Chapter 7

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Hiii!!  I know you people are sad that I  broked the so called  love between my leads so earlier. And also I can hear you guys cursing me 😕. Pleaseeee...  Forgive me... For the one first time . Wait one first time?? because I'll be doing it often he.. he.. he.  Chill cuties I'm just kidding.

In my following chapters I'm gonna talk about the major hidden secrets of my leads. The secrets you guys never expected i guess.  Ok darlings let's goooo ..


Derick POV (couple of hours before the meeting)

I heard the entire conversation between brian and Caren . I definitely know something bad, is gonna happen. I can't just leave her alone to handle this mess especially after what happened between her and Jason yesterday.

So I decided to go with her. Though she don't like others to get involved in her business. I'm not gonna leave her alone and that's for suree..

I blocked her way out by parking my lambo in front of the gate. Because she won't listen to me if I said in a gentle manner. She is a angry bird and to handle her it requires few special treatment, that's what I'm doing now. Finally after a small quarrel she accepted to come with me.

I took the most shortest route to her company because being late might cause even more trouble to Caren.

Before leaving my car she panicked about the lucky kiss from my mom. Which she couldn't get from her this morning. Caren considered it as her good luck charm. She created a huge scene just for a single kiss.

"Caren if that kiss means a lot to you let me give you one. As you know I share the same blood as my mom". I chuckled. Before she's about to reply I grabbed her wrist and pulled her by my side. Placed a kiss on her tender cheeks .

Though she was shocked by the kiss I can see a smile in the corner of her lips. She gestured me bye and left my car .

The moment Caren entered the building I called my dad and Brian. And said everything about yesterday night. And Brian also said about Jason's fiancee drama. Finally my dad come to a conclusion, that we people need to step in, inside this mess to protect Caren.

Within half an hour dad and Brian arrived at the spot.

Even though my dad made a decision still he took a step back before entering the building .

"Dad what happened . Are you alright"

"I'm fine but.. is this okay for us to get involve in Caren's business. Because she don't like others to handle her stuff. Plus what if we make this small mess into a huge mess.. is this rite?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Dad first of all this is not a small mess to make it huge. It is alright HUGE. If we don't help her this time, we might lose her beautiful smile forever and if jason really loved Caren, She may not be facing this situation now. He just used her skills to establish his company that's it. Please let's stop Caren fooling herself dad".

"Yes you are rite Derick . We struggled so much to bring that smile on her face ... I won't let that fall for this stupid company and stupid Love". He took a heavy breath and said "Let's do this"..

Me, brain and dad entered the building as all eyes laid on us in an utter shock and we heard few murmurs from a group of ladies
"what Mathews is doing here"
"Is that his sons"
"Aww Derick is so handsome"
"Wow all those three look stunning"
"Damn Mathews age like a fine wine"

Gosh these ladies are even drooling over my daddd like seriously! Great..

A stream thoughts were running in my mind as we moved inside the lift.

I still remember the first time I met Caren in my high school . She was so cute and adorable at that time . I never believed in love at first sight but the moment I saw Caren "I fell In love with her"

Infact she also liked me but I never know if she liked me as her friend or as her lover. Just liking me is more enough and I was so happy about it.

After schooling we both went to the same college but with different major. She majored in science and I majored in business administration. When she Turned 20 I decided to confess my love on her birthday and take her to a island which my dad gifted me on my birthday .

I planned everything perfectly. I even imagined myself living their with her like spending our romantic quality time together.

I literally spent my entire life with her in my dreamland . Getting married, having two daughters and two sons.  Everything went perfectly according to my plan on her birthday except one thing . She didn't come to the place I said her to come.

Rather she went to meet jason who also decided to propose her on the same day. As I feared she accepted him. Though my heart felt so heavy, still I'm happy for her atleast jason can bring the smile on her face it's enough for me.

Caren even forgot the place I said her to come . When she returned home, she hugged me tightly and shedded happy tears . "Derick he proposed me finally" she jumped in happiness. And that's the moment I decided that I  could never bring this happiness in her life. So I friend zoned myself from her.

Though we all studied in same college jason never know that we both were friends and Caren is a Rodriguez . In public we always acted like a strangers and also we created this fake identity Caren homme from the college days.

Four years back I left Caren only for her happiness , only for the peace in her heart , only for her beautiful smile. But you took everything from her Jason this time I'm not going to stay still. "Yes" I have decided now, "I'm gonna step in and take my Caren back"

Hey cuties don't forget to play that song cuz it's Derick's imagination of him living with Caren in his dreamland .
And also don't forget to point out my mistakes , feel free to drop your comments .
And also...... Don't forget to vote (touch the star icon in the bottom of your screen) wink .. wink byeeee. Have a nice dayyy

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