chapter 2

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Hey my dear readers let's move on with a another chapter of caren's POV . Before that I would like to mention the lead role names in detail and also Iam going to give a sneak peek images of them.. Buckle up cuties..

Jason granger - caren's boss (her secret love

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Jason granger - caren's boss (her secret love..  He is a Fine AF man in his late 20's ... I know u girls are drooling but that's caren's man ladies so please control your water falls...  wink).

Derick leuven Mathews (caren's childhood buddy) (The devil in his start of late 20's

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Derick leuven Mathews (caren's childhood buddy)
(The devil in his start of late 20's ..... Hot one thou). His eyes mmmmm... His long nose bridge  mmmmmm... His clear cut jaw line mmmmm....  Wait am I drooling shitt why I'm drooling over my own character (because I'm a lady in her early 20's I have all rites  to drool over a man he.. he.. he..) Moving on with our gorgeous female lead..... Drum roll...

Caren rodriguez my sassy, sexy, burning hot female lead in her mid 20's

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Caren rodriguez my sassy, sexy, burning hot female lead in her mid 20's.
She is also knows as Caren homme the reason behind this name you will  get to know in my future chapters.


Caren POV

Being in Norway it is hard for me to not to take hot showers especially during winter, actually its not about the climatic changes its just my body is adapted to steaming hot showers even during summers, yeah I am a weird person I know ..and I also know that there is a bunch of weird people like me in this world.

After my shower I rushed to my closet with a robe on me , yes I don't like to roam around naked.. I quickly grabbed a wine shaded shirt pairing it up with a black short skirt which shows off my sexy long legs ,  ladies if you have some attractive  part in your body there is nothing wrong to show off,  better not the private parts thou..

Wearing my classic three inch heels, I grabbed my handbag and rushed to the kitchen to get a toast and leave for work, a single toast is not enough for my big tummy  sigh... I know  but that freakin hydrating system in body does not produce the required amount of  saliva to digest my food especially in morning. Wait am I speaking so much in science language.  That's because I have done my major in science. I love science.  Life freakin science

Me, Mathews, derick and his younger brother brian  used to drop out from home at the same time. Mathews always used to drop me off at granger enterprises before going to his work place. Mathews and his adorable two  sons worked at the same place,  yes exactly what you people are thinking they worked in Mathews enterprises derick's father Mathews own company . As up to my memory he owned several different enterprises around the country also he took care of Rodriguez enterprises ... My ex parents company sighs .... He worked so hard to maintain both the companies in a good state .  Iam glad that Derick and Dylan took over their father's burden for the past couple of  years . Atleast Mathews can rest a bit now ..

Before leaving the house I always used to get a small smooch from linda on my cheek which means a lot to me. From my deep heart I  believed that smooch  brings the good luck charm throught out my day.  Yeah as u can see that I'm a sentimental person.

As a part of my routine Mathews dropped me off and went to do his work. I adjusted my hair and went into the building. The click -clack sound striked from heels attracted every men's attention in my workplace even some women with jealous eye. I feel so sorry for them for not having a perfect figure like me. I always felt confident about my physique. Every women in this world should be proud of her own physical appearance because no f*** man can go through the pain a women goes through her entire life.  If a man makes fun of  your appearance just hit him in the center of his legs with your elegant knees....  BOOM he is not a man anymore ha.. Ha.. Ha.. Oops RIP his D he... He..  I'm a wild wild lady,  atleast I had this much of survival abilities.  I have learned these skills from Linda, hmmmm I guess Mathews went through a lottt during his younger days. Poor him...

I went directly to meet my flaming hot love. I took some files along with the month end review targets to get approved by him. My heart was pumping literally out of my chest as if I'm going to meet him for the first time. U stupid heart stop pumping like that at this rate I might even get a heart attack.. U STUPID HEART CALM DOWN GIRL CALM DOWN. I placed the files on his table. He turned around and touched my hands with his elegant fingers,  "Good morning my love"..  I hope he said it like that but..... instead. He shouted at me from the top of his lungs "YOU ARE LATE MISS HOMME"..

I imagined my self crying in the corner of the room because I couldn't cry in front of him

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I imagined my self crying in the corner of the room because I couldn't cry in front of him.... I don't like to get scolded especially from him... He never likes to mix his personal life with professional life. I always had this feeling does he loves me as much as I love him Or am I a stupid to think like that .... I don't know ...... Without even a second look at me  he turned around and continued his work.

LINDA didn't give me a proper smooch thats why I got scolded by him ..I lied to myself and went to my desk . I know he is such a punctual man but he never had concerned that yesterday night I was in this building worked till 12 whereas he left at 9 . Does he even know I was here till 12 . He knows he definetly know but still he wants me to be on time . Sometime I had this gut feeling that not has a lover he not even treated me as a human ...gosh why I'm having these thoughts no no he might be stressed out because of the work loads he had , thats why girl thats why... I lied to myself once again ..

Already I was having such a bad day ..I hoped this day won't be getting any worserrr the moment I said that THAT BITCH came that bishhhhh  jason's         


jason's fiancee ...........

My love's fiancee .....


Don't forget to drop ur comments people. Feel free to point out my mistakes which helps me to become a better writer ... Bye my cuties have a great day

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