Chapter 10

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Mathews POV

"Just relax honey there is nothing to worry about. Derick and Brian will take care of her".

"Mathews how can you even tell me to relax. She is going to her home town.. do you even remember what happened there?" Or you acting like you don't" her brows furrowed in anger.

"Linda I do remember but .. but for this merge she has to be there it's just for a couple of months and after this merge we can handle everything from here. she don't have to go there anymore for her life time. Just this two months please try to understand".

"Whatever you say my heart is not ready to accept it. I'm afraid I might loose her completely this time". She turned her head away from me and looked at the window.

"I will blame you until my last breath if something happens to her. Are you okay with that?".

"Nothing will happen just trust me" I said firmly.

Brian hugged linda from behind and laid his head on her shoulder.

"Mom please calm down nothing will happen. Both of your strong , smart , handsome and dashing sons are going there with her. So there is nothing to worry about we will take care of everything".

"Let me come with you guys" she said in a soft tone.

"No mom you are already weak plus there won't be anyone to take care of you. Please stay with dad it's just for two months".

"Brian I'm not a kid and also I would like you to remember that I raised three kids with this weak body. So I can take care of MYSELF".

"Linda stop raising your voice Caren might hear you . Please don't put her under dilemma. She is not in a good state to handle it. So Please stop talking about this". I begged her.

She took a heavy breath " Fine but I want her back to me in a good state if something happens to her I.." Brian spoke in the middle "Mom I promise nothing will happen and we will bring her back in a good state". He said by placing his hand on her palm.

"Ok fine go and pack your bags . Your leaving at 9 right it's almost 7.. godd Brian! Go hurry up". There is a sudden change of reaction in her. From sad to nervous that they might miss their flight.

Seriously all women in this world are incredible in changing their mood. I blankly stared at her for few second .

"What are you looking at" she raised her left eyebrows.

"You - are - bipolar right?".

She gave me a ugliest look . I chuckled by her reaction. "If you don't have any work rather than standing here you better do the dishes". She pointed her index finger towards the sink.

"How dare you! telling me to wash the vessels".

"If you don't do then there is no dinner for you better eat outside". She smiled.

No I'm not good at digesting street food or even the food from big resturants . I have such a poor digestive system. The only food which my tummy can accept is the one she makes from me. She puts so much effort in preparing my break fast, lunch and dinner. Without her I'm nothing.

"I was just kidding honey let me do the dishes" I winked and started my work.

Derick, Brian and Caren packed their bags had the dinner and they were about to leave. Linda hugged Caren and gave a kiss on her cheeks. They were sharing their immense love whereas me, Brian and Derick were standing there like third wheels.

"Mom do you remember us? Your sons Derick and Brian. You were the one who gave birth to us. Are we that invisible to you". In a jealous tone Derick pouted.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Derick and brian's shoulder "Don't worry your dad will give you guys a hug". They wiped their invisible tears dramatically.

Linda and Caren smiled by watching our dramatic act.

"Aww Come to mama my babies" she opened her arms widely.

Derick and Brian hopped inside her arms and hugged her firmly.

I hugged Caren and patted her head softly "Don't forget to call us everyday. And I know it is hard to handle my crazy sons but your capable that's why I'm leaving them under your care. You can take care of them rite?"

"Don't worry Mathews I will lock them in a cage if needed" she smiled widely.

Derick and Brian stared at her with a annoyed expression raising both of their eyebrows at the same time. Though there is two years age gap between them they act like twins most of the time.

After all the hugs and kisses they three left the house gesturing bye and our driver drove the car to the airport.


We reached the airport at 8 though our boarding time is 11 it's better to be earlier especially in airport.

"Miss Rodriguez" from a distance I heard a familiar voice.

"Mister Dalton what are you doing" I asked with the confusion. Along with confusion my anger also increased when I saw wren with him.

"Miss Dalton I thought you might have died out of embarrassment at this point" I raised my voice slightly. She made her hands into a fist but weirdly she controlled her anger and flashed a fake smile at me. " Sorry for disturbing you". Wowwww weird to the core.. something is really wrong with her. I blinked with suprise by her reaction

"Miss Rodriguez we came here to give you the balance shares which we had in your company". Mister dalton said politely.

"It's ok mister dalton you could have gave it to my secretary. Why do you stress yourself by coming here". He is a good man even though I hate his daughter I like him especially he is well known for his loyalty unlike his daughter.

Derick and Brian arrived at the stop after buying some drinks and munchies.

Suddenly Derick and Brian glared intensely at something behind my back. I was confused by their look and turned around.

"What the hell are you doing here" I controlled my emotions and stared at him with a blank face.

"Come with me Caren" Jason tried to hold my wrist. I took a step back before he could.


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Have a nice day cuties💋

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