the care they shown me everything was a part of this deal?

My heart started banging in a rapid pace as if it's going to tear and pop out of my chest. I literally took a another bath in my sweat. The dizziness slowly consumed me. The last think I remember before falling into darkness was I'm falling off from the stairs because of my blurred vision

With a stabbing pain throughout my body everything went black.

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Your vote means a lot me babiesss.
Have a nice day darlings 😘

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