Chapter 5

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Hey my dear readers before starting I would like to clarify some details.
Caren never disclosed the secret that she is more wealthier than Jason and she always acted like a average girl who works just to full fill her regular needs. which I have mentioned in chapter 1.
You people might raise a question that how Jason and caren had a fight because of money issue in my last chapter.
Because Jason doesn't know that she is rich.
Okay cuties now lets move on with the chapter



I was crying and sniffling loudly like a two year old child who lost her parents in the huge crowd.

I walked like a crazy beast in the dark road with the couple of street lights on. Nobody was around me in the side walk, even the road was empty because it is almost 1 in the mid night. Literally I was walking in this long straight empty road for the past one hour.

"I'm scared". I trembled and whispered to myself .

I'm scared not because of the fight we had .

I'm scared because of this dark , because of my haunting past , because of my brother... The moment I said brother something went behind me .
I literally felt a shadow of person passed behind me..

I broke out in a cold sweat . My whole body shivered . My legs gave out as I sat near the lamp post . I didn't have the guts to turn around and see whether it is person or ......

I took my phone to book a cab or call somebody . "Great" my phone's battery is dead just like body's battery ..

I buried my face in between my knees and chest . I lifted my head and stared at the dark empty road with a blank expression . " I hope somebody would come to my rescue . Like a super hero iron man , captain America" I giggled like a creep ..

My eye lids started to give up little by little. I couldn't control my eye lids shutting down as my energy completely drained out. At one point my whole body gave out and everything went dark...

Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my face. The heat started to spread through out my body as if I was kept in an oven . Somehow I forced my self to wake up and that's when I found out .

I was in my room and lying in my bed . The heat which helped me to wake up is the sun light from my window. Though my body ached like hell , I managed myself to get up and walk out from my room .

I felt so weak . Literally I got tumbled over the couch in the living room but before that fall a strong pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and held me back .

"Watch your step darkness " he gave a warm smile

"Derick" I happily screamed and hugged him tightly . His manly scent comforted me so much.

I don't know why I was this happy to see him. The amount of energy I lost yesterday instantly revived the moment I saw him. I have missed him so much , my energizer .

In return derick also hugged me back. With his one hand wrapping my whole body another hand softly combing my hair using his long fingers.

"Why are you this clingy in morning darky"? with a giggle he said.

"I missed you" I whined . The words missed you might not be appropriate because barely I didn't see him for past 12- 14 hours but the amount of pain and fear I went through is huge . I definitely missed him yesterday night , I missed him rite from the moment he left me with Jason .

"I know , I know . But darkness how can I make u a cup of coffee if you are this clingy to me". As I lifted my head up .He raised both his eyebrows a smiled sarcastically.

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