chapter 20

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Recap (Derick)

No no no no this can't be happening she broke up with him. He hurted her feeling . She suffered a lot because of that pain he gave her how could she... How could she give him a another chance in her life.

No let me not come to a conclusion. First I have to find the reason why she is helping that b*****. Plus my baby never forgives anyone that easily.

"Derick are you alright".

"Derick "


"Sorry I was immersed in my thoughts. Find the reason why she is helping that Jason f*** Granger".

"I'll look through it but before that Derick please don't come to a conclusion until we talk to her directly okay?".

I took a heavy breath and said "okay atleast for now".


Jason POV

"Refill" I ordered the bartender. My uncountable number of shots. Hopefully I'll leave after this one.

"Hey baby wanna go for a ride?"

"Wren please leave me fu*** alone"

"Jason enough with your idiotic behaviour. She is gone and she will never come back in your life. Because you made her to move on and you have hurted her in the first place. Don't forget that".

"Shut up! I would never hurt my Caren you.. you are the f*** b**** who made her to leave me." No that was not true I'm the only b*** who made her to feel the hell. But I won't accept that fact atleast to her.

"Oh really? If that helps you to sleep tonight.. fine. But please don't forget this . I've hurted Caren using money but you ripped her using love. Now YOU decide which would be paining more and which is easy to heal". With that note she left the bar.

No my love for her was deep down from my heart. I will never hurt her using my love because it will hurt me more than her. My ego and my negative thoughts made me do worse things which I should not have done.

I still remember the day she left me. I gave her more and more reasons to hate me, Instead of convincing her to stay and begging for her mercy. I went to airport to apologise but the moment I saw her with Derick I forgot the reason why I came. They were  laughing and playing with each other.

I couldn't control my anger. She was so happy around his presence. I never saw that kind of smile when she was with me. I guess I never made her happy like him.

My jealousy reached its limit. I completely lost control and made the biggest mistake in my life.

Not just I lost her, I lost myself in that process of loosing her . After Caren, my company is my everything. But now I don't have anything in my life. I lost her as well as my company.

Financial crisis, back stabbing board members, rivals and my weed addictions took everything from me. Even my parents left me. What kind of parents leave their only son in his miserable state. But I'm happy they left. Unlike me atleast they can enjoy their life in peace.

Eight months back I heard about their companies merge. That's why Caren and Derick left Norway. But I guess something went wrong that's why their companies merging process didn't happen.

Derick and Brian came back after a couple of weeks but there was no sign of Caren's return. Almost for six months there was no news about her.
I was really scared. Because there was no sign of her being fu*** alive. I almost thought that I murdered her with my words. But thankfully I didn't . I get to know that she was alive.

Couple of months back news about her were spreading like fire. All news were about her come back and taking down many companies from the top positions. She is a classy women and with that little brain of hers she can earn million dollars within a day. She is capable of getting everyone under her control. And that's what she is doing now.

My rivals are close with Rodriguez's group. They will definitely seek Caren's help to take my company down. And guess what, she will help them not only to take my company down but also to put me in my grave as a revenge for breaking her heart. As I said my baby is capable getting anything she wants. And also she will go to any extend to get it.

Definitely she is going to join with my rivals. She won't lose this chance to rip me. I hope she accepts that deal as early as possible. Atleast I can see her once, to hold her once, to kiss her once before leaving everything under her feet.

That creepy ringtone from my phone bought me out of my thoughts. Why is he calling in this time.

Zander - "Sir I have an important news for you"

Jason - "Tell me that important news which made you to call me in this midnite zander".

Z - "Sir miss Rodriguez's is coming back to Norway"

J - "Good. Is this the important news?"

Z - "Sir are you not suprised?".

J - "I expected this to happen. There is nothing for me to get surprised".

Z - "I think I have another news which will definitely surprise you sir".

J - "please don't tell me that Caren got married. Please.."

Z - "oh!. Does that news surprises you?" (He chuckled loudly) "No sir she is not married".

J -  " then what is the newssss?".

Z - "sir CareniswillingtohelpusagainstourrivalsSheevenrejectedtheirofferInspiteoftheirpoliticalpowersheiswillingtohelpus. (He said that whole statement without breaking and breathing)

J - "zander English please!?"

Z - "Caren is willing to help us against our rivals .She even rejected their offer. Inspite of their political power she is willing to help us.

J - "I'll call you back later".

I thrown my phone on the ground. What w-what.... Why she is willing to help me!! What's wrong with her . I-I don't deserve her help. I don't deserve anything from her . Why is she willing to help... God wh-whats happening.


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