chapter 4

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Hey cuties lets move on with an another chapter but before that don't forget to vote me by touching that star in the bottom of your screen and also feel free to point out my mistakes it helps me to become a better writer..



"I went to my brother's memorial". I said in a husky voice.

"Yesterday was my brother's twenty fifth birthday. If he was alive we would have thrown a lavish party. I would have spent my entire day with him but.... I couldn't". I smiled with tear filled eyes.

"Because of the important meeting we had in the morning that day I didn't go with my parents. That's the reason why I left earlier at least to see his memorial before his birthday ends. I'm sorry I couldn't inform you in that rush".

I planted a soft kiss on her palms and buried my face in it. "Will you forgive me for this one last time". "My love". "Pretty please" I begged like a little child pleasing his mother to forgive him for the stolen chocolates.

She didn't say anything but she let her actions speak more. she grabbed my tie and pulled me towards her . Holding my face with her soft palms and she gave a warm comforting kiss on lips.

I was yearning for this kiss throughout my entire life . A kiss which doesn't involve passion, wildness or romance . Its just a warm soothing kiss which helped me to relieve my stress and take out my burdens.

After that kiss she caged me inside her arms. "I'm really sorry" she whispered in my ears. She interlocked her fingers with my hair and pulled me even more closer to her body. "Please don't say sorry and put me under more guilt. I'm already feeling like burning in hell. Please don't. she said that in a weeping tone.

"No there is nothing to feel guilty. I know how much pain you went through because of me. Especially in that three years fiancee deal ... No women in this world would stay with a selfish man like me . Making his own girlfriend's life a living hell to protect his company. Even after all this you still decided to be with me. I don't know what good deeds I have done in my previous life to get such a pure golden heart women in this life as my love".

"I'm the one who should be sorry and must stay guilty until I breath". I said with sincerity

Without a single word she looked at my eyes for few minutes. I was eagerly looking at her for some words from her mouth. After few minutes, she looked at her tummy then me and once again she looked at me then her tummy. What is she trying to say?

"Donkey, because of YOU i couldn't have my lunch properly. I'm soooo hungry. Are you still going to continue with your explanation stuff or you gonna grab me something to eat? . Look mister I'm so hungry that I can even eat you up in a couple of minutes . DO YOU UN-DER-STAND?".. wow even in this situation food is the most important thing to her ... Impossible ... maybe that's why I love her. I chuckled .

"Baby you can eat me if you want I'm always available for you". I grinned sheepishly. "You shut the f*ck up and take my bag . We are going out to fill my poor little tummy". She ordered and walked to the front door. "Yes boss ".

As she ordered I took her hand bag and walked behind her like a puppy behind its owner.

She drove the car as I took the seat near her. I'm really mesmerized by how she can change one situation into completely different situation. Twenty minutes back we both were crying, hugging and apologizing each other. Then after few minutes she scolded me donkey , said she's gonna eat me up and now hungrily searching for food. Is that all women are this capable of handling situations? ... Well that's a bitter truth to accept still rite?.

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