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"Derick please leave" zander said in polite tone


"DERICK" o oh another voice which broke my heart entered the chat..

"LEAVE". Jason ripped me from Derick's hold to his side.

'wait until I open my mouth boys but I can't ... I feel like this mute act is slightly backfiring me'.

"I won't leave until she speaks with me. Let her tell me to leave".

' I can't dude I can't'.

"She can't" Gwen replied.

"Why- why she can't". Jason said in a horrified tone Derick was also shocked by her reply as well.

"Because her vocal chord was damaged by an accident. She can't speak....... forever".



"You should've seen their expressions, their eye balls would have fallen out from their sockets " she was laughing and clapping like a seal for more than a hour.

"For your kind information I was there Gwen".

"Yeah yeah you were there but still you should've seen their.." " GWEN stop please".

"Ok ok relax boss... Are you okay?. I know you are not but still are you slightly okay?"

"I don't know . It hurts like a b**** but I'm still happy to see them after so many months. Though I broke my bonds with both of them it's good to see them in a good state".

"Yeah boss good to see them but not in a good state. On one hand Jason's company is going for a ride in reverse and on another hand Derick's parents are not in a good state especially his mother going to hospital in weekly basis to controll her blood pressure level".

"I know that's why the guilt is killing me Gwen for not taking care of them. Though they never loved me I still love his parents they were my world and still they are".

"Don't loose your pride boss. They dumped you like a garbage now let them face the consequences".

I didnt reply back to her harsh statment because a part of it was true they dumped me.


"Brian.. Brian..... Where are you". I ran Into our house.

"What happen dude relax and I'm in the kitchen". The minute I heard his voice I rushed to the kitchen. I hugged him tightly. He hugged me back without asking anything because he know exactly when I'm in pain.

"Did you saw her today? Did she cursed you or slapped or thrown her shoes? Tell me exactly what happened" he held my shoulders and saw the fluid leaking out from my eyes.

"Derick why are you crying .. you're freaking me out man. What happen?".

"She ca-can't" I whimpered like  a puppy.

"She can't what oh god please don't freak me out Derick. First please relax then tell me".

"She can't speak" tears ran down from eyes even more and more as I speak about her.

"She can't speak? She don't want to speak or she can't speak and why she can't speak?."

I used all my strength to control my emotions. "Her vocal cord got damaged in an accident which exactly took place the moment where we left her six months back".

Just by his expression I can feel his pain and guilt. " I have to see her". He took off his apron and rushed to the main door but I stopped him.

"Derick leave don't you dare stop me. I have to see her and I'll beg for her mercy until she forgives me. Even today I decided to come with you but, you said let's not put pressure on her by meeting us all together in one day . That's why I didn't come. But YOU even now you are stopping me. How selfish you are!." He pushed me back with so much anger.

"I know I'm selfish. But Please listen to me. we'll meet her next week but not today. Because of the mess me and Jason created she tighten the security around her mansion. I've tried entering but in vain. But somehow I managed to know her schedule for next week so once she is out from the mansion we can meet her I'll promise you. We will meet and beg for her mercy".

With blank expression he went to his room. Now how I'm going to tell this disasterous news to mom and dad. The disaster we made..


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