Chapter 8

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Jason POV (after the meeting)

"Jason!  How dare she cheat on you by hiding her identity and all this time she used you perfectly. Gosh that bit**" she yelled.

"Miss Dalton shut your fucking mouth and leave my company this second or do you want me to call the guards to throw you out". I shouted

"How dare you telling me to leave uh! For your kind information I'm still your fiancee plus I own a major share of this company. I hope you remember mister granger" she smiled sarcastically.

My veins popped out as I made my hands into a fist. I tightened my fist and I was ready to break that beautiful jaw of her's. Before I'm about to throw a punch my manager (zander) came in "sir we have a good news and a bad news" he said and breathed heavily as if he was out of oxygen.

I loosen my fist and rested my hands on the near by table. I took a deep breath and calmed my self before answering him.

"Tell me the good news first".

"Sir a couple of minutes back miss Rodriguez's secretary came and gave few files. And left just by saying "give this to Granger". I read those documents before bringing it to you . I'm sorry sir it was out of curiosity.. I read it"

"ZANDER! I shouted. Please just tell me the news and stop with this bullshit details."

"Um ye..yes okay sir! The documents stated that miss Rodriguez bought all the shares from mister Dalton this morning. Especially the shares they own in our company. And miss Rodriguez changed all those share holding power to your name sir".

Words stuck in my throat when he said that . Even after everything I did she.. she... My Caren. I stared blankly without a single word even I forgot to blink. I just heard that bitch was screaming something .

"What the fuck this is impossible!! I own this company you people can't take my shares without my permission" she screamed.

"No miss Dalton your father was the one who gave all of his shares including yours to miss Rodriguez. If you want you can ask your father" zander said in a polite manner.

"no No nO NO I.. I will deal with you later" she said and ran literally ran out my company with full embarassment.

"Sir are you alright? " Zander turned towards me asked with a concern in his face.

I was a strong person . And I was very good at controlling my emotions. I don't like people seeing my vulnerable side especially my employers. But this time I  failed to control my emotion.

My whole body gave out as I sat on the floor with a huge thump. I started weeping like a child in front of all my workers . I can feel their shocking reactions by seeing me in this state. But I don't care about my pride and prestige anymore.

"Sir... Sir what happened ? If you want to speak . I'm here for you sir . Zander gestured others staffs to move out of the cabin . As they all went out zander came and sat near me .

"Zander you people all think that Caren was the one who cheated me. Rite!?"

"Sir.. I dont know if Caren did this purposely. Like others I don't like to put blame on a person by listening to one side of the story plus Caren is such a kind hearted women she would never do things which hurt others".

" Yes your rite. She would never do things which hurt others". I smiled

"I was the one who cheated Caren" .


"Yes I was ... During our college day I never know she was a Rodriguez .I was so happy when she joined my company . Though she was majored in science she naturally had that administration skills. She helped a lot with my business".

"When my dad gave this company to me I was scared and I thought I was still a kid . How can I manage this whole company ? I questioned myself but Caren always encouraged me by telling this company is nothing in front of your talent. She always stood beside me and shared all my burdens."

"Couple of years back on my birthday party my parents saw Caren asked me what is she doing here. I was confused by their question and asked them do you guys know her already ?".

"Yes offcourse I know her . My dad smiled as well as my mom.

"Dad how come you know I mean where you met her before"

"Jason I worked for her before. She is the only heir of Rodriguez enterprises ."

"And that was the day I know that she was a Rodriguez. I was angry that she never said the truth . She put me under a dilemma. I come to the know that she is really close with Mathews family especially with Derick . Under the pressure I made a stupid decision that she never loved me . I thought she just used me to learn more about business and also I was the only threat to her company at that time".

"I thought she stayed with me only to protect her company. Even though I know this is a shittiest thought but still I  believed it whole heartedly. Almost for two years I  slowly distanced myself from her . Used harsh words to hurt her. Acted like I didnt love her but I loved her sooo much".

Infact I fall hard for her every single day . I couldn't control my love for her  it was overflowing from my heart and also it became so hard for me to hide it anymore from her. So decided to seperate myself completely from her".

"Especially I made this decision yesterday night after I saw her hugging Derick . Anger consumed me completely".

"So I planned this whole situation. I gave the project details to Caren in front of wren and also I know that ex fiancee of mine would do something about it. As I thought wren stole the plan details and put the blame on Caren. Likewise I used this opportunity to get rid of Caren From my life".

"I know this will definitely hurt her a lot but this was the only way I had . I was so confident with my decision. But the moment when I saw her tears my heart ached more than I thought . She never cried in front of me . She was such a strong women . I thought this incident might not affect her because she never loved me . But when I saw her cry ..........."

"I broke complete especially when Derick said that she loved me... I ... I" sighs heavily

"All these  years she hid her identity , sacrificed her luxurious and bossy life, worked day and night just to help me and my company"

"I never know .... I never know this was the reason. I hate myself zander". I held his hand and cried . Cried like this was the last day of my life. He patted my back to comfort me.

"Sir earlier I said there is a bad news as well?"

"Yes . Bad news? After everything happened today I guess the news you are going to say won't be as bad as today". I smiled with teary eyes.

"Sir... I don't know how you will take this news .

"Zander stop dragging and come to point". Wiping my tears I stared at him .

"Sir Caren is leaving Norway and I think she won't return back this time ...

"What" I shouted.

"Wh... When is she leav..leaving" my words stammered

"Sir tonight. Tonight at 9".

I panicked that I won't be able to see her anymore. No I can't live without her. Atleast I want to show my love for her which I hid it all these years . I won't loose you Caren. Hate me , you can hate me as much as you want but please don't leave me . I won't loose you Caren

I want you back in my life. I WILL bring you back.


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Have a nice day cuties... Winku

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